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A World On A String

Jericho Mile

I want your prune juice. I'm a Querkle fanatic.

I bought a new commuter bike. Breezer uptown 8. Dyno hubs to power head light and tail light. Shimano internal hub. It's awesome for getting to work, running errañds etc. I'm ńot in a position to be 100% carless. I occasionally bike to work and all puttin around town.

Prune Juice has a distinct smell...even vapor smells like a musk of some sort. I liked the Blueberry expression I had....the best..but she smoked just like her 5 sisters...so talking my preference..was in cultivation...fine ass BB plant..all vaped up now

* I made the 3rd generation with 6 females and 2 males...but I will only use beans from the BB expression and one other.

** It's a good cross..but I don't grow many indica dominants. Not my thing...but maybe Prune Juice will be useful...to me..in some outcrosses. I prefer performance oriented plants...the kind that rip up the flower studio....make me work

*** my #1 veg selection...was just average. My selection method failed me there.

I dug...moved logs and boulders...most the afternoon. Projects never end..they just progress into another project. I'm getting a handle on shit...which means..I'm not. No digging tomorrow..garage time....

Telling you...no ceiling on the RKM F5...two bowls of vapor slaps you around..nicely...howdy neighbor..yup...digging my way to the other end...let me throw some more dirt

Jericho Mile

Mox Krox "Blue Mother" Harvest

Mox Krox "Blue Mother" Harvest

Took her this morning...day 71

* Outstanding example of Blue influences hooking up...outcrossed and modified. Original Flo, Grape Krush....blended by Chem DD...mixed down...dressed up


The Mad Monk
The garden is looking and sounding great, P. Blue Mother is a fine looking lady.

RKM is sounding like some great smoke. It wasn't until I started to grow my own I realized just how much I loved the sativa high in its myriad of permutations, racy, clear, no ceiling, et al;. Most of the stuff you could cop a bag of was sleepy indy dom cash cropper types that just made you red eyed and hungry. Everything has it's purpose but the utility of some things is much less than others and for me, there's nothing quite like a proper sally to kick my mind open.

And hey, don't be too hard on yourself for cheating, that thai dessert sounds like rice pudding with a twist. Hard to resist. :D Think of it as a treat for the 98% of the time you're staying the course. I've just started to juice a lot of greens and veggies, sparingly add in a strawberry or slice of mango and some MCT oil which is supposed to help with nutrient absorption but that is a claim some have raised an eyebrow or two at.

Jericho Mile

the last couple weeks..my vaporizer bowl..has had lots of RKM..can now say that I've sampled all four (2 left..still standing)

this evening..got a chance to vaporize some of that lower bud off the 100some day expression (showed the plant and flower..few posts back)...the one that stinks of a ruby red grapefruit...and is still flowering away..though getting close

these nuggets...are little blessing of goodness

Tastes like a ripe rich grapefruit...no incense..no berry...

High is powerful...this may be the best plant out of the bunch as far as all that. Long flowers...that are worth a shit...are something..admittedly..I hoard. Don't grow them often...and have been disappointed by more than a few...but when they turn out and shine...yeah...my favorite stuff to ingest


Gene Mangler
Found a nice mango haze leaning pheno of my blueberry haze last run. Taking 1st gen clones out to at least 90 & see this run? Ended up a rootbound 8+ footer last run lol
Showing some real promise tho.

Have noticed the different phenos re-appearing over & over like you've talked about, as I've worked my way thru these hazes. Kinda cool ;)

Jericho Mile

Morning into Afternoon

Morning into Afternoon

Look at the hot house...about the time..the sun breaks over the ridge...to spray down on all...its heat and spectrums

I've gone through and pruned up all the tomato bottoms...as you can see..it's going to get tight. They still have another month to go..after which...those selected..will go into their permanent holes

Peppers and eggplants...not as difficult to deal with..

Seems that a gardener..can never hope to escape...the rules of time/space/effort.

Take a look at the bottom stalk of the Mox Krox Blue Mother...such a lovely blush of blue trait

* I've got to trim the Blue Mother plant today...so I can set up..to bring in the #1 selection RKM plant....christ knows...trimming overwhelms me easily enough...can't have that..so the pipeline of plants must not be plugged..cogs turn over the heavy breathing of production

** ran with the wife this brunch...temps are over 80...so a little suffering came her way. Heat on the trails...different game..though this ain't summer heat yet...she'll have to pick her times then..heat kills. Leaves for a wedding tomorrow..down to Texas...Austin...for a shit kicking festival....but not me...too much going on here

*** The withdraws from sugar...messing me up..this entire last month. Totally shocked my system...knocked me out of whack. Bowels were out of tune...out of schedule...fucking me up...fucking my sleep up....just totally uncomfortable.

Doesn't bother me on the runs...those haven't suffered at all..in fact..feel good out there. But...the cravings for sweet foods..last for hours at a time. Don't totally feel right...feel hungry constantly

Anyway....cold turkey..doesn't work for me concerning sugar. More than a month..and I'm not through with withdraw. It's a long...deep and twisted road...stretching back 47 yrs of use..

I'm allowing myself organic local buckwheat honey and organic maple syrup..compensate the acid with lemons...in my tea. I conceded to these sources of sugar...a couple days ago..and yes...I have started to feel better.

Still no refined sugar of any sort in my breads or other foods. This little dose of moderation is necessary for my well being....as there is no sense trying to eat healthy...if it's making you feel unhealthy.

*** All my drinking water has lemons in it to raise pH and grab those minerals. Lemons are my friend..base fruit

EDIT: Fuck Yes!!! I can edit again and see who's talking to me in rep..........I can see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
lol,welcome back to the fold my son! 6 weeks....thats my general rule of thumb for all things physical,starting to work out? its gonna suck for 6 weeks,cutting something from your diet? expect to feel awful for 6 weeks...

Jericho Mile

"Blue Mother" manicure

"Blue Mother" manicure

Nuggets...Nuggets....Mox Krox "Blue Mother" Nuggets

Dreamy stuff...really...I grow lots of varieties/combinations of genetics...feel I can say this...dreamy stuff

I love DJ Short expressions....not anyone else out there...has created such unique appearances in cannabis flowers. You can knock the Blues for many things...and I suppose...some of the knocks are valid

However,,,,,,if you can take what he's done...and move it toward your own visions...of how the Blues should be...make them easier to work with...make them more productive plants....open up the narrowing bottlenecks...add some new resin profiles...some new flavors

well then..all the time and money...space and effort...frustrations and mutants are worth the work. You have to be dedicated though...and you have to know what you...yourself...wants out of Short's lines. In themselves...they don't work for me...but through outcrossing....yes..they can and do....I can find joy + satisfaction in their kick downs into my program

still banging banging banging away...but getting there...I can see

Jericho Mile

lol,welcome back to the fold my son! 6 weeks....thats my general rule of thumb for all things physical,starting to work out? its gonna suck for 6 weeks,cutting something from your diet? expect to feel awful for 6 weeks...

Yeah...withdraw...it takes time to overcome. Sugar...is by far...the hardest I've faced. Most complicated to avoid. It's a stimulate...and a narcotic all wrapped up in one package

I've listened to my wife...and some of you on here also...moderation is the only way I'll be able to kick...and not feel like I have no diet life

I don't miss meat or dairy...or even alcohol...but sugar is fucking unreal. My wife told me...I was being an asshole...either fix your shit..or go somewhere else


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i pretty much stopped eating beef except on rare occasions like every few months,always makes me feel like shit the next day,no snap in the legs,joints feel swollen and arthritic...chicken and veg and rice may get boring,but it keeps the motor running clean...

i kinda gave up drinking without meaning to,i just got to the point where i simply wasnt interested in it anymore...once again i blame the bike,turns out riding home after 2-3 pints is no fun when you're not used to it....i would rather ride i guess....

my breeding efforts kinda came to a standstill with summer coming on,got too busy in the outdoor garden,forgot some males and killed them from lack of water...kinda bummed as i was wanting f2's from the line....my lone f3 c99 im running right now is just a beauty,and my red queen cross i ended up with a momma pheno and a poppa pheno,both look pretty darn good as well....no purple kqr buds yet,but i only popped a few...

Jericho Mile

i pretty much stopped eating beef except on rare occasions like every few months,always makes me feel like shit the next day,no snap in the legs,joints feel swollen and arthritic...chicken and veg and rice may get boring,but it keeps the motor running clean...

i kinda gave up drinking without meaning to,i just got to the point where i simply wasnt interested in it anymore...once again i blame the bike,turns out riding home after 2-3 pints is no fun when you're not used to it....i would rather ride i guess....

my breeding efforts kinda came to a standstill with summer coming on,got too busy in the outdoor garden,forgot some males and killed them from lack of water...kinda bummed as i was wanting f2's from the line....my lone f3 c99 im running right now is just a beauty,and my red queen cross i ended up with a momma pheno and a poppa pheno,both look pretty darn good as well....no purple kqr buds yet,but i only popped a few...

Well..as I've mentioned..my big garden change: using some asexual propagation

Coming off the worst rounds of bean sprouting ever....and I'm still unsure why. You would not believe the amount of sprouts I've killed in the last 1.5 months...and how many valuable beans I burned through...how many of my crosses I've attempted...the different methods I've used

I know science has the answer...but I have to take it..as a sign. A sign that things need to change...that I've gotten tunnel vision..and have lost the Pathway...through my own stubborn refusals...thinking that I'm looking outside the box...only to find...I boxed myself.

Beans would germ great...live for more than a week...then start falling over and dying. Not a few....but entire populations. I still don't know why....started checking pH again...switched to better quality coco...used peat starters..etc etc...

never have I seen anything like it...had me damn near in tears..for the frustrations and the losses

Then I come across Queen Mox....and I'm looking at this girl...all through veg...and she's just amazing in all ways growth wise...has the shine...anyway.

I'm thinking...wow...should clone this girl...but I didn't...and put her into flower. A few days later...my wife...hearing all the despairs...all the "fuck you motherfuckers..what the fuck...why are you doing this to me...WHAT? what? what?" boo hoo boo hoo woe's me woe's me

She's like: "Dude...why don't you clone again? Why don't you open your eyes and get a clue?".....that sort of thing..you understand.

So...I went in...and cloned Queen Mox...a few days into flower...and decided I needed to wise up...look at my options...and process...a bit more openminded.

And now you know...my time away from IC...had a lot to do with what I was going through..with beans


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
wonky water....something transient occurred in your water supply,some plants just shrug that stuff off and chug along,thus the queen....
my nickle theory anyway...

and i change my statement about my red queen cross,looking tonight its clear im getting magenta99 shaped overall form on the buds,but the buds are spiral pine cone stacking like kqr....speaking of should have taken clones! lol i have like 200 seeds so i should be able to pheno hunt....unless this was the one......

Jericho Mile

wonky water....something transient occurred in your water supply,some plants just shrug that stuff off and chug along,thus the queen....
my nickle theory anyway...

and i change my statement about my red queen cross,looking tonight its clear im getting magenta99 shaped overall form on the buds,but the buds are spiral pine cone stacking like kqr....speaking of should have taken clones! lol i have like 200 seeds so i should be able to pheno hunt....unless this was the one......

now that I've decided to keep a clone...I feel like a weight has been lifted...as well..I feel that clone represents an end to an era (of sorts)...lol...feels sort of like: growing up...or the realization that gardens change...if not for survival purposes..then what else???

Queen Mox could turn out to be...just a hefty/vigorous work horse...with a good...but not great high/flavor...could easily come out that way..

I'll stop predicting my results...plants fool me all the time..and it's not really something to worry my head about...genetic mathematic equations..maybe I do...gamble strictly on mostly-predictable luck...so can't pretend to look a gift horse..in the mouth...more the prayers for deliverance into a lush vein of expression

Could be I want a clone...to build another foundation...short cut to consistency and known factors...and perhaps...make a more serious effort into breeding my own thing. Can't figure anything..but I do know...the beans refused me....and it's goddamn painful..to be shut down like that..by your own creations

Jericho Mile

Queen Mox clone

Queen Mox clone

I cater to this little plant. She is..at this time..my favorite plant. It's been a long time since..I don't know...''' felt so protective of an expression

But we don't know..do we? The flowering Queen Mox is some where in her 40's...can I see the Chem DD or can I see the Original Flo?...she's green...so far all the Mox Mox sisters...show no Blue coloring...but her flowers??...and the finish time?...is there going to be any Flo influence there? Can she be fucking great?

* Queen Mox threw bottom week 3-4 nanners just like her Chem DD mama. She now puts out very obvious nanners in the tops of some of her flowers (easily picked off)....

I have tweezed nanners off at least 2 other Mox Mox sisters...so yup...sensitive and prone to intersex. Absolutely...no problems keeping up with the tweezing...but if nanners freak you out...Mox Mox would not make you happy

Jericho Mile

To the Hang

To the Hang

Harvested the last Mox Krox female at day 70

Mox Krox = Mox Mox X Grape Krush

Mox Mox = Chem DD "Deliah" X TFlux

TFlux = Original Flo X Chem DD

Didn't pollinate this sister...but she's a nice expression. My description of Mox Krox is: "Blue DD"...which ain't a bad thing...in the scheme of all things...not the best weed I've ever sampled...but still good stuff...designer high grade...different (which is important in flooded lands)

As far as I can tell...Mox Krox is more Blue influenced than Mox Mox. It's those Grape Krush males...I must assume...as the Flo in Mox Mox doesn't seem to shine through as much

maybe I'm wrong though...maybe the Mox Mox start to show Blue influences later in flower...hard to say

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