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Absolute Nothingness


Nothing is impossible because nothing can't be experienced objectively. For something to be objective it has to be experienced by more then one observer, so they can agree that what they are seeing, feeling and communicating exists to both of them.

We could say subjectively nothing exists as something like before your time, before you were born or created or whatever the process of becoming alive is. Or when you sleep without dreaming. When I try to think of nothingness I think of pure darkness, pitch black; a black hole.

Absolute nothing is unimaginable, unexplainable, indescribable and intangible. Nothing is like saying a shadow has energy

You can't observe something which can't exist. Nothing can't exist BECAUSE, something exists.

The idea of nothing is that it is comprised of nothing, therefor doesn't even exist. Even before you came alive, your ancestry dates back to the 'beginning' of time. Because no matter can be created or destroyed, your essence always was.

Nothing has no color, shape, form or description because, it doesn't really exist objectively. It exists only as an observer created idea; subjectively and even then can't be comprehended with the human mind.


Active member
Nothing is what the universe is expanding in to.

The only space the universe occupies is what it creates. Outside of our expanding universe is nothing. Not time, not space, not light 'cause it hasn't been created yet.

This does my head in when I'm stoned!!!


What were we talking about?
I have nothing to say.


The Mad Monk
Ex nihilo nihil fit.

Those ancient Greeks must have been smoking some good shit.

If nothing was something would you have the faculties to notice it anyway?