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A World On A String


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I doubt you care, but this is by far the most insightful thread, as well as entertaining, on The forum. I never have much to add but I feel I'm part of the thread. So. Very enjoyable


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
you go through shoes like i go through gloves...dunno why i kill them so quick,its not like im falling over constantly,but i need a new pair every couple of months...

Jericho Mile

One of those many things....we talk about

One of those many things....we talk about

....all the variations...all the little factors...all the alignments and all the happenings that make up the pathways. one thing must match up to another thing...at the same time this thing has arrived to be...in locomotion over this scenario. Making one's way...the only way one knows how

the logic in the no logic possible

^ That fucking hurt. Ankle sprain..folding the ankle over on a down hill rock section. Never did hit the deck...never had to taste the granite..as I do spend more than..a bit...of time stretching out my ankles...ankles which have been rolled many times..keeping them flexible..

payed off in this sense of logic. Was able to catch hold of my balance..and my downhill lateral (tight carving..bouncing side to side) momentum..in time to come to a halt and grunt with the sickening instant pain..that drops blood sugar out of the stomach..the deafness of nauseation for that brief moment in pain. The internal pop of tendons..ligaments...feeling the heat..electricity of muscle blood flow.

then it must be instant: get back on the foot. Nothing cracks...it holds weight?? yes...then get going before the swelling takes hold...before things tighten up

4 miles and several off balance hills later...made it back home..even if..form was no longer and compensation for ailment completely running the show.

* elevated up now..aching like a bastard. one of those many many many things


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
ouch....im just getting finished rehab for my knee and getting back to pushing a bit further each week...lots of time patiently grinding out the hills and hours of flat easy spinning...finally learning how to ride a bike after all those years of being young and stupid...i know im on the right track now since i virtually ignore the bike comp except to tell what time it is or just to keep an eye on elapsed ride time so i know when to stop and eat....aside from that i stopped chasing the numbers,either how fast or how far...

well,maybe some rest will do you good,let it heal up right....i had to back way off for a month but still get some light spinning in every day,it sucked but i came back stronger,and really i have to say being forced to slow down made riding more enjoyable again...it was getting to be a chore to be done rather than enjoying it...nice to slow down and just relax sometimes...

Jericho Mile

ouch....im just getting finished rehab for my knee and getting back to pushing a bit further each week...lots of time patiently grinding out the hills and hours of flat easy spinning...finally learning how to ride a bike after all those years of being young and stupid...i know im on the right track now since i virtually ignore the bike comp except to tell what time it is or just to keep an eye on elapsed ride time so i know when to stop and eat....aside from that i stopped chasing the numbers,either how fast or how far...

well,maybe some rest will do you good,let it heal up right....i had to back way off for a month but still get some light spinning in every day,it sucked but i came back stronger,and really i have to say being forced to slow down made riding more enjoyable again...it was getting to be a chore to be done rather than enjoying it...nice to slow down and just relax sometimes...

Recently watched a documentary on this coach down in Kenya. He had all kinds of different work outs for his runners. Sometimes they'd just be running around slow and loose...enjoying the basic sensations of the primal act. He'd make sure there were days/workouts where that's all they did. They'd just chill out and jog around.

I do that kind of stuff as well. Training...I've discovered...is wide open. It's important to find that enjoyment...can't all be about the pain. I've learned to chill out when I want to...and push it even if I don't want to...again...all in the balance. For me..training is a lifestyle and an enjoyment...far beyond just staying in physical shape.

A couple days off...probably so...the trails are one thing..but I've got other life activities that are going to be more of a bear to work through. My mobility is hindered

* finished that book by Heinrich and already ordered and received another of his books: "Mind of the Raven"...which yup...is about his observations of Ravens. I spend a lot of time around Ravens...and have an attraction towards them. Very personable and bright beings. How one thing (book) leads to another thing (another relevant book)...I don't ignore such things. I understand "learning" more than I used to....less the clinging...more the letting it swirl

so now I'm under Raven influences...and realize...that I have been for a while now


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
im contemplating a hot tub to sooth the aches and pains....
bike training is fairly simple,it mostly comes down to more saddle time...most of the days are for long slow rides,slow being relative of course,the point being to ride at a comfortable pace,easier hills if any.and mixed in strength days where climbing would be the focus of the ride or now i can take the full suspension mountain bike out for trail work since it tends to be much more sudden burst of power and the climbing tends to be much harder,far more upper body work required and core strength...plus its wicked fun...
im supposed to take days off,but they tend to be errand days so i end up hauling but thats just in town distance even if its sometime brutal...like 2 bags of medium...
i do try and take one bike free day a week...it does take all day to clean and maintain 3 bikes after all...

Jericho Mile

Extending the Pool

Extending the Pool

Below showing the 2 males being used in the Thrill Kill run. Early flower...1st week...not yet ready for exile

To be clear: the Thrill Kill run is a mixed batch consisting of Killer Chemdog IX1's, Killer Chemdog IX2's, and Cindy Kill Dog F1's.....nothing labeled...all beans soaked in the same shot glass...no way of knowing what be what

this run is setting up nicely. I have a female in flower presently (stretching) that will be getting dusted with the Mox Mox IX1/Hell Hound IX1 blended pollens (same 6 pollens being used to make Hell Mox)

....also....I've decided that I may use some of the Thrill Kill pollens on a Hell Hound IX1 female...as well as...on a Mox Mox IX1 female. No reasons I can see..why..this wouldn't be a good idea. Do not these lines share common denominator genetics? Yup.

* DMSO (I prefer the 70% blend) smeared liberally on the shin and ankle...holding the foot up to the front of the fireplace...keeping different stretches going on it....works well. Walking ok for the most part...though flexibility is compromised due to some swelling. Not too bad of a roll then...bit bruised is all.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
trying to decide what to do on newim just about set for a little seed making run here,got a strawberry diesel male and some clones of gorilla glue,strawd and chemdog99 to dust...im old fashioned so i will just let them have sexy time together and gather some pollen for later use...

i use arnica gel for that purpose,and lots of capsasin or something of that nature...and ben gay works wonders for pain... years...or rather what bike am i gonna ride....i was thinking of going camping but frankly with the short days and being out by myself the sun goes down,it gets cold,and next thing you know im in the tent by 7 oclock and bored...thinking of going big,havent tackled the big pass yet,so im thinking why not twice in the same day? bring a big lunch along and stop for a long rest at the park and turn around and head home...

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Jericho Mile

trying to decide what to do on newim just about set for a little seed making run here,got a strawberry diesel male and some clones of gorilla glue,strawd and chemdog99 to dust...im old fashioned so i will just let them have sexy time together and gather some pollen for later use...

i use arnica gel for that purpose,and lots of capsasin or something of that nature...and ben gay works wonders for pain... years...or rather what bike am i gonna ride....i was thinking of going camping but frankly with the short days and being out by myself the sun goes down,it gets cold,and next thing you know im in the tent by 7 oclock and bored...thinking of going big,havent tackled the big pass yet,so im thinking why not twice in the same day? bring a big lunch along and stop for a long rest at the park and turn around and head home...

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I was planning (because I have a window n time) to run Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...but I'll take today off..even though..I could go...it's not a race and there be no need of being uncomfortable running in compensation...it's more detrimental than good. I feel no need to prove to myself..what I already am secure in knowing. I run injured all the time..in fact..I'm always injured somewhere..nature of the discipline

Nope..I'm fucking around in my gardens...indoors and out...composting...checking on my red wiggler populations (I have 2 separate tubs of worms...and will probably order a couple thousand more..to progress population faster)....cleaning out the fireplace...making a batch of pinto beans..sipping pressed Kona and vaporizing Mox Mox

you consistently have interesting genetics..man. Maybe some common denominators in those genetics you are blending? Seems like it.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
if nothing else they are all from the chem family,it has some potential to produce some interesting offspring i think...
i just got a crockpot yesterday,got some pintos cooking myself...

Jericho Mile

Hammering the Nail

Hammering the Nail

Took my camera with me..this morning..when turning flower lights out. It's an interesting array of characters in there...many a personality.

^ Left to Right: Hell Hound (day 46) Mox Mox (day 46) Hell Hound (day 56)......these I kept bent around 5' tall...partially tied to the trellis screwed into the wall..partially tied to ceiling rafters..but trained in supercropped clumps.

The typical Mox Mox expression I've been going on about...the 46 day old plant is partially pollinated (as is the Hell Hound plant)......but anyway...these two Mox are very close to being uniform and show traits from both Flo and Chem DD....staying dark green even in extended flush...not real brilliant in finishing up...but they produce very good vapor. Excellent actually.

The Hell Hound there...she's a nice one..kind of like the "speedster" expression. Thinking she will be real similar...and turn over quickly in flush. She's indicating a fast finish. Nothing wrong with her...nice and sticky/stanky...will yield well enough

The Queen Mox Clone on day 36 (left)....a day after pollination...tied back into her spot. On the right is that Thrill Kill run plant...day 16...stretching up to catch the Queen....she should be about a 6' plant..when it's all said and done. She's the one getting the Mox Mox IX1/Hell Hound IX1 pollens

^ This plant I'm calling "freak". She's a Hell Hound IX1 expression..that I'm totally unsure of. Seems mighty sativa...slow to get flowers going (she's on day 32 I think..32 or 36) and a real stretcher.

I was going to pollinate her this morning...but my ankle says...tomorrow would be better. Very interesting expression...no doubt...I must dust her up...just for the record/investment


Active member
im contemplating a hot tub to sooth the aches and pains....

Do it.....your life will be so much nicer that I cannot even put it into words. I had one for 8 lovely years and it made a huge difference. Hot tub before work, hot tub after work, hot tub after backpacking.....I seek out hot springs whenever possible, but nothing like having one in your own yard.

The training Warriors like you and Jericho need to extend your vision beyond today and think about what knee replacements feel like. I'm only partly for real here, however you can count on an echo down the road if you push so hard that you don't let your sprains, bad twists, and spasms heal slowly.

7 years ago I jumped out of a pickup truck to try and save a runaway, rolling 1500 gallon poly tank that I was unloading. it was pure instant reaction and I didn't get time to think. I hit a slanted rock perfectly and twisted-jerked my ankle instantly. When I tried to get up my foot hung like an open door flapping in the wind. I couldn't feel it or control it.

I thought I had broken it for sure. I luckily had a cooler within crawling distance and stuck my foot into it and the ice and melted ice water within. It porbably saved my ankle from ballooning too large. My foot and ankle turned black and blue up to my mid-calf. When I hobbled in to get it x-rayed, the nurse and x-ray technician were making bets on how many breaks I had. Fuckers....

I had no breaks (hahaha losers) but had torn soft tissue in many places. I should have sat around for at least two weeks and do nothing but let it heal...instead I gave it three days and laced it up tightly in a high ankle boot in order to go back to work.

It took two years to heal to the point that I felt no pain when hiking, biking, or jumping a fence....and that's only because I used DMSO and liquid magnesium chloride (mag oil) 3x daily in my healing regimen.

Point: Take care for the long run, not just the junior Olympics, or you'll be facing serious decisions that have no happy outcomes for the active lifestyle.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i know i had to back off for a solid 6 weeks while my knee healed up,wasnt even that painful,just super annoying,and was more a bike fit problem than anything,coupled with the muscle getting stronger but the ligaments and tendons not keeping up...on a much better training "program" and not neglecting the easy slow rides...im not to far from 200 mile weeks now,although its really the saddle time that matters..getting up to a solid 15 hours a week,feeling really solid on 3-4 hour rides now,not feeling crushed afterwards...although 2 days in a row of that and i need a rest day...nice thing about cycling is its pretty low impact on the body,no way i could do what P does,but riding a bike...that i can do all day....

Jericho Mile



I'm used to rolling ankles. Not saying it's routine..because 9 out of 10 times...I'm able to catch myself before they pop...but there is no way to avoid them completely. I've injured myself (or fell) more often when I'm going easy. When I'm running hard...I'm usually very focused and use the speed and effort to get out of potential wreckage. Sometimes though...I take hits...it's unavoidable.

I do know this: the key to longevity is running light and skimming the terrain. The less time your feet spend on the ground...the less chance of gravity catching up with you. Every part of body mechanics benefits from staying in the air....be on the ground too long..and yup..it's a grind.

* I've taken Saturday, Sunday, and today off the trails. The swelling in my shin/ankle/foot has gone way down. The coloring is one of bruising...but flexibility is about 80% now. No DMSO today...but the last 2 days I've used it...massaged it in...and spent time stretching it all out. I'm good to go again...for sure want to run tomorrow and the next day. Some injuries time off benefits..and some injuries..not so much. Anyone who runs trails with any sense of seriousness...will be banged up 100% of the time. I'm never not banged up. It's important to be able to run in pain...and important to know which injuries require time off...and which require keep on keeping on. I'm not saying it's for everyone...and I'm speaking as an addicted runner...but I honestly live each run..and do not worry for the future. I'm going until some day...I'm not

** I didn't use any of the Mag oil on this injury...but I do agree..it's good stuff. I have a spray bottle of that stuff beside the DMSO. The DMSO is so cheap and effective though...it's more a standard for me. The stuff works wonders...especially used along with the Mag oil. I passed on the oil for this injury because I was laying around and the oil makes things more a mess.

*** Had a short court session today....about 15 minutes. The dude pleaded not guilty again...next date is a May readiness hearing...with a trial date in July. So.....done with court until May


Active member
It's important to be able to run in pain...and important to know which injuries require time off...and which require keep on keeping on. I'm not saying it's for everyone...and I'm speaking as an addicted runner...but I honestly live each run..and do not worry for the future. I'm going until some day...I'm not

Remember this......it will be on the test.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yup,i never have a "pain-free" ride,but then again i cant even sit in a chair without a certain degree of pain,so on the balance,its less painful to be on a bike...up to a certain point...but therein lay the crux...pushing that point out farther and farther...crumbling the mental barriers that separate you from that next level...and i can admit half the reason i ride is because i feel like a big kid,i had a total blast yesterday riding the full suspension mountain bike..once i turned to go back downhill it was all face splitting grins and whoops of joy,holy shit that bike is fun to ride,just a perfect playground for that machine...road riding is "fun" in its own way but there generally a certain degree of suffering coupled with the absolute mindlessness of it at times...but thats sort of the attraction too,i can just put some tunes on and just sort of go even though my mind might be wandering or i might be sightseeing since i may have zipped by all these places in a car but never actually "been" there....slowing down and going at a human pace allows you to be a part of the landscape rather than just traveling over it and still be able to cover a good bit of ground every day...

doing the pass ride tomorrow,dont feel like waiting,time for this particular dragon to fall...i expect to be rather tired and hungry tomorrow evening...

Jericho Mile

...that's part of it too. My body aches every day...always sore throughout...mostly general claustrophobic compression/tightness

stuff I spend time stretching out of..but never completely away from. Then the assorted gouges/scratches/abrasions/splinters...and further

the bangs and bruises dedicated to feet and ankles..caused mostly by rocks (rocking feet sucks...avoiding the rocking of feet an art form) on and on

and yeah the body gets worn down day after day....but

most of this stuff can be put into remission (even if temporary) by returning to the run. Swear I hurt less while I'm running...then when I'm laying off it

But if a serious fall is taken...that's a whole different set of circumstances I can't dwell upon. Many places where I run..if I were to fall and seriously fuck myself up..so that I couldn't walk...depending on time of year...easily could be fatal. Heat illness is the #1 concern followed by breaking something...which is followed by snakebite...which is followed by::::::goes on and on if I let it

nothing something everything happens...and I'll probably never know


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
the last trail i did was way more technical with lots of "do not fall" sections with either huge cactus patches or rock or big rock shelves or super steep climbs or tricky rocky descents...i was in over my head for like 40% of it...this place was much nicer with fast flowing trails and nice sweeping corners and deep berms on the tighter stuff and really nice transitions in and out of gullies...there was one section you would have loved,they dropped the trail down a fairly steep,tight little gully and you can either drop straight down the middle and take a few drops or carve back and forth across the walls of the gully like a crazy roller coaster ride...and it just pops out the bottom of the gully and rockets you into a quick little climb...just nice trail all around,that camber is hella fun to ride...makes the 16 mile round trip to even get there well worth it...

Jericho Mile

bye bye 13

bye bye 13

...going about the duties of this last day '13. Never understood a new year starting in January...makes about as much sense...as anything else..I suppose. I'm more a heathen dirt worshipper...spring equinox more my thing..but anyhoo

^ early sample (day 59) off a Mox Mox IX1...the O so..very typical flower expression to be found in the Mox. Looking at a 65-75 day harvest window...without much fade. This stuff is stoney.

^ That's the "Pig" expression of Hell Hound IX1 starting flush on day 42. This is becoming a reoccurring expression within the HH (to the right of her is another similar expression starting to bud up)

^ this one as well...is very similar to the Pig expression. She's also on day 42 and starting flush.

^ Took some clones off the Pig...revegging them...as I want to see what this expression can do in a clone run.

Let's say this then about the Hell Hound IX1 expressions:

* Odessa leaning expressions tend to grow up the fastest...so they make it into the flower studio first...which is most likely why at the beginning of the run I saw them dominate.

** now that I'm deep in the run....the more common expressions are OG Jam dominated

*** so far I can see (presently) 4 such expressions flowering

**** I've pollinated the Pig...and I'm going to pollinate one more of these expressions (the one to her right actually)

yeah yeh yup yes....these expressions are pretty nice..easy to deal with..productive


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
just got back from the double pass crossing,man i am frickin cooked....that was a hard day in the saddle...i think it was only 4900 of total climbing which i reckon is still a pretty good day...had a pretty good load of stuff on the bike too,probably lugged 60 pounds of bike and gear up that frickin pass.....first crossing went great...think it only took 20 minutes to clear the pass once i got to the base,the second trip was just plain grueling,had to granny my ass up the second time,even stopped for a 30 second break which ended up being dumb since i was only 150 ft from the top when i stopped....glad thats over with,not much left in the gas tank right now...time for a shower and get my grub on....

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