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A World On A String


How can I fix this and make them better? $100 slippers that ripped with roughly 100 miles (within 3wks) on them....and now have close to another 100 on them. I can sew....but there is rubber and cloth involved....maybe glue some sort of rubber patch...but then how will that stick to the cloth on top of the toe? They are now ripping out on the next set of toes as well. I can't have any kind of seam or it will rub my toes raw.

Try Shoe Goo, stuff works miracles.

Shoe Goo (click me)



....So anyway I keep wearing them. They are falling a part...I noticed even more tear starts in the cloth on the top....while the wife and I hiked all over looking at plants.

certainly a similar slipper could be custom made....to a specific set of specs...made from superior material. Doubt there would be much a market...and they would be pricey.

I have custom made Nick, Whites, and Wesco timber boots...all over $300 and as much as $500. I'll pay for good equipment....but in this case I may need to build my own.

This Vibram model was designed for what I do. They are made for the $100 retail range....I'd imagine the model I really need would be around $250 retail....figuring cost of better materials...if they would even make such a shoe.....like I said no market....paying $100 for a slipper is asking a lot already.

I'm going to patch....I'll use an old wet suit in places...pieces of nylon in others....rubber inner tube (that btw...I found hiking today....please pack out your shit!)....lots of resin and glue.

I'll experiment with the "clove toe" concept a little. I was...at times...really paying attention to my feet today when they came up on rocks. Maybe splitting as I proposed brings you more center...I don't know. I'll have to try it out...duct tape or something for starters. I did see a wild life show on Mountain Goats....and their hoof design...a softer hoof with a gripping center split.

I'll do all this....run them into the ground....and then send Vibram another E-Mail showing them where they can be improved and that I should be brought on board as a Field Tester lol....application for the desired position. Hire a tea drinking dope smoking long hair to rip apart your trail shoe concepts. Don't worry if he is speaking in tongues about some off the wall shit....just give him some shoes.

Hey dudes.....dry some Mugwort and roll it with your finest about 60 percent weed and 40 percent Mugwort. Has a nice calming effect. I find myself really digging the aroma of Mugwort....and the silver/blue coloring is very attractive


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Hire a tea drinking dope smoking long hair to rip apart your trail shoe concepts. Don't worry if he is speaking in tongues about some off the wall shit....just give him some shoes.

dude,thats some funny shit! kinda jim fixx meets carlos casteneda...i was telling teva the same thing,i dont walk so much anymore,but for a time i would kill a pair of sandals every three months or so doing hard backcountry hikes,no response...lived in a wild country tent for almost two years,no free tent from them either....tried to tell keen how much they suck,no response period....at least the others sent a polite thank you for your interest e mail...


I'll have to wait till summer to harvest the Mugwort flowers. I've liked them with my weed. Very ethereal. P you smoke leaves or flowers?

It's German name can be translated as "at the foot". The ancient Romans supposedly would put the leaves into their sandals and it was called the power plant of the wanderer. They say you can use the fresh leaves for a bath for your swollen, tired feet.

Mugwort - Mugwurz - Machtwurz - Power root

I read that Thor had a magical belt made of Mugwort that doubled his strength :)
I like that kind of stories about plants.

I've ordered some special aromatic breed of Mugwort for my garden. I'm sure I'll be able to find my supply in the wild growth, but the ligurian one is supposed to be MUCH more aromatic and I'd like to experience the difference.

I want to make some liqueur later this year. I was drinking Hierbas Ibizencas, a herbal liqueur from Ibiza, that was so oily, you could see the oil eyes on the surface. Phenomenal stuff. So I'd like to see what kind of liqueur I can come up with from my gardens produce. Chances are it'll be horrible, but the one time I made wine, it turned out very good, so I'll put hope into my beginners luck :smoke:

Since we're talking Vibram fivefingerthingies... When I've first run in them, it shocked me how much grip I have in them on a steep slope. It was great to be able to hop up a "near vertical" muddy slope. Mine are still in shape, but I don't kill them like PABLOS. Just 2 miles yesterday. I got the leather ones and was wearing them to my suit at the trade fare in Frankfurt :biglaugh:


Mugwort, teas, and hash smoking

Mugwort, teas, and hash smoking

This is a picture of some very early in the season California Mugwort. I'm drying this bunch for smoking.

Different varieties of Mugwort grow the world over....most everywhere ....quite common. Used in dream pillows, in teas, smoked or tinctured...known to enhance dreaming...aid in lucid dreaming. The herb has many uses and holds several legends....as vod eluded to.

I just smoked a joint of nothing but Mugwort leaves (dried from a previous harvest) and bubble hash. I feel the hash nicely but with a vibrating sense of well being over top.

Since yesterday....I've been drinking a blended tea of Stinging Nettle and Mugwort...dressed up with local Sage honey, an apple, and an orange. I then filtered it through muslin cloth and bottled it up in an amber glass growler (from a local brewery). The herbs were harvested yesterday....and I drunk the 64oz bottle in less than 24 hrs. Rather like an electric cleansing.....with the smoking of my Canna/Mugwort blends enhancing the experience.

I have books upon books....I get the basic idea of what I want to make....see what is presently growing (early in the season...some of these plant stands like the Mugwort stand I found yesterday...will be huge towering plants in a few months)....and go about my way.

I'm not trying to do anything in particular at this point....other than experiment on myself to get the plants in me. Then...I'll know what works or what doesn't. I don't want peeps to misunderstand....I'm no expert....I'm only following the Rabbit.

This batch is at day 60....all in flush....Mikado, Crunge, and ChemDDIX1.....the Mikado stays in to flush....the other two are now in the OD Corral. All were partially pollinated with I-HOP Grape Krush.

The Crunge...a more purple Indica Phenotype..maybe some influence from the Purple Urkle .....dense flowers in fruit/grape perfume.

ChemDDIX1...pretty typical of what I'm finding....nothing shocking...surely quality smoke...much like most her other sisters.

Mikado....whatever it is. Nice plant.

I harvested my 1st Crunge at day 70 and another ChemDDIX1 at day 80....needed something to chew on....and get the rotation moving. Spring is here.

***I'm finding that the cure process for different herbs vary greatly. Drying White Sage takes a while....lowland wet stuff like Mugwort retain their water with greed...slow to dry. You can cheat with dehydrators.

My garden experience....and my experience with drying and curing Cannabis is only somewhat useful. I must remind myself to be open and look outside the box. I'm learning several new populations/species of plants.....an understatement.

It is most important to ingest them, learn them from the inside out....that's the pathway.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
if that crunge is gonna get taken to the bridge you had best check to make sure the bridge is rated for neutron star density buds!


Pablos, I noticed your chemdd BX.I was afraid to make that one myself, or rather run it because I made some unintentionally but never ran the seeds.The cut I had made me so happy I think I just stayed with her for a few years...anyway several experts in the seed biz steered me away from using the dd as a parent but your grows and a few others, joebean in particular made me do it.I have 10 females now, after 45+ veg days, 20 very low intensity and 25, 1000W MH up close, they showed sex in 3 days of 12/12.Here's a few of them, my ? is do you think the dd dom plants would have rounded leaves like few of them do or madly serrated and sharp?The latter is a very Nevs quality.These are the NevsXchemdd, 4 males 10 females.....p.s. My fav running shoes are a pair of old wetsuit boots with a toe, O'niell makes them.I run a lot of marshes out here and deep sand.:)Oh...the intention is the lay up the D cut with this coming pollen, a BX of sorts??


if that crunge is gonna get taken to the bridge you had best check to make sure the bridge is rated for neutron star density buds!

...Where is that confounded bridge?

I can't say that I know.....maybe in the next outcross to Cleveland Sage (o my.... those Cleve children are looking fine)


CHACO....I'm not backcrossing the DD. They are in the F2 and being incrossed into the F3. I've never started a Backcrossing project because I haven't found exactly what I seek. I was thinking that you need a clone to backcross to.....or could you do it very selectively by seed? It had to start from seed originally...peeps didn't start cloning Cannabis until the late 70"s?

....all the term shorts IC or IX = incrossing BC or BX= Backcrossing.......depends on who's writing it up. Technically I don't think ChemDD F2 would be correct as one of the parents is not a true F1????

Keeping it simple I'm: growing ChemDD F2 and incrossed (inlined) them into the F3....plus outcrosses to various bullshit. I was just trying to be fancy.

I have those booties too...good for marshes or surf...ruined by rock and reef lol...

Man...I don't know what will happen with those DD outcrosses of yours. I'd say the Haze is going to boss it.....close your eyes and let it go.....they are going to be sick C.
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hey P,you may want to check this stuff out for the slippers..



you can use this stuff to turn just about any kind of shoe into climbing shoes,fairly durable,pricey tho...

i was really struck by how compact the buds are and the calyx size on the crunge plant you showed last,looked like slingshot round density to me!

I'll look into that product unc...I'm almost going to have to buy another pair....so I have something to run in while I fix the issues. I can already see it's going to take some effort and time....really they could come from the factory easily with the problem solved....it's obvious Kevlar and fuller rubber wrap on the toes would solve the issue.

Yup....this Crunger is quicker and more Indica....also more purple. I'll post some OD pix of her after the sun and temps have their way.


Ah yes, I have it now.I was probably saying that but this project is moving so fastI'm watering one plant at a time and moving very slowly and deliberately.You may be right about the Nevs stealing the show, as a whole group it's obvious(phenotypically).My inquiry is actually more about the chemdd and what freak bunch of females came out of that line.It makes it very exciting to see what they do as parents.Thanks again.:)


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
The nevs dominated the CHEM 4 line ...the sour line tried to put up a fight ..keeping some of the smell and stretch ...but all these sweet candy smells must be from the haze ...Chaco ..i think if u wnted the CHEM dd to dominate u would have to back cross 2x ...using the clone ..
(Nh x dd) x dd x (dd) or (dd x Nh) x dd x (dd)
I don't think ur gonna go wrong either way ..


Kind of like CBF was saying before in his observations: the more a line has been brought down (up) the generations F1...F8....etc...the more it has been worked with through selection via the breeder. The more worked line....generally dominates a lesser worked line.

I've noticed the same thing....and it is one of the reasons I prefer to get away from the F1s quickly and add my own licks into selections. So like if CBF is in SCreme F8s....I'm getting a good look at what he deems...appropriate selections via his individual taste. I think at that point....even starting in the F1 or F2....it's better for the private gardener to use one on one matings.....to isolate and give them good odds at finding the same expressions over and over.

If I was CHACO....and wanted to use a DD dominant male for making the F2 (scenario).....I'd look for the least Haze looking leaves or a more squat nature....anything unHaze like. Same with the females....if I wanted to follow the DD....I'd find the most unHaze expressions.....if there were none and I was positive that was the route I wanted to go....I'd kill with extreme prejudice until I found the expressions I desired.

It's good the DD is coming from the female side. I'd say that gives out a better chance at finding something closer to the DD. Just my gut feeling.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Very much enjoyed your observations, CBF, as I have 3 Strawberry Dog F2s in flower now. I have cuts from the 3 males, as well as the gals, and will do my own next generation w/ them.
I'll be bumping yer thread shortly w/ pics. They're all trussed up PABLOS-style! :biglaugh:

it's better for the private gardener to use one on one matings.....to isolate and give them good odds at finding the same expressions over and over.

Me no care! :moon: I like to look. :bigeye:

Dude, I'm done w/ the cloning! 4 more to pull, and I can put the cloner to bed! :D What kills me is the % I end up killing anyways!

I have custom made Nick, Whites, and Wesco timber boots...all over $300 and as much as $500. I'll pay for good equipment....

My boot hill

No custom boots in there, Red Wing is about as high as I'll go, and damn, if my current pair ain't made in china!?! :bashhead:
Anyway my new neighbors will have an unobstructed view, lol!
Build in my backyard, yer gonna see my backyard, furkers.


HL.....those is some damn cheap ass boots lol. It kills me every time I have to put my feet and lace up in those kind of things. I bet I've spent at least $3000 on boots over the yrs.

....it will be a happy day for me....when you are done cloning. Then again....I like the benefits of your cloning....you are a soul grower.

.....I've thought many things about breeding plants. Seems no two sessions are a like. Different goals for different crosses or different runs. I don't make too many rules for myself. I do think that being able to select at the earliest moment...even at seedling stages....is a very good talent to develop.

I respect science but my garden is not geared to make explanations that would satisfy a professional Botanist....nor is it about preservation. Total garage band.....standing in the horse shit...and smoking the fruit off the vines. However...whatever I have to do to keep the tape rolling...is what I do. Think I'll roll me another #


DD random seed

DD random seed

no DD male, but i can rub a nanner and coax a seed from momma...not coincidentally, the plant shown does have potential for boners herself !! cool trait



Yeah, I'm just going to take the dd leaning males and since I don't have the chemdd cut anymore, I'm going to hit up the "actual" chem D cut I have.I have 4 of them flowered on the same day as the seedlings.Honestly, I'm having more fun with seeds than I ever did with cuts.Both are fun but if we all had to run the same cut forever, we'd go bananas.


Well pilgrims....I hear so many peeps bitch about herms etc....and it can be a bad thing in some cases. But in other cases it is routine to the indoor gardener and can give you other possibilities. I'm not one to freak out....or draw a line in the sand...over sensitive expressions. I for sure don't disregard a plant because of it.

Those peeps....that feel that nanners are such sin....sacrificing fantastic weed over a few uses of the tweezer...keep right on going. I feel you....but not really...I will not put this stuff down.

Not this cultivator....I'll run my room tight....but when nanners show and are fairly predictable... I see it as....a routine part of indoor Cannabis cultivation. I don't view it as someone not having bred them correctly....in most cases.

Hell...I have to figure my expressions out in one run....so I never even have time to totally dial them....one shot.

Face it....Indoor is vicious...and I grow vicious caliber weed. I've rarely been caught unawares of a nanner issue.... never contaminating my grow. I'm on it. My grow is not low maintenance...I spend hrs and hrs each and every day. I know who does what and when they do it. I even know why sometimes.

I love all the work you dudes are putting in.....my fellow hobby growers/breeders. I love seeing new concepts and new expressions. Very telling of an individual....the plants they select to work with.

Here's an Indica dominant The Crunge....day 62...flushing in 80 degree temps, low RH, SW winds 5-10....gusts of 20.....she is down in the OD Corral and blocked from winds.
The Crunge= Karoline Krutch X Prune Juice
Prune Juice=Querkle X Grape Krush
Karoline Krutch=AbusiveKushHaze x Sour Bubble X Grape Krush

I'm planting 3 strains of Carrots today in my back bed.....it's that time again.

***On the slipper repairs. I put another hard 13 on them yesterday...totally hill and sharp rocks on top of rolling rocks.....it's the down hills that destroys the feet and slippers. My Xs are still in the same ball park...however.

I have some old Kevlar material...and rubber inner tube....and I'm just going to keep it real simple at first. I'll use Shoe Goo....old skool...pick some up this week end.....and I'll go from there. I'll repair as necessary...and experiment with different materials.

After the modifications...I'd imagine I'll have the price of another pair of shoes into them....I mean if it keeps going until they are nothing but patch work.

I really don't mind my exposed toes...I just can't have flailing/flapping material hanging me up....like a hang up in a skate grind....just not a good feeling....and usually plants you face first.
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