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access of hash in spain.

Im end my frend are travel down to spain in summer end we are wonder how it is with access of hash in spain?
We have not decide us exact which citys we should visit but its should be a "hash trip" so its would be najs to get sam proposition of citys were its good access to good hach.
End offcors are we wonder how the price is of weed end hash in spain?
We are wery grateful for the information :)


Active member
spain is very close to marokko and the major transitrout fore hashish, there are plenty not to worry, have had many good times in spain and smoking planty of hashish, but see if you can get some local weed they make some very sweet stuff had some from andalusia and it was amasing good taste and high

happy trails
You'll never struggle to find a nice piece of hash in Spain, though i m ust admit when i visited this summer i was dissapointed at the amount of soapbar around, though after a bit of searching and sweating i found a nice quarter of morrocan hash for 50 euro's .

I always found getting hold of bud was a problem when i lived there (10 years ago) except in the autumn/winter months, a result of few indoor growers was my conclusion to that one - same when i go on holiday there most summers, i dont even bother to ask about for a bit of Spanish bud anymore.


i got ripped off buying some soapbar on one occassion by some little dweeb handing out flyers but i also got some very nice strong weed and hash from someone else in a cafe. you're best to either ask the locals or moroccans. don't get it from look-looky men unless they show it first and don't get it off those idiots handing out flyers for bars, unless they direct you to the actual dealer.
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