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Actinovate or Green Cure


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Good morning fellow guerillas and gardeners!

I have a question regarding bud rot this morning. I was out at my plots lastnight doing some foilar feeding and watering and have noticed how much the buds have swollen lately. Then noticed how thick the fog was and all the dew out as well.

I had purchased some myclobutanil, not eagle 20 but Immunox, same ingredients, weaker concentration. I also have some daconil for emergencies. So far I have not used either of these and now that I think about it, I really don't want to have to use any chemicals.

This brings me to the question, which should I order and use for a budrot (botrytis) preventative? Green Cure or Actinovate? I really would rather steer clear of seranade because of the odor and all.

Which of the GC or Actinovate would need to be used less, like which one would I not have to apply as often. I can visit at least twice a week.

Thanks in advance!



bro i feel like you make soooo many new threads, like almost one a day lol...

the search function is your friend....

with my hate for needless posts, i will say that i use both greencure and serenade for PM, havent tried actinovate, heard its good for fusarium, but dont have any experience...


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
i got both of them but u cannot use them at the same time bc the greencure will kill the actinovate microbes. if u havent already started putting aspirin in ur water then u should bc it will also help fight disease. i can tell a huge difference in my stems and stalks this year due to a number of things like silica which i had never used before this year and keeping SAR activated. greencure already has a surfacant built in it so as long as it dont rain it will stay on there a good 10-14 days. im not sure how long actinovate will stay on the surface but i will find out come week 4 of flower bc that is when im gonna switch from the SNS 244c and use actinovate. i also have Daconil which i have already used when my plants was just showing preflowers. my goal is to keep the spore from ever taking a foot hold bc once u get it then its just a matter of time before it takes the whole plant over,so u gottta either cut it early and have weak smoke or just visit the plant everday and keep cutting beautiful buds away to try and salvage as much as u can..prevention and genetics is the best way to go so when we gotta grow like we do