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AC blowing humid air


New member
Hey Everyone,

Could some folks do some tests and report back their findings?

My window AC unit is blowing out air that's about 80% humidity. My room in general fluctuates between 45-55%.

If you could hold a hygrometer in front of your AC long enough to get a clear reading of the air humidity blowing out, and report back, that would be amazing.


Your AC unit is basically a dehumidifier as your warm moist air moves across the cold coils the temperature of the air drops close to the temperature of the coils. As the temperature of the air drops the humidity goes up until the humidity reaches 100% then at this point any moisture in the air above 100% condenses on the coils in the form of water and collects in a tray and then runs out of the bottom the AC unit and collects on the ground.
The air leaving the coils like I said is at 100% humidity, But the temperature of the air is like 45 degrees then as that cooler air mixes with the warmer air in the room it warms up and this action reduces the humidity in that cooler air.
yes the A/c unit is a dehumidafier should be no humidity or low is it blowing cool air?
if the air isnt cold and it is blowing you might have leaked out freon most window units dont have service ports to check and fill charge they look like a valve stem on a tire where you fill with air except no air its freon sounds like might be time for a new unit. I am a HVAC cert. licensed feel free to ask any other problems
All A/C Units cool its part of the cooling cycle removing humidity is a big part of cooling. Tell Me a Little about your system? Does the fan run all the time? Can you control the fan speed? does it do it on all settings? From what your telling me so far it cools but does not remove moisture try to clean the filter sounds like you might not be moving enough air through the coil due to dirty filter or coil. When you remove the filter look at the metal fins they might be covered in dust/crap clean all that out. Im guessing it worked well before removing moisture?
All A/C dehumidify its part of the cooling cycle all the water that cond. out of your machine is what it picks up from the cond. space and on a hot day they piss out gallons.


Active member
I'm thinking what storm shadow is thinking :biggrin:

I just got my 18k BTU window a/c unit going in my room and every time it turns on to bring temps down in my room the humidity in my room goes down by 10%.... then slowly rises back to where I have it set cause of my humidifier.


Active member
So no one owns a hygrometer and has an extra 30 seconds to do this test?

Telling you right now. No need for a hydrometer!!! Air coming out of your a/c unit if its working properly will be much lower in humidity than your room humidity. If its not you have issues most likely a compressor. :tiphat:


Well-known member
GT i know this is basic but does your window shaker have any condensate dripping out at all?

make sure the AC is tilted slightly out and the drain holes are not clogged


New member
Yes, my ac is tilted downwards. It collects condensate in the back. It doesn't drip out because the fan at the back is designed to wick it up as it blows out.

Even for their own sake, is no one curious to know what the humidity level is of the air coming out of their ac?
This post isn't about helping me find out why my ac is blowing humid air, but rather asking folks to check theirs and report back.


ICMag Donor
mine only blows humid air if it needs a charge but you should see a lack of cooling if that is the case.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
these people are trying to help you dude.
don't be so aggressive, you're the one with the question.
your RH should go down when the a/c is on.
a google search would of answered that for you.
if you're going to be unappreciative, put in your own fucking work.
And while you're at it, buy a new a/c. yours obv sucks.


New member
phillthy - interesting. mine is pumping out cold air, around 48 degrees. how do you notice that your ac is blowing out humid air?

cocktail frank - unfortunately, these people aren't trying to help me. what would be helpful to me is if someone was to test the humidity level coming out of their ac, and let me know what it is.
a google search has not provided the answer, but I'm assuming mostly everyone here has an indoor garden, with an ac, and hopefully a hygrometer. perhaps that isn't the case.
this is the equivalent of me asking at what rate does hair grow, and everyone telling me where a barber shop is.


Well-known member
Premium user
greytooth slow down...your asking a simple question.

No properly charged and functioning A/C is going to put elevated humidity into your grow. 'ALL' A/C's are a dehumidifier first and foremost, it is a function of of removing heat. Removal of moister in the air takes place when there is a temp drop across the evap coil...no need for anyone to put a meter to their unit... are you experiencing cooling? If so... You are also dehumidifying your space...for this 'NOT' to happen your a/c is not functioning properly.

Questions...what size is your space in cubic feet?
What size is your a/c in BTU's? ...fan speed in CFM?
There are other factors in the heat load of your room...but this will give a ballpark figure


New member
my space is approximately 2000 cubic feet.
24000 btu
fan speed of the AC? I have no idea, ACs usually don't list that info.
The air temperature coming out is approximately 48 degrees.

And yes, I am asking a simple question.

Referring back to my original post, What is the humidity level of the air blowing out of your AC?

Nine people have chimed in on this thread. Not one has checked their levels and shared. I'm trying to be simple, but why is this so complicated?