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AB 390: It's Back!



A.B. 390 was proposed by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano on Monday February 23, 2009.
This will be up for discussion again on March 26th.


I am seeing more organization this time. This may be the real deal push for AB390.

Friends.. We all have to get up and do something. Really we can't play it safe and expect the freedom to be given to us..

Remember to call your representatives and tell them what you think.
Remember to Register to Vote!
Remember to donate to MPP, Norml and all the organizations that are working for freedom.

If we all do a little then a lot will be done.

Please check out what's new with AB 390 and take time to tell Tom thanks! I still think he will make a fine Governor!



Jack, thanks for posting this! I haven't heard anything else about this upcoming date. Time to activate!


That came up in the email.. I can't find a current date reference for it so I am confused on, if that is some "hickup" from a past article..

I'll look again today.. I thought folks were saying after November..

So hang on.. and if anyone can verify March 26th 2010 please post!

I'll look again..



We need a full court press on AB390. If this doesn't pass there is no other bill or proposition worth voting for. I sure as hell will not be voting for the Tax Cannabis 2010 Initiative and will rally as much support as possible to ensure its demise.


Marijuana Legalization Bill AB 2254 Submitted to Cal Legislature
Posted February 19th, 2010 by canorml_admin

Feb 18, 2010 - Assemblyman Tom Ammiano has re-submitted his bill to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana in California. The new bill, AB 2254, the Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act of 2010 is identical to its predecessor AB 390, which was approved by the Public Safety Committee in January. Because it was introduced last year, AB 390 ran out of time to be heard on this year's calendar.

Advocates are hopeful that AB 2254 will move forward this year through the Health Committee, as the legislature has yet to hold hearings on the health aspects of legal marijuana. Recent years have seen mounting evidence that marijuana is safer than previously imagined - for example, that it doesn't cause lung cancer and is a minor highway safety hazard compared to other, legal drugs.

Meanwhile, the state's budget crisis remains an important argument for legalization. The Legislative Analyst has estimated that the Ammiano bill would net the state $1.4 billion. "With California's prisons overflowing and the budget a mess, it makes no sense for taxpayers to be paying money to arrest, prosecute and imprison pot offenders, when they could be reaping the revenues of a legally regulated market," says Cal NORML Director Dale Gieringer.


Ahhh So it's 2254 now..

Don't ya miss the good old days when we had all the news right away on this site?