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AB 390 passes!!!


Why would you possibly want any of these bills to pass?

Go get a medical card, its around $100 a year for license and you're free & clear.

If any of these laws pass, you will have Malboro weed cigs forsale. You're going to create mediocrity in Marijuana because it will be the economics to decide what people will have available. Yes, some of you can grow your own, but most wont.

You will ruin thousands of peoples ability to feed themselves and hand the jobs over to large corporations, where the rich get richer and poor get poorer. 60% of Mendocino and Humboldt counties economy is driven by weed money... they can't log anymore. You wanna see Nor Cal turn into a ghost town? Pass these bills.

These laws are bad for all of you.

Agrees ^^ people think once its passed its all going to lolly jolly with telle tubbies running around and rainbows but its not. Your going to be smoking a lot more commercially grown shit because its going to be way cheaper . and your going to be spending shit tons on tax. On another post they were saying how $4 dollers of every pack of cigarettes is taxes. imagine paying 50 bucks on a oz. i think it was Jack Herer at hempfest that said it best " no tax on marijuana"


donut engineer
Pay very close attention to these numbers. This is what is driving this bill: another floundering tax year or more like this could kill California. If you want legal pot in Cali, pray for drought.

As introduced, AB 390 would raise over $1.3 billion in annual revenue by taxing the retail production and sale of marijuana, according to financial estimates provided by the California Board of Equalization. An economic analysis by California NORML estimates that a legal, statewide retail market for cannabis could generate additional revenues totaling some $12 to $18 billion dollars per year.


Tom Ammiano is a freshman assemblyman who came to prominence as a poster child for gay teacher's rights during the Harvey Milk-era in San Francisco. He is fringe, even for California, and ostensibly not well-liked by The Governator:

In October 2009 Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Governor of California appeared at a Democratic Party fundraiser at San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel. Though the governor was a prominent member of the Republican party he had been invited by the organizers. Many in the room thought the governor’s appearance was, as Ammiano described it, a "cheap publicity stunt." When former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown introduced Schwarzenegger, Ammiano shouted "You lie!" in a copy-cat of Representative Joe Wilson's remarks during President Barack Obama's congressional address a month earlier. Ammiano walked out stating that Schwarzenegger could "kiss my gay ass."

Four days after the fundraiser, Schwarzenegger vetoed a Assembly Bill 1176 authored by Ammiano that had cleared the State Senate 40-0 and the Assembly 78-0.[7][8][9] Ammiano was sent a memo from Schwarzenegger explaining the veto. The letter, in the form of an acrostic, contained the cryptic message "I Fuck You" spelled out using the first letter of each line along the left margin.[10] The memo was widely reported on and seen as both generally offensive and retaliatory. Some news media also noted the odds that spelling out "I Fuck You" in the memo being just a coincidence was quite unlikely. Using combinatorics to also account for "well-placed blank lines in-between the I and FUCK and the FUCK and YOU", a mathematician estimated the odds being nearly one in two billion the occurence could happen unintentionally.[11]



Haha-- I have had my Rec for years--
I was also a Heroin Addict for 18 years...been 14 since I quit--
I believe that all drugs should be not only legal...but also PROVIDED by the Gov--
It is insanely cheap to produce these drugs, and the only reason a Heroin Addict breaks the Law...is because of the crazy amount of $$ it takes to support a habit-- I have never, ever done heroin and though..."I want to go commit a crime"--
Take away the need for $$, and you take away the crime--
Sounds crazy?? It isn't--
BTW...when I was in High School, we had Smoking Areas...

Oh yeah...Fuck you and the Racism thing-- I need not elaborate--

now i think about it i should really go fuck myself... i nominate you for president. 2012! every drug available brought to you by the Governator! All drugs have no negative impacts on lives at all. It would make the United States a more efficient country. People can have 20 hour shifts while there coked out of there minds. How about a whole nation heroined out? nodding out at every street corner? Do you honestly think that tweekers can make great parents if money wasnt a issue? You need to watch some intervention my friend . I have worked at a lower budget motel before and i see what drugs do to families. its really sad and to think you would want more broken up families makes you a sad person. :violin:

you can have the final word , im done arguing and disagreeing


Patient Grower
You learned your DARE lessons well, and regurgitate them here, as if they were true.

Google "rat park"+heroin. You're looking for a 1974 study where the scientist gave a group of rats unfettered access to all the heroin their little hearts desired. They were also housed in an enclosure called 'rat park' which provided all their needs and desires. So guess how many of the little fuckers decided to dedicate their lives to being high on heroin? Here's a hint: the gov't pulled funding when they saw the results.

Controlled access doesn't mean we need to hand it out free like candy. But prohibition sure hasn't done the trick, and there's no reason except blatant fear mongering that has no basis in reality. Were everyone going to take up heroin they would have done so when it was legally sold OTC in this country.



Freedom Fighter
now i think about it i should really go fuck myself... i nominate you for president. 2012! every drug available brought to you by the Governator! All drugs have no negative impacts on lives at all. It would make the United States a more efficient country. People can have 20 hour shifts while there coked out of there minds. How about a whole nation heroined out? nodding out at every street corner? Do you honestly think that tweekers can make great parents if money wasnt a issue? You need to watch some intervention my friend . I have worked at a lower budget motel before and i see what drugs do to families. its really sad and to think you would want more broken up families makes you a sad person. :violin:

you can have the final word , im done arguing and disagreeing

Don't quit just because it gets tough for you-- I have no hate towards you, friend...we are having a discussion and have differing opinions...don't make it personal--
Do you honestly think that if heroin was legal, that more would do it?? I don't-- Ppl who are open to these drugs, are open to them whether Legal or not--
But...it would take the Criminality out of the drug, if they didn't have to make $300 a day to get it--
I was one of those Broken Families...I quit before I died...most of my friends didn't-- But they are not dead because it was Legal or Illegal...they died because they let it control their lives to the extent that it was the only thing they wanted...and they got what they wanted--
That will not change no matter what the Law is...Humans are Human--
There is no Right answer here...but making a person a Criminal because of what he/she decides to do to their own bodies is not the answer--
Really man, don't get all butt-hurt over this...I am only trying to have a Convo...not change you as a person--lol--

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
You will also stop millions of people from becoming ill from prescriptions and increase the overall quality of life of untold hundreds of millions.

If you're going to make an argument, then you need to provide examples, this is just some blanket statement with no facts or proof behind it.

If I believe I understand what you're saying is, that people who use pharms are going to stop using their prescriptions and start using Mj; which couldn't be further from the truth because no doctor is going to be able to or would prescribe Mj.


It will stop the raping of the land in many ways. It will stop the pollution of the land in many ways.

And all of that business and illegal focus wouldn't be put towards processing harder, worse drugs. The people who do these things you're quoting are just in it because its profitable, so if it isn't, then they just move over to making meth or other drugs that are worse for people and the environment. I suspect, that if it becomes legal we see an increase of harder drug use because the industry will push and fuel that.

People who make insane money on cannabis would be doing something else.... if the ink for anti-cannabis laws was written for something else.

Yes, so why would you push harder drugs on these people?

People change or die. Trying to save a few thousand at the expense of the entire country is quite shallow thinking.

You still aren't making any sense. Are you going back to Mj being used instead of prescription drugs? Covered that...

Stay Safe :tree: AND PASS ANY OF THESE LAWS YOU CAN! Only then will people be able to freely speak in this land of "Free Speech".

You just want any legal law for Mj to pass, you don't care if its structured properly or even beneficial for the people.

I'm freely protesting the legalization, its bad for people and anybody who doesn't see that doesn't see the big picture.


donut engineer
I'm freely protesting the legalization, its bad for people and anybody who doesn't see that doesn't see the big picture.

Could you explain please?

If any of these laws pass, you will have Malboro weed cigs forsale. You're going to create mediocrity in Marijuana because it will be the economics to decide what people will have available. Yes, some of you can grow your own, but most wont.

This is all pure speculation, btw. I believe most would equate marijuana more closely to wine. There is a wide variety available from vineyards the world over. Yes, there are the big producers, but that happens in any market.

If I could grow cannabis legally, I'd produce hybrid seeds and clones for sale. I do not do so at the moment because of its illegality.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Could you explain please?

I thought I did, but I'll go over my points again...

* Big business will overtake the production of consumer grade marijuana, resulting in mediocrity of product and possible health risks due to additives, pesticides and herbicides. Not to mention the possible GMO'ing of cannabis.

* You will be putting mostly small time marijuana farmers out of business and ruining entire local economies. We will actually see a negative economic gain from legalization. Almost all of Nor Cal will fall into impoverished slums. Its well known that 60% of Humboldt and Mendocino counties economy is provided by marijuana.

* The crime that people think will be going away from marijuana is simply going to go towards harder drugs that will be pushed harder by organized crime. Only big crime is going to do this, so the simple small-time Mj farmer will be left unemployed.

* If medicinal practices are an argument for the legalization, then its a mute point, since its already available to the sick for a very cheap price. In fact I deduce that the overall price for quality, medicinal grade (none-recreational) will actually increase as it will be a specialty product. Not to mention a $50 tag on each ounce will decrease the overall profit margins, encouraging producers to grow a lower grade, bulk product that will not be of medical quality.

* Why do you we need to be taxed $50 an ounce when we can all go get a medical card for $100 a year and be just as legal. There is no benefit. In fact the proposed laws will actually allow some of us to grow less plants and possess less dry material.

Go get a medical license, none of this has a point, except to benefit big business and the state.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
This is all pure speculation, btw. I believe most would equate marijuana more closely to wine. There is a wide variety available from vineyards the world over. Yes, there are the big producers, but that happens in any market.

If I could grow cannabis legally, I'd produce hybrid seeds and clones for sale. I do not do so at the moment because of its illegality.

I don't think you're in touch with the overall Mj community, in all respect.

Most people in my area are pot heads, not business professionals that come home and have a glass of wine.

Weed is much more like Tobacco then wine. People are almost addicted to it and feel the need to smoke it often. You don't see alcoholics going for the good wine, you see them going for economy grade, get-er-done liquor.

Yes, there will be a market for "fine" smoke, just as there is a market in cigars and some cigarettes, but this will be a very small and unprofitable piece of the pie. The overall profits rest in the hands of the impoverished and mass production of poor quality weed.

If I could grow cannabis legally, I'd produce hybrid seeds and clones for sale. I do not do so at the moment because of its illegality.

Do you live in California? If you do, go get a medical card and you can do all of this. Medical clubs will vendor both your seeds and clones if they are of good enough quality. I'd assume they would be good quality, considering you hope to do this when its legal, along with 50000 other people, so your competition will actually be higher and your goal harder.


I thought I did, but I'll go over my points again...

* Big business will overtake the production of consumer grade marijuana, resulting in mediocrity of product and possible health risks due to additives, pesticides and herbicides. Not to mention the possible GMO'ing of cannabis.

* You will be putting mostly small time marijuana farmers out of business and ruining entire local economies. We will actually see a negative economic gain from legalization. Almost all of Nor Cal will fall into impoverished slums. Its well known that 60% of Humboldt and Mendocino counties economy is provided by marijuana.

* The crime that people think will be going away from marijuana is simply going to go towards harder drugs that will be pushed harder by organized crime. Only big crime is going to do this, so the simple small-time Mj farmer will be left unemployed.

* If medicinal practices are an argument for the legalization, then its a mute point, since its already available to the sick for a very cheap price. In fact I deduce that the overall price for quality, medicinal grade (none-recreational) will actually increase as it will be a specialty product. Not to mention a $50 tag on each ounce will decrease the overall profit margins, encouraging producers to grow a lower grade, bulk product that will not be of medical quality.

* Why do you we need to be taxed $50 an ounce when we can all go get a medical card for $100 a year and be just as legal. There is no benefit. In fact the proposed laws will actually allow some of us to grow less plants and possess less dry material.

Go get a medical license, none of this has a point, except to benefit big business and the state.
You say your worried about the kids but then your worried about humboldt's economy. Well isn't it pretty much legal out there for the kids in Humboldt?


donut engineer
I thought I did, but I'll go over my points again...

* Big business will overtake the production of consumer grade marijuana, resulting in mediocrity of product and possible health risks due to additives, pesticides and herbicides. Not to mention the possible GMO'ing of cannabis.

* You will be putting mostly small time marijuana farmers out of business and ruining entire local economies. We will actually see a negative economic gain from legalization. Almost all of Nor Cal will fall into impoverished slums. Its well known that 60% of Humboldt and Mendocino counties economy is provided by marijuana.

Marijuana is not corn.

People care about where their marijuana comes from - just like their wine. Sure you will have your generic labels, but you will also find a wide variety of independent producers. Independent breweries have become profitable and are ever-emerging as of late because of improvements in technology, despite big corporate players that came before them. Same with wine and wine growers. This is connoisseurship.

Do you see a market for connoisseurship currently existing (bou, bay, W. Coast dispensary menus)? Do you think the free market will limit variety and squeeze out independent producers? I don't think so. There exists a variety of beer and wine with big and small players, and I'm sure cannabis will benefit from this kind of economy, too.

At the moment, nobody can fail in producing and selling marijuana in the US because there is no true free market. During the Soviet era, Russians paid premium for blue jeans, despite their quality. Competition provides a healthy kick-in-the-ass for all growers and breeders to get creative. It may be sad to hear for some, but the era of working 10 hours a week and pulling in over 6 figures with your grow room might be over.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
You say your worried about the kids but then your worried about humboldt's economy. Well isn't it pretty much legal out there for the kids in Humboldt?

When did I say I was worried about kids?

Also, its not legal for kids in Humboldt county to smoke marijuana. If they are smoking, the responsibility lies on the parents to watch over and educate their child/s.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Marijuana is not corn.

People care about where their marijuana comes from - just like their wine. Sure you will have your generic labels, but you will also find a wide variety of independent producers. Independent breweries have become profitable and are ever-emerging as of late because of improvements in technology, despite big corporate players that came before them. This is connoisseurship.

Do you see a market for connoisseurship currently existing (bou, bay, W. Coast dispensary menus)? Do you think the free market will limit variety and squeeze out independent producers? I don't think so. Variety of beer and wine with big and small players, and I'm sure, cannabis.

I understand your arguement, however it wont fly when someone would is economically depressed (the majority) can go get an ounce for $100 vs paying $200-300 for an ounce of OG Kush.

Lets face it, OG kush is not going to produce as well as a commercial grade strain. Which would you rather have: OG kush or Chronic? Well the Chronic (just an example) is going to be a lot cheaper because it produces a lot more per acre.

You seem to still believe that Mj is analogous to wine, but it isn't. Its like tobacco, some people will want to smoke a cuban, but most will be ok with a swisher sweet, because at the end of it all, its the effect that matters for them.

You say small breweries are profitable, I'm not going to deny that, but I'd like to know the profit share of small companies in relation to something like Millers or Budweiser. I think you would see that it is a veerrrrrry small fraction.

Profitability is a relative thing, if my business can support 5 employees and myself, then I'm being profitable. However I'm not going to be able to provide enough of my product to vend to the majority of the populous; I simply do not make and do not have the facilities to make enough of my product because 1) Its more expensive, so not everyone buys it 2) I'm in a nich market that can only fill a small portion of the consumer percentage.

Please remember when making these arguements that the majority of the populous is 1) poor and 2) doesn't care about quality as much as the ability to access their goods.

Budweiser beer
Marlboro (I used to smoke American Spirit Organics, not many do)

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
At the moment, nobody can fail in producing and selling marijuana in the US because there is no true free market. During the Soviet era, Russians paid premium for blue jeans, despite their quality. Competition provides a healthy kick-in-the-ass for all growers and breeders to get creative. It may be sad to hear for some, but the era of working 10 hours a week and pulling in over 6 figures with your grow room might be over.

You keep adding this points after I respond...

Again I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but you know nothing of the current weed market. Most people are having an extremely hard time selling any of their weed ATM. The most outdoor ever was produced last year and its even cut into the indoor market.

Outdoor on the average is going for $2200 a pound, indoor is down to around $3000-3200 because of the supply vs demand. Every medical club in California is full of weed and isn't really buying any.

Its already failing without your help, don't worry.

Edit: Sorry I had to say LOL to you at making 6 figures will doing 10 hours a week work. You've never worked in the Mj industry obviously... you don't know how hard the work is on a big scale.


Could you explain please?

This is all pure speculation, btw. I believe most would equate marijuana more closely to wine. There is a wide variety available from vineyards the world over. Yes, there are the big producers, but that happens in any market.

Im pretty sure its illegal to brew your own moonshine. What if it was illegal to grow your own? Its not that hard for the gov. to impose such a law just to collect taxes. Who really grows there own tobacco when its 5 bucks a pack. I know piss beer outsells micro brew beers in because of the price. Yes there are always going to be connoisseur out there but there are going to be a lot of " lets just get high off prerolled shitty commecial mj for 10 bucks of pack " kinda people. I guess its each to there own


Freedom Fighter
Im pretty sure its illegal to brew your own moonshine. What if it was illegal to grow your own? Its not that hard for the gov. to impose such a law just to collect taxes. Who really grows there own tobacco when its 5 bucks a pack. I know piss beer outsells micro brew beers in because of the price. Yes there are always going to be connoisseur out there but there are going to be a lot of " lets just get high off prerolled shitty commecial mj for 10 bucks of pack " kinda people. I guess its each to there own

Moonshine is illegal because it blows the fuck up--
But I agree with everything else you said--
I am unclear as to if you think the "Premium" Growers will thrive--
I understand what you are saying as far as the "Commercial" weed will be the "Budweiser"...but do you think that the "Stone IPA" Crowd will be well Represented??
I believe the "Connoisseur" Growers will thrive...as well as the "Commercial" Brands--


I want to add that any one selling "Legal" Cannabis that is tainted can be sued if it's a legal produce.

We have no such thing now.

I would be willing to sue anyone spraying dangerous substances on produce for whatever reason myself.

What do you guys think of "the best way to regulate the market is to let us all grow all we want." ?


donut engineer
You keep adding this points after I respond...

Again I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but you know nothing of the current weed market. Most people are having an extremely hard time selling any of their weed ATM. The most outdoor ever was produced last year and its even cut into the indoor market.

Outdoor on the average is going for $2200 a pound, indoor is down to around $3000-3200 because of the supply vs demand. Every medical club in California is full of weed and isn't really buying any.

Its already failing without your help, don't worry.

Edit: Sorry I had to say LOL to you at making 6 figures will doing 10 hours a week work. You've never worked in the Mj industry obviously... you don't know how hard the work is on a big scale.

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for continually updating my posts. It's a bad habit.

To your point - in California, where weed is "more legal" it is becoming tougher to sell. Come to the Midwest - supply and demand. I was out there this summer and know plenty of people who can't sell for a variety of reasons (poor quality or not unique product, not connected, not salesman, flooded market). Most businesses fail for many of these same reasons. This is the market adjusting for the winners.

What you're seeing is the effect of a freeing economy. If you come out to TN, you'll find plenty of buyers eagerly awaiting your product because of limited access.

Cannabis suppliers will need to learn (and are learning) to compete just like everyone else.

Edit: Sorry I had to say LOL to you at making 6 figures will doing 10 hours a week work. You've never worked in the Mj industry obviously... you don't know how hard the work is on a big scale.

I have a friend in the Valley with several houses producing well over 6 figures and works around 20 hours per week. He could succeed in any straight industry, btw, but chooses cannabis because it's "easy". For those working harder, I suggest there's an shortcoming somewhere, be it personal or otherwise. I have never worked in the cannabis industry.

Kola Radical

Whoa... it is really happening.

I think I fell asleep and woke up in an alternate universe.