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AC reflector with duct flanges PERPENDICULAR to bulb?


They all seem to put the duct flanges parallel to the bulb these days but I need one with the flanges perpendicular. This is the only way I know of to keep the lights from skewing without making a rigid frame for the hoods. Which is something I plan to do eventually but not for a while.

I could turn the lights the other way over my tubs but then the light spreads the opposite of the way I want it to. my area is 5' x 12' and I want the bulbs aligned parallel to the long axis so they throw more light out from this axis.

I also need something in the budget range, 100-120 or less shipped.


I don't know if they still make them, so you may have to look for a used one, but the original Super Sun has vent holes on the sides of the reflector with small reflective panels mounted on standoffs for air flow. About $100 or so.


I don't think they make them any more. I have 2 of them so I know exactly what you're talking about, lol. Maybe I can find one used.


Well-known member
hey bro- they still make the super sun, i have 3 and i can't stand them- go figure! haha. BG has them for $108- i don't think they come with vents bigger than 4" though.


Yeah mine are 4" vents, they suck. But I adjusted, attached 4 to 6" reducers and put each reflector on its own blower, lol. But the flanges are detachable, so you'd think Sun would sell bigger ones. Thanks for the tip Phog, I didn't even look because I figured they stopped making them if PLH didn't carry them.