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Acapulco Gold Q


Old School Cottonmouth
Well I think once the resin glands mature, the grass can be pretty good and look pretty terrible. If you've ever seen some of the hash making documentaries its amazing how TERRIBLE some of the product looks that makes fantastic grades of hashish.

Some of the Moroccan plants would make Mexican plants look like medical grade marijuana.

Also for an example of exactly how bad some of that immature Mexican was I have an old 70s era High Times magazine where there is a reader who wrote into the magazine explaining that he and his buddies had been making hash oil from door mats bought from a local hardware store, after seeing that they were made out of hemp from India. They even sent in a sample to a lab to make sure it was THC getting them high. They said that the oil from the door mats had a higher THC content than the oil that they made from commercial Mexican weed!

That gives you some idea of how bad that commercial grass must have been, for any hemp, regardless of genetics, to have been more potent than the commercial grass being sold for smoking.
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And I promise you that the light exposure turns it golden as well as if there were nute deficiencies. I can take a pic of exactly as I stated above and I promise the buds were dank green when jarred.


Old School Cottonmouth
And I promise you that the light exposure turns it golden as well as if there were nute deficiencies. I can take a pic of exactly as I stated above and I promise the buds were dank green when jarred.

I'd be curious to see that. Not that I don't believe you, simply that I've done it probably close to a dozen times, and never had it do that before. I'm just curious what you are doing that I am not.

I have always done it by laying fresh cut grass down on cardboard, or black construction paper, and leaving it in the sun until its dry. Usually takes about 2-3 days. But I've left it in the sun for up to 5.

I've done it that way because that is the method I read in an article by a smuggler about Colombian grass being cured back in the 70s.

How long are you leaving your grass in the sunlight for that it is bleaching the color out of it?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
green weed will turn brown with light and or o2 exposure over time..I have a lb or so of some like that (6m cure) but its not gold in color its more dark brown.


Old School Cottonmouth
green weed will turn brown with light and or o2 exposure over time..I have a lb or so of some like that (6m cure) but its not gold in color its more dark brown.

That has been my experience too. I can turn as dank of weed as you got brown, but I can't turn it gold. Not through any curing process I've tried yet anyway.

I'm not old enough to have seen the real gold weed, but I've seen pics of it and they are quite distinctly gold. Different looking that what bud today pretty much ever looks.
Im not trying to be argumentative either.

Do you think these native farmers are moving product in 3 days??? That stuff sat in massive hay bales. Their production is all about quantity not quality.

I'll post that pic for you. And they weren't even outside. It is just a jar that never got put into a cupboard. I'm guessing it was a few weeks before it yellowed. And I still have it sitting out. It is a frosty hashplant so I'm saving it for when I get bubblebags.


Active member
Genetics takes the day.

Had several pounds of Columbian Gold pass through my hands back in 77. All the buds and even the stems were a pretty gold.

Grew Greenthumb's Acapulco Gold a few years back. It turned gold at maturity during flower. It really turned gold during flowering. The buds looked like the columbian gold. Down to the stems being golden.

I know history has rumors about girdling stems. No one grew pot in America in those days. They just didn't know, so they made stories to make up for their lack of knowledge. I think it is hogwash to think that anyone in the tropic heat ever girdled stems. It would have to have been done to tens of thousands of plants. In the tropic heat no less. Romantic "BS" is what it is. . .

I've personally seen that genetics alone is enough to turn buds and small stems gold at maturity.
Umgawa. . .


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
when i grew Destroyer in 08 that stuff had a yellow tint to the buds.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Ya thats not what im taling about. This strain was a 100% sativa and cured a golden yellow color it was fantastic. I want it again

I got some real Columbian Gold back in the day from a Mexican guy I used to work with when I was was bussing tables. It was a rich goldish color and pretty darn good for 40 bucks for an ounce. I know those countries are on separate continents btw.


Old School Cottonmouth
Im not trying to be argumentative either.

Do you think these native farmers are moving product in 3 days??? That stuff sat in massive hay bales. Their production is all about quantity not quality.

I'll post that pic for you. And they weren't even outside. It is just a jar that never got put into a cupboard. I'm guessing it was a few weeks before it yellowed. And I still have it sitting out. It is a frosty hashplant so I'm saving it for when I get bubblebags.

Moved in three days? No. Dried in three days? Yes. I can assure you it didn't sit in the open, piled up for weeks in the sun, because it would have molded.

The bud you are talking about isn't even sun dried? Just not put in a cupboard? I don't know how this couldn't be taken without offense but I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Grass does not turn the Acapulco Gold color by regular jar curing under halogen lights. That is just a regular cure job. Almost everyone who has grown their own pot has done that before. I almost never bother to put them in a cupboard.

Frankly I would be quite amazed if the picture you post is of bright gold weed and not regular brown weed. I've sun dried bud a dozen times maybe but I've jar cured in a light bulb lit room probably more close to a hundred times and never once got gold weed.

As they say a picture is worth a thousand words but I'll eat my hat if the pic you post if is of gold weed.
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Old School Cottonmouth
Not the best pic, but the best gold bud I've seen was "Banana". Used to smoke a lot of this stuff. Haven't seen it in several years now though. Stone is nothing special, but the smell was really unique. Used to mix this stuff in a grinder with Romulan and the smell was unreal. Literally mouth watering.

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It is in a sunny room. I promise. I just remembered that this is a Lebanese "Gold" HP too. So maybe these "gold" strains have a propensity to turn golden. I'll post the pic for sure. You don't need to be rude.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
1983 Colum Gold. Not very gold


You are here: Home » All Seeds » Columbian Gold 1983
Columbian Gold 1983

image: columbian gold bud

Kindly donated by Rockster (Kaliman seeds) to our breeding program here at cannetics. Only available to breeders who are willing to continue the line and create seeds to donate back to our cause.

Good Columbian Gold seeds are not that easy to find. According to a linguistics book, “The gold in the name of the cannabis originally described the golden hue of the leaves on the plant, but later came to refer both to the high quality of the marijuana and to the especially high price it commanded.” In the sixties, Columbian Gold marijuana fuelled the North America, $40.00 an ounce, not easy to get your hands on. The effect of Columbian Gold marijuana is strong psychedelic and last for about 3 hours. Flowering time is 9-10 weeks. Usually, THC is 19.3%. Many techniques such as this are used by traditional growers to shock or stress the plant during flowering by cutting through the xylem and phloem layers of the stalk. This supposedly would cut off the flow of nutrients to the plant, leaving the stalks and buds a blanched golden colour at harvest time. In the belief that the plants will respond to stress by producing more of the active (THC-containing) resins responsible for the plants’ medicinal potency

Paama red

image: panama red

Kindly donated by Rockster (Kaliman seeds) to our breeding program here at cannetics. Only available to breeders who are able to continue the line and create seeds to give away to other members.

Popular amongst aficionados of the 1960′s and 70′s and renowned for its potency. The typical high THC levels associated with the variety are thought to be dependant on the particular cultivar, rather than Panamanian climate. Its name comes from its claylike red color. Production was common around the Pearl Islands, it is known for its strong, racy and intense psychedelic high.

Panama Red is genetically related to Columbian Red
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I believe it has allot to do with muture harvested plants. some of these veriaties can take 20 weeks to finish..


Old School Cottonmouth
You know funny enough I have been buying pot from a guy growing mexican brickweed bagseeds, and he sold me some sativa hybrid (not pure by any means) that was more gold than any bud I've ever seen. It was definitely due to some grower error, but some of the buds were bright yellow. I never bothered to take a pic though, considering the buds weren't anything stellar.

It is in a sunny room. I promise. I just remembered that this is a Lebanese "Gold" HP too. So maybe these "gold" strains have a propensity to turn golden. I'll post the pic for sure. You don't need to be rude.

No offense meant. I just didn't know how to express what I was thinking in a way that wouldn't be taken offensively. I am curious to see the pics though.

These are of two "gold" types of grass, but I have two other photos saved somewhere in mind, though I can't locate them, that are much better representatives of "gold weed".

Courtesy of Vintage High Times magazines.

Ok man. We are cool then.
The only points I was trying to make are; I've looked at a lot of Acapulco Gold hybrids and none have been golden, maybe a lighter green but not gold. And second is that light exposure changes the color of buds.

I'm not on a computer right now and I cannot upload pics from this device. I'll break out the laptop. I just checked out the buds and they are as gold as gold can be.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I remember those pics :) Light will do that but it takes allot of time. Green buds wont turn brown in under 2 months left out in the light and air when curing in jars. I have never tried to do this with whole plants left outside to ripen and die on the stem but I bet there not very green.


Old School Cottonmouth
I'll wait for your photos before passing judgement. I agree I have seen many acapulco gold plants, as well as Colombian gold plants, grown from gold weed, and when grown and cured properly they did not produce gold buds. But I have seen vintage pics of VERY distinctly gold South American varieties before. Though I can't currently locate where I have the pics saved to prove it.

I've also seen vintage photos of Gold weed grown properly that was also not gold in color, so that would deter any idea of the genetics changing in those thirty or so years since then.

This is "Santa Marta Gold". Which by all accounts is the original Colombian Gold. Its grown in the states, by a more proficient grower, but still in the very early 80s. You can see the buds are a more green color when fed properly for the entirety of its life.


While I don't personally know. I'm 99% positive that second pic of "Panama Red" is actually an Aghani plant, grown by the now banned member "British Hempire" also known under other handles. It was given to him by a war vet of the ongoing conflict in the last decade. While I don't know any more than that it does call into question the integrity of the information associated with that pic. I know British Hempire had a problem with several untrustworthy seed vendors mislabeling his pics as their own products.

I don't say that any way as a personal slight, but rather that these unscrupulous seed vendors that think they can get away with bullshitting consumers will ultimately be exposed by our community.

I don't know what else they are pushing, but they are bullshitting people by saying that pic is of Panama Red. It was posted years ago on a grow log by a member of our very own ICmag. Now they tout it as their own mislabeled photo to sell seeds. That is not right. Shame on them.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
I know history has rumors about girdling stems. No one grew pot in America in those days. They just didn't know, so they made stories to make up for their lack of knowledge. I think it is hogwash to think that anyone in the tropic heat ever girdled stems. It would have to have been done to tens of thousands of plants. In the tropic heat no less. Romantic "BS" is what it is. . .

I've personally seen that genetics alone is enough to turn buds and small stems gold at maturity.
Umgawa. . .

The Gold in my Signature was girdled by the Santa Marta Indians. They live down there and took care of their cannabis. They ar'nt/were'nt lazy ass Americans. I'm sure there were many of them, that's how they survived. The Gold fetched more money. The American smuggler and his co-hert lived with them to watch over the whole operation. He told me personally that was how it was turned gold. He said they had to pay everyone along the way to the shrimp boat to make it happen. The smuggler watched every phase of the operation. He rode with me in the pick-up truck to deliver 1000lb to a Mall where the Michigan boys were waiting for their trucks back. College boys drove the pick-ups for them back to home. He told me not to drive over 55mph. I was going slow as hell, while everyone passed us...LOL
Lebanese Gold/Blond HP~
The first pic is the bud after sitting in a sunny room for a couple of months. The second pic is the same bud harvested at the same time but jar cured in a dark cupboard.


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