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I have some wormwood seeds that I am trying to grow.. maybe this fall I will take a shot at making some absinthe.. Also considering maybe adding some to my cannibas tincture..


Id like to know how to make CannaAbsinthe too :)

Heres a lil copy n paste.. doesn't seem the seeds are to hard to grow..
Step One
Sow wormwood seeds directly in the garden in early spring after danger of frost has passed. Wormwood seeds are extremely small, so it is best to barely cover them soil. A good method is to sprinkle them on the ground and just lightly walk over the area to press them into the ground.
Step Two
Thin plants out to 18 inches once they have sprouted. Because the seeds are small, you'll likely need to plant more seeds than you need plants. Just pull up plants which are growing too close together.
Step Three
Give wormwood a separate space in the garden. A chemical in wormwood, absinthin, can be toxic to other plants. For this reason, grow it several feet away from other plants and do not plant other plants where you had wormwood the previous season. Wormwood can also be grown in containers, which eliminates this problem.
Step Four
Plant the herb in partial shade. Wormwood can tolerate some direct sun, but thrives in an area which receives only a few hours of direct sun each day. If growing in a pot, a shady porch is perfect for wormwood.
Step Five
Water as necessary to keep the soil from completely drying out. Wormwood is easy to grow and adaptable, but like most herbs, it needs water during hot, dry weather. Water once a week or more as the soil dries out.
Step Six
Cut wormwood back in the spring. Wormwood does survive the winter, but you must cut back the old, dead foliage to energize the plant and give it a fresh start.
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Not too sure about 4.
I have a wormwood bush several years old, and it gets full desert sun, and is in front of a wall that collects a lot of heat also. It thrives!


Attn: all commercial absinthe available is mostly alcohol, and there is nothing psychoactive in it anymore, so it's just nicely flavoured alcohol.



Hello out there. Just stopped by to ask has anyone ever had the real absinthe ( the psychoactive) version? and If so can someone please tell me how it makes you feel?!?


nycKid said:
Hello out there. Just stopped by to ask has anyone ever had the real absinthe ( the psychoactive) version? and If so can someone please tell me how it makes you feel?!?

Well I think someone would have to be over 100 to have tried the real deal commercially available back in the day, but maybe someone has made their own? Would be interesting to hear about if anyone has.

I went through a phase last year of buying the best absinthe I could find, to hopefully catch a buzz, but it just turned out to be flavoured alcohol.



are these seeds available in the US at like home depot or wally world or something?.. haha thatd be pretty sick. absinthe is just bs now?.. thats gay. gettin rid of all the psychedilics on the market. =[.. i think theyre tryin to make salvia illegal in the US now too.


You can make absinthe without distilling and it is psychoactive. Grow your bush my friend! I purchased a couple of kits a few years ago and made my own. The kit was a recipe, an ounce of dried wormwood (whole plant/stems and leaves), and a packet of some other typical herbs like fennel, anise, lemongrass, maybe some sage. you can google to find what botanicals were in the original absinthe.

The key is 1 ltr of 100+ proof booze, grind/chop the herbs, and let it soak for about a week. First batch I used 100 proof smirnoff vodka, and the 2nd I used Saphire Gin because gin has a lot of the botanicals that were in absinthe already in it, and I also added a small bottle of anise extract which is basically 200 proof booze to make it a little more tolerable. The key to the effect is the wormwood and the rest may have something to do with it, but is primarily flavoring. Strain all the junk out (kitchen strainer > cheesecloth > coffee filter) and let it sit. It gets better after a few months.

ok, now here is the catch!! It DOES have a psychoactive effect similar to mj, but it takes a bit to get there. I would say about 4-5 ounces. This is the equivalent of 6 or 8 shots of 80 proof Jack, so if you don't have a fairly high alcohol tolerance then don't bother because the alcohol will kick your ass before the drug kicks in, but if you do you can enjoy the effects of absinthe without question. it is also something that is supposed to build up in your system so it is not recommended for any more than ocasional use. MJ is better, but this was fun to make and consume the couple times I did it.

I have been a daily smoker for the better part of my 4 years and I'm a fairly regular, though responsible, drinker as well. The absinthe usually came out when I was already partying so it was nearly a waste, and most of it was drunk when it was fresh. I did tuck a small bottle away though, and broke it out about 6 months later for a post-Jerry Dead :deadxmas: show and drank it with a fully clear head with a couple friends. It made us giddy and giggly, and there was a floating feeling similar to how I felt when I first started smoking. I remember feeling like I had pillows on my feet, and laughing my butt off. Then we went into the show, smoked, drank, ate, and I promptly passed out and slept during the 2nd set just after professing my undying love for the girl sitting in front of me. I still take a lot of shit for that day!!!

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Bush Doctor
Is there a way to obtain these wormwood seeds? I have wanted to try absinthe. I heard the French or Swiss made stuff is the best, but if it is not psychoactive Id rather try to make it myself.


I just recently got back from a week in czech, the last place in Europe where the "real" absinth is still widely available (im sure you can find high-thujon absinth in more places, but from my experience, nowhere as easily as in czech)

The absinth is special since it contain thujon, a fairly well known neurotoxin derived from wormwood.
Most (cheap) absinth sold today (such as Staroplzenecky) contain less than 10mg thujon/kg absinth. By the time you feel the thujoneffect of this absinth, your liver will be sorry.

My personal favourites;
Absinth 35: As the name suggests, 35mg thujon/kg absinth. Tastes bitter and is very strong (70+%). Cheap (around 50usd/ltr)

absolute favourite!: Absinth King of Spirits GOLD. This is f*cking rocketfuel, i kid you not. 100mg thujon/kg let me tell you it wont take much before that absinthrush is crawling up your leg.
Absurdly expensive on the internet (500+usd/litre) but fairprices in czech, where a litre goes for about 250usd.

Alot of people calim they get no effect from absinth, they probably drunk the normal shit-shouldntevenbecalled absinth. And some people claim to have got the absinth effect while drinking the above mentioned absinth, well they just arent used to the 70+% boose.

This can be purchased in the states from several internetshops. Just google absinth online and check for above brands.
sorry im stoked right now be back tomorrow.

Helps Me

Oooo I'm dyin' to try Absinthe and will be soon. (There's a brand called 'Lucid' in the US Liquor stores). So thought I might try it. But thanks for these informative posts! I'll report my findings after trying Lucid.

Edited to add: TRIED IT! (Lucid) and saw no green fairies or anything, YET DID feel a real nice mellow *different* buzz from it kinda akin to beer, but quite different. Definitely gonna drink again. (Note: We tried the icewater and sugar cube method, gonna try the fire and sugar cube method soon and will report on that. OH and tried it straight and YUCK! DO NOT TRY! OMG! YUCK!)


Active member
I absolutely love absinthe, its such a nice tasting drink really. My personal favourite is called Verte de Fougerolle, it is very nicely balanced and louche is top. Ive tried a few others, both distilled absinthes and oil-mixed varieties. I do prefer distilled absinthes, but there is also quite a few oil-mixed ones that are good. Absinthes that claims unusually high levels of thujone (100mg/l) are usually oil-mixed. That said, high levels of thujone does not necessarily equal a good absinthe.

My advice is dont buy into the thujone-hype if your looking to spend your money on a bottle of absinthe. Many of todays absinthes are made according to traditional recipes from the pre-prohibition era. Inspite of what is commonly believed, the thujone has never been a large part in what constitutes the effect of the drink. On the other hand the strong alcohol has, and if there are any effects resulting from the thujone content they are likely to be subtle. However, if additional effects are explicitly sought after one could always add some kind of additional herb to the mix.

Now if you dont possess a still with a double-boiler you probably wont be distilling your own absinthe. However, the oil-mixes on the market tells us that hope is not lost. I can personally vouch for Strand's original absinthe essence. Strand have a few more of which I have not tried, ranging from pink and blue colors to orange flavored, extra strong and blanche. Provided you can get hold of some strong pure alcohol, these essences are simple enough to use. If you can get your hands on 190 proof Everclear your set. However, anything less than 90 proof is plain useless and will not dissolve the oils.

So, how to do? First Id suggest you macerate your favourite herb in warm (not hot) alcohol for about 48 hours. Give it a good stir or shake once in a while, depending on what kind of maceration vessel you use. Strain through filter when done. Congratulations, you've caught the Green Dragon. Mix in the absinthe essence of your choice. Dilute (if applicable) with distilled water to about 110-150 proof (55-75%) alcohol according to taste. Do not use tap-water, as this will cause a nasty grey-coloured suspension to form in your drink.

DO NOT STORE ABSINTHE IN A REFRIGERATOR, as this will cause it to louche. But by all means, pour one up! I should state that I have not tried the above method myself. I did however throw some bubble in a bottle of distilled Un Emile (Pontalier) absinthe and let it sit for a week while I gave it a shake once in a while. The Emile is known to have a very light or weak louche (ie clouding when mixed with water). Not so after the bubble went in, it turned from near clear to milk. And as for the drink? Well clearly, more spice equals more punch! :D

Here are a couple of links!

Very good absinthe site with loads of reviews and links to vendors,

Strand essence vendor,


New member
Friends of mine have been experimenting with homemade absinthe, with very good resulsts. The basis is an old swiss recipe, but since wormwood tastes crap when added for flavour after the distilling they´ve replaced it with cannabis. Mind that wormwood is still used before the distilling.
The effect is very stimulating with the danger that one might not realize one is drunk.

Recipe was found in Dale Pendells Pharmako/poeia, ingredients in parenthesis are additions by my friends.

30.0 g wormwood(may be mixed/substituted with Calea zacatechichi for an interesting effect, also has similar bittering qualities)
8.5 g hyssop
1.8 g calamis
6.0 g melissa
30.0 g anise seed
25.0 g fennel seed
10.0 g star anise
3.2 g coriander seed
(3g yarrow ,Achillea millefolium)

Macerate for two weeks, filter and dilute untill it is safe to redistill.

Herbs added for taste and colouring(amounts and ratios are a matter of preference, but usually a total weigt of 5-10g/l are used by my friends):
Liquorice root/anise seed
(Bud and any leftover hash/oil(homemade, unless one has a good source))
Lemon Balm, melissa officinalis
(lime leaves)
Hyssop, hyssoppus officinalis

My friends uses only small amounts of cannabis for flavouring and colouring, but one can easily use more and use the absinthe as a sort of base for a green dragon tincture, it is very tasty.

The addition of Calea gives an interesting effect if one gets drunk on it, no effects were noticed until I was trying to sleep, very fast moving visuals with eyes closed and a very comfortable feeling of flying(as opposed to the rotating feeling I usually get when drunk).
Some khat and much bud was also part of the equation, so it is difficult to say if it was just the calea or a synergy between several of the herbs.

emerald city

carefull with the wormwood,thujone is a powerfull chemical...Tis susposedly the reason vangogh cut off his ear.....good luck you mad chemist

Fluffy Clouds

I just recently got back from a week in czech, the last place in Europe where the "real" absinth is still widely available (im sure you can find high-thujon absinth in more places, but from my experience, nowhere as easily as in czech)

The absinth is special since it contain thujon, a fairly well known neurotoxin derived from wormwood.
Most (cheap) absinth sold today (such as Staroplzenecky) contain less than 10mg thujon/kg absinth. By the time you feel the thujoneffect of this absinth, your liver will be sorry.

My personal favourites;
Absinth 35: As the name suggests, 35mg thujon/kg absinth. Tastes bitter and is very strong (70+%). Cheap (around 50usd/ltr)

absolute favourite!: Absinth King of Spirits GOLD. This is f*cking rocketfuel, i kid you not. 100mg thujon/kg let me tell you it wont take much before that absinthrush is crawling up your leg.
Absurdly expensive on the internet (500+usd/litre) but fairprices in czech, where a litre goes for about 250usd.

yes indeed man! we Czechs are drinking psychoactive absinth, and i can say you its experience :biggrin: but still smoking ganja is better...

good luck with homemade absinth, be careful :tiphat:


always wanted to try it, I see it at the liquor stores, not sure if its the real mccoy or a knockoff, like the ouzo. I want the kick its got:woohoo:

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