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A World On A String

Jericho Mile

todays run...knocked me around...beat me up

todays run...knocked me around...beat me up

I vaporized off this 112 day RKM flower

Kept reloading the bowls..using 2 of them...rotating them into the solo...vaporized the top of my head off then headed out

Ran for 2.5 hrs....full sun..heat of the day...up and down the mountain...trail and winding chip seal...all hill

Strawberry Fields popped into my head...and stayed there for the 1st quarter of the run...later on...there was no music...took a few hits to my feet (shoes are totally wasted..traction sucks. rubber's played out...no rail..no spring...fucking so dangerous).....the last 3 miles were dry in my mouth....the heat and hills pushing me down

Training hard in the heat...I have spiritual experiences...blackout sometimes...time passes in slow motion. I really can't...remember all the run. Living within...and understanding...suffering...functioning in pain/exhaustion.

Hydrated as soon as I got home...then lay on my yoga mat..until I felt like standing on beat feet again


, The Ghost of
I have eaten a god awful amount of acid in my day. Maybe...some day I'll eat some more...but man...you have to be in it...to win it

I can tell you from relatively recent experience that dropping a couple tabs, after being away from it for a dozen years or so, was a pretty humbling trip. What I mean to say is - I lost my shit!

Been through times when I was turned on more than off and all I could do was lay on the cool earth under a tree in darkness.

Mr A - blotter! Man its been a lonnng time since Ive acid called that. Thanks!

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Lebanese people like to put a cross next to their hard earned food...
And they love olive oil...my sweet loving olive complected grandmother would make the karate hand and press a cross into the bowl of kibbie(raw meat).
Then, pour olive oil to fill back in, the engraved area. Making a gold cross on the lamb. dish's surface. Raw protein. Extra virgin oil. Good food.

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
I just knew i'd be pressed to discuss detroyer content w/in kalimost and red kal

I just knew i'd be pressed to discuss detroyer content w/in kalimost and red kal

I've been calling these plants Red Kali Mist...but to be accurate...they are Red Kali Most...so the parents originally..would have had pre '98 Kali Mist parents..as well as post '98 parents..with a bit of Destroyer thrown in...think that's how it is

Mr. A did all the selections to get them to the F5...
I think I could find the red line again(if ) we sprouted a bunch of packs of new kail (tbh)
If there is destroyer in there, it may have affected the potency and ceiling I suppose.
I've yet to see any red destroyers. But some purple ones. None in outcrosses to my knowledge(currently iow).

All the mention of good about the rkm lately has me care less today about what the line becomes. It's expanded in pheno packages in the last couple generations.
The plants got prettier to the eye with each generation.
The males, I never paid attention to their importances really, if you'd ask..

On me,
To Follow the females had been a reliable key to the good f5's....a side effect is that my purple rkms want to tend to be male in most cases. I wonder if my times and sun spectrums are to excuse this weird phenomenon in the f4s and so far f5s?

I have 2 red f5 females and 2 purple f5 males now, now, now
Maybe I should make a quick seedrun since I'm low on existing f5 stock
Wish I had red males for a change. My fault. Maybe it doesn't do me any good to feel sorry. Good results happen almost regardless of my cerebral hand. I didn't 'make' what's inside those seed gene packets, and am in no way responsible for causing those genes to re-dominate in various ratios of jungle traits (lol). That's the dismay with breeding. You ask,....what did 'I' really do but stabilize the path of a niche of the line that wanted to come on out already.
Have good ones....have a couple...everyone...

Jericho Mile

I think I could find the red line again(if ) we sprouted a bunch of packs of new kail (tbh)
If there is destroyer in there, it may have affected the potency and ceiling I suppose.
I've yet to see any red destroyers. But some purple ones. None in outcrosses to my knowledge(currently iow).

All the mention of good about the rkm lately has me care less today about what the line becomes. It's expanded in pheno packages in the last couple generations.
The plants got prettier to the eye with each generation.
The males, I never paid attention to their importances really, if you'd ask..

On me,
To Follow the females had been a reliable key to the good f5's....a side effect is that my purple rkms want to tend to be male in most cases. I wonder if my times and sun spectrums are to excuse this weird phenomenon in the f4s and so far f5s?

I have 2 red f5 females and 2 purple f5 males now, now, now
Maybe I should make a quick seedrun since I'm low on existing f5 stock
Wish I had red males for a change. My fault. Maybe it doesn't do me any good to feel sorry. Good results happen almost regardless of my cerebral hand. I didn't 'make' what's inside those seed gene packets, and am in no way responsible for causing those genes to re-dominate in various ratios of jungle traits (lol). That's the dismay with breeding. You ask,....what did 'I' really do but stabilize the path of a niche of the line that wanted to come on out already.
Have good ones....have a couple...everyone...

Don't know much about Destroyer..but was researching Kali Most..and saw it was involved. A sativa dominant from my understanding...well respected

I'm rapidly going through the harvest from the 112 day expression...that's the one I reach for...some funky tasting stuff...different than the others.

So far...the Red Krox (RKM F5 X Mox Krox) seedlings are still alive..haven't managed to kill them yet...although..it's getting to that witching hr. I've been losing seedlings in the 2nd week...that's been when the voodoo hits. Had 100% strike rate with these...but germination hasn't been the problem

* Spent all morning and some of the afternoon...digging holes for tomato plants. I have to plant them in root cages to keep the gophers at bay...adds extra material and labor to the task...but better than having a gopher kill plants...that you've invested all the efforts starting from seed

time for a nap...wait for the sun to sink a bit....then back to the gardens


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I bet that RKM does make for quite the jog...!!!


I have eaten a god awful amount of acid in my day. Maybe...some day I'll eat some more...but man...you have to be in it...to win it

200 mics LSD will get cha zooming. I've had a strip in my dresser drawer for almost a year. I ate some "penis envy" mushrooms a friend green in feb. wow, it took me weeks to come all the way down. Same friend is leaving for Tierra Vida. An ayuasca retreat in Peru. 9 day retreat at the end of June

Jericho Mile

No Retreat for me...

No Retreat for me...

....I'm rooted down for summer

Planning a German/Italian assault on the south flank..landed over a rich compost pit...Riesentraube and Ingegnoli Gigante Liscio heirloom tomatoes. Sunk them in today..as the 10 day weather forecast is looking most doable. I'm picturing 7-10' plants...cross pollinating...loaded down with fruit. They'll get caged up later on

7 gal smart pot of basil..looking good

Here's how the hothouse is looking. Been thinning it out the last few days...traded some plants for a jar of hominy corn and I've been planting some...obviously.

^ Pretty much working out as I envisioned it....I'm on schedule...have enough of a population to allow me to gamble plants...nothing overwhelming at this point...enjoying the plants and the experience

* Everything from seed


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hard to believe we are at roughly the same latitude,but the mountains are a ways away so not much localized effect on the weather,im already into second crops on a few things..

Jericho Mile

hard to believe we are at roughly the same latitude,but the mountains are a ways away so not much localized effect on the weather,im already into second crops on a few things..

I know it man. My climate changes just on the property. The backyard and front yard are two different animals. It's all about the cold nights here...we have the killer sun and clear skies...but it's those clear skies that make for cold nights. As long as the days are hot enough...the cool down takes longer...all good

Nights are in the 50's lately...and rarely get into the 60's even in the hottest part of summer. Anything in the 50's works well..my plants will jam out production


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yeah the temps drop about 30-40 degrees between day and night here,i can see i need a couple trees in the front landscaping to alter the local microclimate enough to really get the landscaping pulled together,may be time to invest in some potted fruit trees and a small greenhouse to overwinter them in,or just stick to the ones that do well here...its funny that the mj garden is really the easiest to tend...of course theres no bloody donkey raping bermuda grass in there....

Jericho Mile

Inchelium Red Garlic

Inchelium Red Garlic

Planted this little bed..3x3' (there about)..back in October with Inchelium Red bulbs. Decided that their leaves had withered back enough...that harvest could be justified...close enough anyways...I have many more patches to harvest. The picture shows 1/2 the harvest gone...after I took the picture..harvested the other side. I hand harvest mostly...this soil is so loamy...I usually scratch my way down to the bulbs..and gently extract

little bed produced well...used two brown paper grocery bags to load up entire plants into

Off to dry...bags of gourmet garlic

* Ran with the wife this morning....she rolled an ankle and took a scraping/bloody fall...but finished the run. racked up on the couch now...she can't walk very well

** Been vaporizing that Mox Mox branch (showed a few days ago)...and yeah...fucking killer. This stuff rocks..love the Mox Mox cross...Chem DD flavors over a serene and thoughtful high..not a fast pulse high...real laid back. "O baby....did you fall down?...it's all good....get back on it...can you finish?...chill baby..you'll make it"

I ran and harvested garlic...all the while...vaped up in Mox profiles

Jericho Mile

Following the harvests into the night

Following the harvests into the night

Day goes to sleep...curtain comes down..night brings further sessions in the gardens...indoor cannabis studios coughing up a 63 day Mox Mox for hanging

* this is the plant I've been vaping all day...ended up vaporizing that entire branch (from a few posts back)...total jones weed..can't seem to stop..until..the eventual last nug.

Still attempting to show the "bronzing effect"...it's a trait seen in Blue lines..a blush with light coat of bronze color highlight. Can't seem to get it in the pictures...but 2 of the sisters are showing it..this one to a lesser degree. I believe this shows the Original Flo influences..

Chunky/Dense flowers....some floral baby poo..

** She could have been harvested a few days ago. Been kicking out nanners via the tips of her flowers...she wasn't pleased getting pushed

*** Mox Mox is a sensitive cross....very touchy..routine to me...but would freak some growers out. Killer shit though..very happy with the run

Mox Mox = Chem DD "Deliah" X TFlux

TFlux = Original Flo X Chem DD

Jericho Mile

The "other mother"

The "other mother"

Used this Mox Mox sister as a mother to make the IX1 generation. DD dominant

Took her this morning...day 64. Like the sister I showed in the last post...she didn't much like flushing..and it could be that..as I'm using Clearex...it's probably messing a bit with their salt uptake...maybe uploading heavier doses...as the salts are washing out...whatever..the point being: she kicked out a bunch of nanners...tops of flowers..so I figured she wanted out...obliged her

Really attractive girl...smelly fruity/fuel baby poo..no floral in this one. Flowers...as on all the Mox Mox sisters are dense, coated in resin, and sticky

Without topping...and with the exception of Queen Mox...the Mox Mox plants are only moderate yielders. There is no larf on them at all..so all the flowers are quality...it's that there is but moderate size to the flowers...that keeps them from being great yielders.

Quality vapor...yes..all money there

Jericho Mile

In the middle of a Pueblo Early garlic harvest when...

In the middle of a Pueblo Early garlic harvest when...

I was dropped off a new pair of Altra "Lone Peak 1.5"...fresh out of the box...the new design. Fucking gnarly shoes lol...look like a chevy small block that's been built

After realizing how far gone my last pair of Altra "superior" were...on the last run....I decided to try a heavier design for summer heat running. The Lone Peak 1.5 are supposed to be the shit...the 1.5 fixing flaws that were reported in the 1st generation Lone Peak

heavier than the superiors...the 1.5 are designed more for long distance trail running. I'm hoping they work out...and hold up for longer than a few hundred miles

* I'm getting closer to becoming a tester....was e-mailed by someone who works for NB. Hoping to be getting sent prototype shoes in the future. Can't keep them...but get to use them for 4-6 wks...give account...and send back. The better the tester...the more that comes his way. I won't hold my breath....but things seem to usually work out for me...when I put forth the effort

Fuck...garlic harvesting is time consuming....and me...with new virgin shoes....sensory overload..cranking Suicidal Tendencies and wanting to fuck these shoes up

Jericho Mile

Almost out of here for the day

Almost out of here for the day

Finished up harvesting the patch of Pueblo Early garlic

Two shopping bags....50 a bag I'm thinking...not a bad take

* Getting me a sunset run in...then I've got to do some trimming

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