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Abstract flip flop veg. light idea



I was reading about the process that tells a plant when to flower etc. and read that basically as long as the plant gets light that is brighter than a full moon for at least 18 hours a day it will continue to veg. Does this mean that if someone were runing a flip flop they could put a few regular 40 watt lightbulbs above the plant and run the regular lights for 6 hours a day after the HID lights flip off thereby keeping the plants in a vegitative state but still allowing for the use of a flip flop system?

Not sure if anyone has tried this nor if it would have any benefits?
I have tried and it causes some stretching and a little bit of confusion for the plants, You need more lumens that a couple of 40w standard incandesent bulbs. Giving the plants only 6hrs of super brite and 18hrs of kinda dim is Just asking for hermis tho make sure All the plants are getting some light to keep from confusion.


I meant create an 18/6 veg. schedule with 12 hours of super bright (HID), 3 additional hours both before and after the HID of bright but kinda dim (regular lights) and 6 hours of total dark.


It's only feasable with 10 ballast 20 light flip system. I've built a few with a PLC controlling the flip cycles. For the 12/12 flip cycle, all the bulbs in either room are on for 12 hours. To make a veg cycle, the PLC uses only half the bulbs in each room and turns them on for an additional 6 hours for the 18/6 cycle. The PLC also flips the lights that are on for the additional 6 hours, it flips those bulbs on and off for 3 hours each. For the additional 6 hours, half of the bulbs on for 3 hours then the other half for 3 hours. You have 12 solid hours of light and 6 hours of half. It makes it ideal to veg and flower in the same two rooms, but only really is feasable for larger gardens. When it's time to switch to 12/12 flower cycle, the PLC does that as well, whether it's a few days or a few weeks.

Best Regards

No it does not only work with a 10 ballast 20 light system.
You can get 2 ballasts running 12/12 on flip flops and 3 rooms.
When 1 flower room goes on the other flower room shuts off and instantly transfers to the veg room. This way your veg room is lit with 1kw @ all times and you get 2 1kw rooms. This can be done in many ways, if you really wanted you could make 1 ballast power 4 diffrent bulbs @ diffrent times.
if you thinking of doing this for less electricity usage just get a hight output florecent light .... like a mother wing


http://discount-hydro.com/dept.php?navid=40 (top 2)

this is what i use for early veg untill the plants are 10/12" tall the british ones are better :) giving off 9600 lumen from 110watts (2 bulb) 19200 lumens from the 4 bulb while the usa one only gives off 7200 lumen from the 4 bulb .lol

but thease are cheaper to run than hids but give off enough light to get compact nodes :)