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About to buy some bog seeds. Good idea?


New member
I am about to start a small time grow with an expert grower as an advisor (besides you guys of course).

I was thinking of starting with these strands (mind you, He's getting paid thru beans for helping me.
Grape Punch
and lifesaver if they have it in stock.

What do you think?


New member
Since I am transiant (crap can't spell today) I need to have them sent to my 'rents house. Is the packaging pretty generic? or will someone go "hey look at those beans!"


its safe i also just purchased some seeds not to long ago pretty safe packaging Bog's strains are the bomb i have grape punch and lifesaver going now their at about 3 weeks, i dropped my digital cam so i can't post bubt will soon


Well-known member
here are some of bog's childrenPhoto URL:


Well-known member
guess i did'nt do the pic thing right but it's in my gallery
the plastic bowl thing is my cloning dome i have 7 vicking clones trying to root
peace burn a fatty


honey oil addict
lucky you even have a gallery! mine is toast, and i cant upload any pics ... but i see you can.. lucky dog.. :)


New member
out of them all Bogbubble will give you the most consistantly best results, smells and tastes fantastic, good yield and nice comfortable high.



Plant Manager
anything but bog and you would be cheating yourself, his genetics are some of the best in the world and SD and Gypsy do a fine job sending discreet packaging. Good luck, and happy growing.


New member
Well the guy who is gonna help me grow is an uber grower. If he wasn't so worried about big brother, I am pretty sure he would be posting like mad on here with his grows.

My grow will be in a stealth box mabye 2-3 plants max :( Anyways. Any suggestions on the ultimate grow box for these strains let me know. I want to build the box to cater to what the plant wants.


Bubblegum Specialist
You honor me

You honor me

I am moved by the words spoken here of my seeds and I am honored by anyone who tries my seeds. Hashmaster-Kut I feel your pain sir and thank you for trying my LSD. Thank you all for taking a chance on my strains... BOG

I will never leave you in a pinch...

This is the same type bogglegum as the Giant and it yielded 5.5 oz with less veg time in a smaller pot...



Plant Manager
forget disneyland, I want to go to BOGLAND, Bog you should run for President you are so popular.


Bog for President of the Del Boca Vista Condos, phase 1 of course.

All my Bog babies grow like weeds on roids.

Texas Kid


The Best Is Yet To Come

i got two LS going now ,
and they look magnifico.

i love them, they only three inch and already have side branches coming out.
just a little buttes




I have 2 of BOG's strains in veg as we speak, I have BOG~Bubble and BOG~Lifesaver.
Both strains are have been very easy to grow sofar, they are both in week 4+ of veg. 1 of the BOG~Bubble's showed sex at 4 weeks on the nose, female :).
I would recomend these sofar in regards to growth profiles in veg, i cant see em stretching outta control in bloom as they are mostly stocky indica types.
Sofar then, these 2 strains look great for indoors, judging from wat ive seen of them in hundreds of pics and the grow reports floating about the net also tell me potency is all there too :D
Personally i cant wait to get these in flower, i took clones of each plant for sexing, however i think ill whack them clones on 12's for a little taster before the bigger run withum.
Both strains have cloned very easily, its clearly visable that roots are forming after just 4 days, after 5 days some of the clones are unable to be removed from the rockwool cube to check for roots leading me to believe that roots are digging in at 5 days (5 days today), this is very good imo. Nice easy cloning strain.
Now im just waiting to see how these yeild now and also looking forward to checking out the potency, especially on the LS as the strains used in this cross are some of my alltime faves. :)


The package will come in a plain envelope, however there is an anti-crush doobrey, its all good ;) . :)

So wat did u end up ordering then? all 3 of em? im sure u wont be disapointed by any of em.

I know u already ordered em but i'd typed this after i noticed u ordered so i posted it anyways :)

Goodluck growin n have fun, i do :D



Anyone can tell you BOG has some of the best genetics, but on top of that they have some of the very best customer service!

If you ever have any problems they WILL take care of you :cool: