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? about fans


I hate leaving things running while I am gone and was wondering about inline fans. Instead of running a intake and exhaust during dark period would a floor fan work for keeping humidity down? I am wondering if I can get the room dark enough and just have a floor fan blowing inside a tent instead of being constantly paranoid about a fan catching on fire or something while I am gone. I don't know if the air needs to be exhausted to keep the humidity down enough to not cause any mold issues. It would also keep down on the electricity costs.


Active member
The humidity will increase because the plants are still putting water into the air.

Plus, when you run air over the leaves, it causes the plant to release MORE water into the air.

so you would hit your room with a double wammy. Not removing humid air, and making the plants release more water into the air with the use of a floor fan.

Why are you worried about fire with your fans? What brand are they? Did you buy them new?

What causes a fan to fail is dirt/dust gumming and insulating (heating up) the components. This is considering the fan is manufactured properly and isn't tampered with.


Active member
Think of it....OK so the fans burst into flames at exactly the same time scenario, and take it from there, then plan your system backwards