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A World without Alcohol


lives on planet 4:20
hoosierdaddy said:
And I tend to agree that a MJ buzz is so much better, and longer lasting when a person is sober...or should I say completely free from alcohol.

I only realized recently that I like being sober....this was a strange realization....and smoking cannabis while it is very enjoyable...with an emphasis on *very*......it is something I can easily live without

It is just a trip to get high with my older daughter or son and have deep conversations with them about all kinds of things

or to be outdoors with my family in some Beautiful Place by a lake and forest and make BBQ....and just all enjoy each others company.....while I'm high on some sativa these moments seem to be so deep and enjoyable....I just love it

but if I *toked* all the time.....these moments I believe would tend to lose this special *spark*...I guess...we humans do easily get used to the *good* things in life quickly...don't we?

when I lived in America I was toking 24/7 and it was enjoyable.....but something was missing.....maybe I was young and very unaware of everything...don't know

the fact remains I find something *enjoyable* now in simply being sober for long periods of time.....and once I finish off my stash.....I was thinking of not smoking cannabis for a few years

then in about 3 years move to Spain...since I am an EU citizen....and grow some cannabis in my house and near my house.......I am sure that would be a very cool experience.....lol......Nol from Willie Wortels Coffeeshops seems to be chilling down there more and more

especially after that stupid bust on the Sativa coffeeshop in Haarlem, Holland
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the fact remains I find something *enjoyable* now in simply being sober for long periods of time.....

i'm jealous. i wish i "enjoyed" sobriety. i don't think it is something that can be taught. you either do or don't.
As a youngster, i didn't drink alcohol as I have a sweet tooth and most alcoholic beverages are bitter/sharp. Alcohol is legal to buy at age 18 in the UK. Then I found one i liked, and now do enjoy the odd beer here and there. About a year ago I went through a difficult stage in my life and would go out and get drunk quite frequently. But I realised I wasn't enjoying it, i just felt bad. Don't like the feeling of being drunk. Also I see the idiots some people make of themselves when they are drunk (british tourists have a terrible rep in europe for drunken misbehaviour).

'Not I', said the Goose. I have always preferred MJ from my first joint to present day. I have the feeling my health would be in tatters if i got drunk as much as i got stoned (which is all day, every day when i have the stash/money).

The govts of the world love booze because it's so easily taxable. But in the UK now there are massive campaigns about sensible drinking, largely due to the massive increase in medical treatment and law enforcement resulting from alcohol abuse.

I say, stick your mid digit on both of those hands up at your respective governmental (insert large amount of profane insults here). Brew your own booze and enjoy it in a sensible, happy manner IE:- In moderation.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
I'm a party animal bring on the booze. You are your own liquor control board & you're your own cannabis control board. If you can't control yourself abstain from my pleasures.


I just got sent this as an attachment and thought that it was quite fitting for the title of the thread!!! Made me chuckle!!!
My parents made me quit weed when I was seventeen with rehab (yes, just for weed) that had urinalysis- so I graduated to that harder drug, alcohol. They thought it was wonderful that I "just" drank beer and never raised hell about it the way they did over pot.

Booze made me physically sick and also mean and grumpy. I'm not a violent person but alcohol led me into violent thoughts. Pot never made me sick, but what's more important, I tend to be gentle and forgiving of others while using it. So clearly my parents were not being rational, but were following tradition and the will of society.

If society were rational, then yes marijuana would be THE socially accepted drug, and alcohol would be illegal. But society is hidebound by tradition and does what people long ago did. So the real question is, why did our ancestors, going far back in history, choose booze over pot? Our ancestors hold the key to the present day situation.

How far back should we look--the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians...or before? I think we have to look far back, to before large scale civilization even began. Cannabis was known to many primitive tribes, mainly as a useful rope-making material (hemp). I am not sure whether it was known to early European peoples. Africa and Asia, probably due to their tropical regions. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can help me out here, because this is an important point. If cannabis was unknown to early Europeans, that makes a huge impact on what drug the Greeks and Romans adopt.

Another problem, early cannabis breeds probably weren't that potent. I'm making a leap here because I don't KNOW, but I'm thinking that the marijuana grown and smoked by Thomas Jefferson was weak compared to the modern strains improved by selective breeding.

Even primitive forms of wine or mead can be strong enough to satisfy. And drinking comes more naturally to the human animal than smoking. In nature there is no reason to smoke and people do have an initial aversion to it.

You can find alcohol on fruit trees in the forest. Apes seek out fermented fruit to get drunk. It didn't take mankind long to learn how to produce wine, helping the process along by spitting into a bowl of mashed up fruit.

So booze is simple to produce, requires no special climate, and it's easy to imbibe, requiring no flame (fire required effort to produce in ancient times), and the potency is sufficient without special cultivation techniques. Booze is a low-tech high. In a nutshell I see this as the reason society today accepts booze over pot.


it seems far more reasonable that instead of changing all the things around us

we simply change ourselves


trouble said:
If someone opens up an Opium Den in my town I'll be there for the Grand Opening and never leave. "Trouble, you have been here for 3 years ever since our grand opening and we are now going out of business, we need to close and you need to go to detox, treatment, or home now!"

In fact, if Opium Dens were legal I would start franchising them. Smoke Away Your Troubles at "Troubles Opium Oasis."



first custie reporting for duty


Active member
last time I went to the stores, I was really high, and I noticed how all these people ( there were like a dozen people buying beer)

and I sort of noticed how this is how people connect you know

this is their church

but fuck they use the bad door

alcohol kills


Active member
DogBoy said:
Do you mean no man made alcohol or if alcohol itself simply did not exist.

Sorry, man doesn't "make" alcohol, yeast does... lol I know what you mean, but all we do is basically flavor it differently, or increase its concentration...