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A World On A String


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
I love pickled stuff, its the only way I can eat green beans... and cucumbers for that matter


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yup,its a funny time to live in,we're sort of stuck at the beginning of a new phase in the general sociological paradigm as we have reached the limits of a capitalism based system which still has the remnants of the feudal culture attached to it but still has not fully embraced the full suite of ideals of democracy...i mean this is sort of a crux moment for humanity in that our action or inaction will either move the planet towards disaster for us or waking up and start to steward the planet rather than treating it like an unending cornucopia...

well this could turn into a diatribe really quickly so whatever,call me head in the sand,blinders on,im going to worry about my happiness and doing what i can to mitigate my impact on the world in a fashion consonant with my values,everyone else can deal with their own shit....i just wanna ride my bikes and play in my garden...my life may not be the ideal model of planetary responsibility...but at least i made some effort...lol,better than bein a quinoa eatin prius driver!

Jericho Mile

Happiness is new socks

Happiness is new socks

been fucking around today...watered gardens...had brunch (here) with the wife..been on here (forums)...one of those hot summer days..everything moving in a no-hurry way

Ran a couple hrs. Had an Apocalypse Now helicopter scene for a mile or so....3 ships involved in a rescue. It was on the scanner (an app on the I-phone allows you all the radio traffic)...the wife was listening (at home) because she saw emergency equipment go by...

some young dude...gone tits up due to the heat..and possibly a diabetic condition...puking disoriented unable to proceed...in a very serious way

Came across the scene..on the trail...on a knob above a canyon. Didn't stop to talk or see what was going on....seemed a little like a cluster fuck to me....3 different ships is a bit much...took them a while to find the guy (looked like he was with a couple other dudes..using a cell phone to call in their distress)....ground people had to hike in..then decided they needed to hoist the downed party

basically I ran up on them..after all this..had been going on for a while. Ran up on them...and kept rolling...wondering what it all looked like from the ship above me

^ rock wear on the softer foam they are using on the 2.0....I use my toes to dig into the rocks..this kind of wear is from uphill digging...for sure

^ New sock day is almost...as good as...a new shoe day. the pairs I get to retire today..were totally compromised. I always wear out the big toes...even when double socking. My big toes are what guides me through the rocks...so they get stuck out there into the bumps and the friction

* with the 1.5 and 2.0 Lone Peaks...because I have narrow feet...and because I like a tight fit..with my big toe nearly touching the end..

I wear a lightweight sock under a mid weight sock. I used to order my shoes a 1/2 size small...but found the double sock method to be better. Gives me even a little bit more confidence in...sticking my feet in tight spots.
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Jericho Mile

yup,its a funny time to live in,we're sort of stuck at the beginning of a new phase in the general sociological paradigm as we have reached the limits of a capitalism based system which still has the remnants of the feudal culture attached to it but still has not fully embraced the full suite of ideals of democracy...i mean this is sort of a crux moment for humanity in that our action or inaction will either move the planet towards disaster for us or waking up and start to steward the planet rather than treating it like an unending cornucopia...

well this could turn into a diatribe really quickly so whatever,call me head in the sand,blinders on,im going to worry about my happiness and doing what i can to mitigate my impact on the world in a fashion consonant with my values,everyone else can deal with their own shit....i just wanna ride my bikes and play in my garden...my life may not be the ideal model of planetary responsibility...but at least i made some effort...lol,better than bein a quinoa eatin prius driver!

There is no cause. I am no cause man. It's all about finding your own personal happiness. Worrying about anything but happiness is being an elitist

there is no where to start. our world is based entirely on the perpetuation of lies. We are lied to straight out of the womb. The bullshit is so deep...nobody has ever had a breath of free air...since man built the very 1st wall...for his protection.

There's so much fun stuff to do...I say if you have the means...are not hurting another...all systems go

some day the ugliness may come our way....or not...but I'm not going to wait around and gloom on it


Active member
No doubt.....



The Mad Monk
Beep beep.

Helps to see it ain't just me tearing through socks at a steady clip. Been logging a lot of miles this summer and the socks are not lasting very long. I can only run barefoot on certain terrain so it's a give and take sort of thing.

About to give up dairy. Finally whittled it down to just cheese and now even that is slowly on the way out. Everything else was easily replaced, I've been drinking almond milk for years but cheese has been the toughest.

Anyhow, good to see things still rolling in here. Nice gig testing shoes. I'm still trying to find my ideal pair, been doing a lot of barefoot running lately. Foot strength significantly improved but its limiting in terms of terrain, at least for me so far.

Hope alls well.

Jericho Mile

with the exception..

with the exception..

of my wife's pesto..which has goat cheese in it...

and maybe a white chocolate mocha once every few months..can't think of where else I'd be entertaining animal proteins..in my diet

Dairy is no issue with me...I don't desire it. Sugar is still the hardest for me...by faaaaarrrrrr. I love the shit. But man..

I just do what I do...don't beat myself up over a sugar relapse...know it sounds profound...but sugar is maybe the most addictive dope in existence. Definitely : the most pushed....and running really doesn't help much

* I crave sugar after runs

** because I run so much...in my mind...if I let it rule..I can justify anything...especially up taking any sweet and calorie laden fuel. I have to keep myself in check...keep my focus..don't sell myself out

in reality...or whatever....I have no problems maintaining a plant based diet...without much industrial process...all the while...reaping the rewards of retaliating with the home garden.

^ Hot House Saga:

Cucumbers are still producing..but now the indeterminate tomatoes are starting to take over...so the plan is to wait until the cucumbers play out (or just cut them..as we've plenty of pickles now)...and then train the indeterminate tomatoes from their stakes into the trellis.

* the short determinate tomato variety (they are at the bottom..in front of the cucumbers...think there are 5 or so plants) is still fruiting and ripening...and not in the way of anything...all good there

^ the other side of the hot house has the 2nd round of basil coming along (for more pesto) and a couple volunteer tomato plants...which I dug out of the ground from another garden. They showed about a week of being in shock..but are now recovered...seemingly happy to be in a house. Hoping to keep all this stuff going until November


^ the wife and I drove up the mountain today. Snapped a picture of one of the washes that leads to fuel breaks and power lines. This is a cool little piece to run...gets deep gouges and lots of rocks and drops further down than the picture indicates..but the good stuff is up that slope...you can see

it has those patches of open sands...all runnable through carves and slides. Good power section here..up and down..then drop off into the wash and get some speed.

* I'm just going to say it: the best stuff is almost always...off trails. Talking about this sort of terrain. Running off trail...like this...is like really riding the terrain. I never stay in a straight line for more than 5 foot strikes...shit is always moving...as I try not to ever consciously think about my next strike...looking only for the flow..run blind

But...to change the subject (not much though)

^ we went up...near the top of the mountain and parked under..this cell..which was starting to rumble...and soon to bottom out

started running along a ridge...down into a cedar/oak/jeffery forest..deep drainage where the bigger trees are....all along the bottom...then back up to a ridge

Temps dropped down to below 50...cell unleashed sheets of rain and hail....thunder and lightening. At its worst..we had to get under an oak tree...to get out of the hail pelting....but mostly..

we were able to keep moving...even as the trails turned into creeks (trails create a perfect place for water runoff...not always a good thing)...and cracks of lightening came down...all around.

That was the wife's first time running under a t-cell burst. It was also the fastest I've ever seen her run....such a rush of energies out there...she wasn't messing around

Told her::::::::: "just focus on your footing and the trail...breathe..relax...and don't worry about shit..you can't control"....funny stuff like that...not that she ever...

takes me serious

though...afterwards..back in the warm/dry cab of the truck...she was pretty wound up and stoked. Fun time

Jericho Mile

when day be done

when day be done

whe dey b dun

^ taken a few minutes apart...as the sun slid away..as a cell...having finished its pour..followed the ball. a study in dissipation

^ Maintenance is Maintenance. It's a matter of keeping up with the wear. urethane over fabric tears...and wherever...there looks to be a weakness

Using more Gorilla Glue to fill in ripped out foam (in the big toe area)...securing the exposed edge of the actual sole (tread piece)...a little lip...where I can easily see....a rock or root catching it and ripping the sole loose. That soft foam...a blessing over rocks...but not the toughest material.

Been running in these..just under a month...around 30 hrs on them. None of these wears and tears upend me...as I can't expect shoes to not take a beating..getting thrashed around rocks and brush...the way they do. It's not that time consuming or expensive to make my repairs. Kind of customizes the shoes..as well...as feet are really....individualistic...

as are...shoes

very happy with the 2.0's....work great for me

^ Found another bean. I'm calling her "2ndly".....as she is the second plant coming out of Queen Mox selfs
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Jericho Mile

high quality...clean

high quality...clean

MDMA and DMT......post run experiments. Deep breathing into whatever there is

to have close friends still dedicated to psychonautics (and yoga)...to not have given up exploration

MDMA powder blended with sassafras yesterday afternoon...wandering around the property weeding all my gardens...then onto my yoga mat for long stretches

can I say this stuff? Probably not....but it should be documented as

it's part of the overall painting.

Is it a state of mind? I don't know

" I DON"T KNOW ANYTHING.....NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING " knowing is a useless word...one without a true definition. a bullshit word...


Active member
In 1971 in Boulder I heard Snyder recite this new poem. It was a cool poetry reading event in a small inside auditorium. Allen Ginsburg, Robert Bly, Chogyam Trungpa, and Gary. It turned into a cosmic trip-out as Chogyam took the meditation gong bowl and put it on his head and started banging it while Ginsburg furiously recited his latest anger verses. The whole place went ballistic with laughter and Ginsburg reluctantly let it go....


Once in the Jurassic about 150 million years ago, the Great Sun Buddha in this corner of the Infinite Void gave a discourse to all the assembled elements and energies: to the standing beings, the walking beings, the flying beings, and the sitting beings--even the grasses, to the number of thirteen billion, each one born from a seed, assembled there: a Discourse concerning Enlightenment on the planet Earth.

"In some future time, there will be a continent called America. It will have great centers of power called such as Pyramid Lake, Walden Pond, Mt. Rainier, Big Sur, Everglades, and so forth; and powerful nerves and channels such as Columbia River, Mississippi River, and Grand Canyon. The human race in that era will get into troubles all over its head, and practically wreck everything in spite of its own strong intelligent Buddha-nature."

"The twisting strata of the great mountains and the pulsings of volcanoes are my love burning deep in the earth. My obstinate compassion is schist and basalt and granite, to be mountains, to bring down the rain. In that future American Era I shall enter a new form; to cure the world of loveless knowledge that seeks with blind hunger: and mindless rage eating food that will not fill it. And he showed himself in his true form of


A handsome smokey-colored brown bear standing on his hind legs, showing that he is aroused and watchful.

Bearing in his right paw the Shovel that digs to the truth beneath appearances; cuts the roots of useless attachments, and flings damp sand on the fires of greed and war;

His left paw in the mudra of Comradely Display--indicating that all creatures have the full right to live to their limits and that of deer, rabbits, chipmunks, snakes, dandelions, and lizards all grow in the realm of the Dharma;

Wearing the blue work overalls symbolic of slaves and laborers, the countless men oppressed by a civilization that claims to save but often destroys;

Wearing the broad-brimmed hat of the west, symbolic of the forces that guard the wilderness, which is the Natural State of the Dharma and the true path of man on Earth:

all true paths lead through mountains --

With a halo of smoke and flame behind, the forest fires of the kali-yuga, fires caused by the stupidity of those who think things can be gained and lost whereas in truth all is contained vast and free in the Blue Sky and Green Earth of One Mind;

Round-bellied to show his kind nature and that the great earth has food enough for everyone who loves her and trusts her;

Trampling underfoot wasteful freeways and needless suburbs, smashing the worms of capitalism and totalitarianism;

Indicating the task: his followers, becoming free of cars, houses, canned foods, universities, and shoes, master the Three Mysteries of their own Body, Speech, and Mind; and fearlessly chop down the rotten trees and prune out the sick limbs of this country America and then burn the leftover trash.

Wrathful but calm. Austere but Comic. Smokey the Bear will Illuminate those who would help him; but for those who would hinder or slander him...


Thus his great Mantra:

Namah samanta vajranam chanda maharoshana Sphataya hum traka ham mam


And he will protect those who love the woods and rivers, Gods and animals, hobos and madmen, prisoners and sick people, musicians, playful women, and hopeful children:

And if anyone is threatened by advertising, air pollution, television, or the police, they should chant SMOKEY THE BEAR'S WAR SPELL:


And SMOKEY THE BEAR will surely appear to put the enemy out with his vajra-shovel.

Now those who recite this Sutra and then try to put it in practice will accumulate merit as countless as the sands of Arizona and Nevada.

Will help save the planet Earth from total oil slick.
Will enter the age of harmony of man and nature.
Will win the tender love and caresses of men, women, and beasts.
Will always have ripened blackberries to eat and a sunny spot under a pine tree to sit at.


...thus we have heard...


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
awesome sunset pictures!

post run DMT, talk about a jaunt.

I want to try ayahuasca eventually.

Shamanism - Other Worlds - Ayahuasca Documentary

I think it is "interesting" how people interpret their subjective perceptions, whether it be sensory inputs or the realm of thought under normal states of consciousness much less altered ones.

instead of recognizing the archetypes encountered on psychedelics for what they are, as different aspects of a single mind or collective consciousness, people often seem to attach ego's to them and create deities to be worshiped or battled which only crates a conflicted mind.

what I have learned from psychedelics and a little bit of mediation is to better recognize my own thoughts and impulses, where they arise from and what will they are serving. Like when thinking before saying or doing something, the little ego/demon/beast/ mind... as allegorized in cartoons... driven by bodily desires and pride, where my thought process might be trying to justify something that goes against the golden rule and compromises my morals, versus the "righteous?" side of consciousness which is subtly recognizable in it's thought pattern and never conflicts with the idea of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

I know you guys probably get what I am saying here, some reading through this thread that are less familiar with the process may not know what the F' I'm talking about, LOL.

I think "enlightenment" can be as simple as understanding the truth of that old saying, because essentially all consciousness is the same thing... so you are doing unto your self when you do unto others. the problem is most people don't know who they really are beyond govt ID's, SS numbers and what's in their bank accounts... but for the ego driven beasts of the world simple checking thoughts against the golden rule can help humanity go along ways IMO.

I also like listening to scientists and neurologists on the subject of consciousness, meditation and psychedelics... and it seems with the more and more advanced brain imaging tools the more the ideas of a mind - brain interface relationship seem to be prevailing as the dominant theory in how the brain gives rise to consciousness...

Becoming Conscious: The Science of Mindfulness

I find this stuff super interesting and very exciting!


I've done a fair bit of time with ayahuasca. It really is wonderous, and in a way I am glad it is gaining some traction in the world, but like many things, it also saddens me to see it being so quickly grabbed and misused by almost-mainstream culture. See also: salvia divinorum. One of my favorite plants, but almost nobody should use it, and I want to punch the kids these days taking it carelessly, posting youtube vids about it, etc. Sigh.

It gets kindof weird, wanting everything democratized, but also realizing that mystery tradition was kept under wraps for very good reasons... selectively allowing initiates into the scene when deemed ready. I hate elitism but it really is pragmatic in many cases. This even extends to herb; I want anyone who wants it to have legal access, but the quality seemed higher when growing was a much more rare art.

Jericho Mile

what I'm finding is...

what I'm finding is...

that I'm mostly content with where my head is now. Of course...I just heat wand(ed) up a couple fair size nuggets...of Moxie...but putting that aside..for the moment

i feel that through the running and all that goes into that perpetuation..diet, breathing, stretching, massaging, being in a constant ache, the hours that go under foot...

leaves me in a constant state of chemical movement. the body is..yes..it is...a chemical factory. Natural occurring DMT...brought out by focused breathing? the dream effect while running...similar to the dream effect of a DMT release? No..well at least not in intensity..of course not

but then you take that effect...add the cannabis effect...kick in the dopamine....

The point? Don't think I had one

Running the full moon (8th) with a friend. It's good to have friends that are down with doing that kind of shit. Running under a full moon..well I've said this in the past...but again...it's a different world.............."The chemical body under the sphere of lunacy"


^ another pair of Altra Lone Peak 2.0's. Retiring the 1st pair with 46hrs 36min on them. That's about as much as I expect out a pair of my shoes. Once they lose traction...once the foams go dead...they are done. I can feel it..when they are dead...and definitely have to run different...lot of slipping and sliding. Every month and a half....new shoes.

^ new and old. I'm a toe runner...so once I lose grip on my big toes...it forces me to slow down. You can almost see where my big toe wants to come through the sole...looking for grip. I always wear away the front of the soles.

^ Again...tearing up the foams and rubbers...looking for traction. The soft foam used between the sole and the foot...got tore up in brush and on granite. Love the cushier ride...and as long as I'm not worried about durability....this is just one of those trade offs. I tried using glue and urethane to help...lend a remedy..and to an extent..they worked

so..now I know these shoes. On these new ones...I've already spread urethane gel where it's needed. That's the only modification I'm making straight out of the box. Other than that...as they break in...I'll trim the toe guard..and continue with the glues and urethane as needed.

* I have a 50K race in a couple weeks...but I'm not training for it really...just running how I feel.

speaking of feeling. Had a "bad" run the other day...in the heat..just felt like I was full...nothing moving..legs heavy...body heavy..breathing unfocused....just was running like shit..off balance

and what?

Felt like I was going to kill myself on the trail I was running. Figured it was a matter of time before I tripped up badly. Which...pissed me off so..I took myself off the trail and instead ran a long...very steep chip seal road...you know..

like punishing myself on this hill...with the heat radiating off the hard cooked road...some jack ass riding an enduro passing on that I "had a long way to go"...as his fat ass twisted the throttle up the hill..sun relentless in the open

it's a trait you know. Endurance incorporates suffering..that's what it is..to be able to willingly suffer...and work your way out of the hole. The ability to control the chemicals....time after time...breathe the mind down

to go hard when you are having a bad day
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
50k is pretty burly on foot,i do that sort of distance on a bike like 3 times a week but on foot it would be another matter...
i go through tires about how you go through shoes,but then again i am up to about 1500 miles already this year (my riding year starts on july 15th,my ogre's birthday)...volunteering at a race next weekend,figure i will race next year at 50...and a 100k charity ride coming up,almost killed me last year,should actually be fun this year...

Jericho Mile

50k is pretty burly on foot,i do that sort of distance on a bike like 3 times a week but on foot it would be another matter...
i go through tires about how you go through shoes,but then again i am up to about 1500 miles already this year (my riding year starts on july 15th,my ogre's birthday)...volunteering at a race next weekend,figure i will race next year at 50...and a 100k charity ride coming up,almost killed me last year,should actually be fun this year...

There are many good courses in my immediate area. Some of the races are dropping down into the desert, some are coming up out of the desert, and still others are racing through canyons...but all of them roll the hills. We don't have monstrous mountains height wise..but we have the heat..we have variety in terrain...and exposures

I'll do this 50K...come spring another 50K and a couple 50M..see how that goes...but I'm gearing for the SD 100M in June. I'm going to race a while. That's the progression. Having a set course, a timed course, and a supported course...is now of value to me.

I'm so into myself (when I'm running)...I want to keep the dream going...see what walls it brings me up to. The competitive aspect will push my performance...test my will...the support will fuel me further...all I have to do is run. That's the beauty of racing.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i went out last week and helped mark the course for the race,i only had a vague notion of where the beginners route went and i think i have been riding something that was overall more difficult and hitting pretty good times on that....once i saw the beginners course i was sort of regretting not racing this year but i had already committed to volunteer...i think even on the fat bike i could have placed well this year,still one spot im not real comfortable with but i could have just gotten off the bike and ran...
next year i will be fit enough to take on the single speed race instead,twice as long and a much tougher course...plus no pressure to try and win although there arent many 50+ yr olds riding single speed...

Jericho Mile

Waiting on Rain?

Waiting on Rain?

The backcountry has rain predicted for the next couple days. Nice. Had about an hr shower yesterday. A badly needed shower. Blessings

Killing a bit of time here...waiting...eating..toking..drinking..see if I can't get in a humid..wet run

^ Some Moxie harvested yesterday...this one I cut...on her 67th day of flower. Almost 20 days of flush. Harvest time occurs less because of flower day...more because of my schedule. The Queen Mox Clone has that 58-70+ day window....I still can't tell the differences..if truly...there are any..in the final product

anyway...guess I could be spending some time trimming this stuff...nah....fuck that...get to it later. fuck trimming

Jericho Mile



Started my run...around 1..clouds were building...rising and floating over the eastern ridges. Temp was at 90..humidity going up

Ran for over 2 hrs. The 1st hour+ was in the dry and a thick heat. The 2nd 1/2 was under an unloading cell...temps dropped into the 70's..100% RH....running in the run off..the trail either slick or flowing with water....thunder/lightening on the occasion..but not an explosive onslaught. A mellow cloud break...with a beautiful pour of rain

nice to have brand new tread...tell you that. Such a major difference.

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
nice to have brand new tread...tell you that. Such a major difference.

Howdy my brother!
I've been framing houses in Newbalance Minimus shoes for about 18 months. Just got another pair of 80VI's and the fresh tread for sure makes a difference. I tear them up fast, but its worth it to be able to stick to a 10:12 like glue and walk 2x4 walls like it is nothing.
Got a gang of ChemDDs ready to flower 8 or so females and 4 males. Also have some Dcong F2,F3,and F4s in the room. Gonna let the DD males have their way with the lot.