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A World On A String


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hows the frost battle going?

that is an interesting mix,should be lots of tropical going on in that mix,think i am going to pop some F13 f2's Retardo made next,been simmering in my head for a while,its great got stuff to do weed,which is perfect for me...for the day time anyway


damn pablos I cant figure it out either but I got a theroy......The better you do and the more obvious it is that you love to grow pot......The more isolated you become odd considering that this is a forum basicly geared around growing pot........but alot of the thread jumping popular crowd likes to use the forums as a means of entertainment......while we use it as a form of work or research.......The threads dont blow up because I think generally they respect the work and dont want to pollute the thread with no usefull retoric.......I think generally it's a sign of respect.......


hows the frost battle going?

that is an interesting mix,should be lots of tropical going on in that mix,think i am going to pop some F13 f2's Retardo made next,been simmering in my head for a while,its great got stuff to do weed,which is perfect for me...for the day time anyway

...The frost battle continues....the days are well into the 80's....but I still tarp her. I'm getting freezing temps down by her pit...but she stays warm....I'm feeling good about taking her to term. The aroma is insane...in both the way she smells....and that the aroma tends to push off in the perfect location. She smells sooo gooood....

I've been hung up on the '07/08 ChemDD F2 beans I made....that's all I've been germing lately...hoping to bring them into the F3....and looking for some new stars...I'm going to keep messing with ChemDD....that one has a lot of things I like. I miss my "Deliah" mom...I'm hustling with her in outcrosses but want to bring in some of the F2 juice..and find something like her again...then blend into several of the "Deliah" mothered outcrosses. Going to be a while...but hopefully by spring...I'll have some pathways open.

I'm sure RM's F13 selections were $$$$$.....he always seems to grow things I'm interested in....I like that dude....


damn pablos I cant figure it out either but I got a theroy......The better you do and the more obvious it is that you love to grow pot......The more isolated you become odd considering that this is a forum basicly geared around growing pot........but alot of the thread jumping popular crowd likes to use the forums as a means of entertainment......while we use it as a form of work or research.......The threads dont blow up because I think generally they respect the work and dont want to pollute the thread with no usefull retoric.......I think generally it's a sign of respect.......

Well...KW....I'll thread away as I go along...I don't claim to know much about anything...except...what works for me....what "rings my bell"...and what is obvious. I've been smoking pot since I was a youngster....I think I know what I like by now lol....

I don't mind the entertainment value of the boards....I mean some of it is really funny....I like my chuckles. You are correct...I use the boards as more of an education.... a place to push and be pushed to higher states of understanding our gardens. It's always better to have someone pushing the sessions....busting out new stuff...making the progressions. I love watching other peeps rock their work....

Peeps that get all anal about breeding etc.....they'd be anal about anything....read a couple books, study basic theory, and grow as many plants as it takes to see it for yourself. I reckon...if you put effort into observing the plant cycles....watching which plants grow alike...or grow well as companions...keeping an eye out for plant tells .....listening to your gut instinct...the favorable/desirable expressions will literally grow in front of you after a while....fine tuned and tailored for a specific grower and environment.

I need only prove things to myself....everyone else is electronic code lol.....a lot of peeps forget about all the fun.


very well said pablos.........anal is anal doesn't matter what it's about you either are or aren't........If you love pot and grow pot then I think it's a natural step in the process to be intrested in breeding.........I say choose the strains you like and mix them up see what you find.........Of course there are allways those special gal's that you want to isolate as well so its allways a new learning growing experience...............never gets dull.........
on another note hope the chargers kick some ass this year and loose to the steelers in the championship game.........Or even if they beat us at least they are a team I can stand behind.....


....well that was a tough game. KC looks improved on D....and that stadium is frigging loud. Our rookie back looks like a younger version of LT....not a bad thing. Rivers....I have nothing but confidence....he and Gates are under rated imo. I'd like to see Jackson stop holding out...we needed him last night. If it were not for our shit Special Teams play... all and all....a game that the Chargers could have easily won. I predict 11-5 season....win the AFC West....folding somewhere in the playoffs. I'm not negative...I just know my team. I'm on board though....getting more tix for more games.


I-HOP (Satellite version)

I-HOP (Satellite version)

The I-HOP projects consist of different phenos of CBF's Straw Dog F2s....individually pollinated by either...Grape Krush, Highend F2, or Blue Satellite 2.2

CBF has a thread on the Strawberry Dog...I think that's what he is calling them now...aka SCreme'N Dawg.....I received them in the F2...a nice blend of his work with Strawberry Cough and ChemD if I recall accurately. Anyway....nice stuff....berry, chemmy, sweet, and danky....phenotype dependent....but all very good. I liked them...and I've seen others say the same things....

I never had a chance to inline them into the next generation....so decided to hit them with a Blueberry related theme....in essence....to find the candy berry syrup flavors you can find on any given table...in an I-HOP restaurant. That is the outline for these projects.

I chose to start with the Satellite version first....as I've been preaching about the BS2.2 all along....I felt it would be a good place to start. I was correct....these are pretty nice plants.

I'll show you the plant that I pollinated....showed her the day of pollination if you recall...I pollinated her with Wonder Diesel F2 to make Killing Joke.....for no real good reason...other than...I wanted to. I like Wonder Diesel....perhaps some Willy shows through later in this cross....adds some size...but Wonder Diesel is pretty good smoke on its own...different....so I said...why the hell not?

She is 36 days into flower....pollinated her like day 20...she is very fast....I put the girdle in today....to kick off flush. Gave her the once over....sprayed her under leaves to kill White Fly eggs...but this is the start of her landing...beginning of the harvest process.

Pollinated flower....

A non pollinated flower on the left....pollinated on the right.

Here...I've given her the "Stiff Kiss"....ie...cut in the girdle.

This is one of her sisters....same age....still feeding....

The aroma of these plants....I think of cloves overtop of a funky sweetness....I wouldn't say I detect berry. Interesting....I like the aromas...see if how it alters as I take them through their gear boxes.

Pocket Gophers...Varmint Cong...this is the makings of a boar gopher I've had around for years....Capt Chaos is his name. I don't make attempts on his life....bastard is tough and smart. You can see he is hanging around the scrog....they are very territorial...note the fresh powdery dirt I found this morning....this is well into his territory. We live with each other...I sacrifice veggies to him....and wire off beds etc....hardware cloth at the bottoms of beds....he isn't going to directly fuck with the scrog at this stage...but just letting me know...that he's watching. He's so bold that he's practically tame. I mess him up by digging....he messes me up by digging and eating my plants.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i see vans prints! i had a squirrel living in my cabin one winter,almost shot him one night,it was so cold out trees were exploding,let him live,just put out food for him rather than let him rampage through the place..

does BS2.2 have the famous blueberry poppa? picked up a pack of those this summer,might need to pop those with the f13's..


i see vans prints! i had a squirrel living in my cabin one winter,almost shot him one night,it was so cold out trees were exploding,let him live,just put out food for him rather than let him rampage through the place..

does BS2.2 have the famous blueberry poppa? picked up a pack of those this summer,might need to pop those with the f13's..

Vans prints lol...I wear old beaters out in my garden...mostly I garden barefoot...but climbing around the scrog I prefer to have my waffles on...lol...that scrog is way dangerous...you can impale yourself on T-Post at the blink of an eye. I shit you not...I almost fell in one day. Vans needs to sponsor me and my running endeavors....I might be racing at the end of the month....50K....hilly mother...I've practiced on the course but not all at once.

I know BS2.2 is based on the Blueberry Sativa frame work....but I believe the BBS comes from the female side. I may be wrong....but I believe that BS#1 is BBS X Shisk....BS#2 is BBS X pops that made SWT#3.....BS#2.2 is BS#2 X a F2 of BS#2....that's in my notes...I think it's accurate. I want to try the other Satellites....I missed out on getting those.

My gopher is a handsome specimen....I can feel when he's watching....and hear him peeping at night. My alarm clock...is the sinking cold death air of Jack....and the Capt's crunching/ripping sounds as he wrestles greens into his holes....when he's pissed...he'll dig where I'm working on something....either that or he may just like hanging out....whatever the case...he is a constant....and possibly a fan. Don't want to kill a fan.
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Gardening barefoot! Yes! But sometime dangerous... hehehe!

Casey Jones f2s man, you've got it all going on there...

Blue Satellite #2.2's daddy is "a male Blue Satellite # 2 that was used, was very dark purple and exhibited the necessary sugar daddy characteristics" -- Breeder Steve.

I was fortunate to procure BS 2.2 f2s but haven't gotten to them yet- got hung up on Flo projects and my jars are full of the Blue family!

Sorry about your tomatoes, I had a bumper crop, ended up giving them away left and right, doing shots of tomato water for breakfast- much fun almost as much work as mj!

I'll be lurkin'


The Mad Monk
The I-HOP projects consist of different phenos of CBF's Straw Dog F2s....individually pollinated by either...Grape Krush, Highend F2, or Blue Satellite 2.2

CBF has a thread on the Strawberry Dog...I think that's what he is calling them now...aka SCreme'N Dawg.....I received them in the F2...a nice blend of his work with Strawberry Cough and ChemD if I recall accurately. Anyway....nice stuff....berry, chemmy, sweet, and danky....phenotype dependent....but all very good. I liked them...and I've seen others say the same things....

I never had a chance to inline them into the next generation....so decided to hit them with a Blueberry related theme....in essence....to find the candy berry syrup flavors you can find on any given table...in an I-HOP restaurant. That is the outline for these projects.

Sounds like another cool project for ya, Pablos. Going through the kids seems like it'll be a nice hunt for a whole bunch of flavors. Starting off with sweet chemmy berrry and adding in some of the DJ varieties, should be fun. :)

That gopher does sound like quite the fan. Captain Chaos huh? As long as he eats the veggies and not the headies. Live & let live. :joint:


Gardening barefoot! Yes! But sometime dangerous... hehehe!

Casey Jones f2s man, you've got it all going on there...

Blue Satellite #2.2's daddy is "a male Blue Satellite # 2 that was used, was very dark purple and exhibited the necessary sugar daddy characteristics" -- Breeder Steve.

I was fortunate to procure BS 2.2 f2s but haven't gotten to them yet- got hung up on Flo projects and my jars are full of the Blue family!

Sorry about your tomatoes, I had a bumper crop, ended up giving them away left and right, doing shots of tomato water for breakfast- much fun almost as much work as mj!

I'll be lurkin'

...Hey U....I go barefoot as much as possible...I like the connection. I'm just going to say it...indoors...I get butt naked sometimes while I garden. Usually I'm in overalls because I need all the pockets for my gardening gear and what not...so not often. But it's cool getting naked in my private Garden Of Eden. Seems like....natural man.

I've started to really go native...so to speak...I view things way different than I used to in the past (duh..)....I'm turning more and more into a minimalist. I feel most free and painless when running wild in the woods....the simplicity of things in life....like watching the plants grow....letting complications go....not letting the Hows and Whys clog me up. I'm taking from the trail running discipline and blending it with garden discipline...and finding my own way...in an attempt to connect the dots that make up life. Pushing distance.


Sounds like another cool project for ya, Pablos. Going through the kids seems like it'll be a nice hunt for a whole bunch of flavors. Starting off with sweet chemmy berrry and adding in some of the DJ varieties, should be fun. :)

That gopher does sound like quite the fan. Captain Chaos huh? As long as he eats the veggies and not the headies. Live & let live. :joint:

Capt Chaos...most amazing how much he can dig....I call myself The Big Gopher Up In Here...as I'm an extremely talented digger...shovels...dig bars...picks...hoes...etc....lol...no shit...I've dug all over the world lol....but gophers are real pros. I've seen Chaos take sunflowers down and into his hole....in seconds. Crazy watching a squash plant getting pieced out underground...well fed I'll put it that way. He also takes out weeds...so he does help.. when he leaves mounds....high quality powdered dirt...great for seedlings.

Yuppers...on the I HOPs.....those will be very nice. I'm thinking some of those may hit my top shelf...time will tell. I've been toking Joy Division for the last couple days.....cure time has brought out even more dankness under tropics....hint of piss in the back of the throat. Very up and dreamy high. Thumbs up....glad I made it...glad...glad I chose one for the pit scrog....glad to take it into the F2....works well. Blessings.


Break off a trim sess...

Break off a trim sess...

Freshly manicured Golden Tiger X A11....fast turnover...the aroma hasn't changed much...something in it... tickles the back of my nose while I'm trimming it...soft flowers...the more stacked ones tend to slump/hang when held up....leaves no doubts....these are sativa flowers. Kind of a pain to trim...sticky with thin bladed leaves deep in the flowers....need to dig in a bit to remove them...after a few flowers...the scissors goo up and make this task difficult. I switch between two pairs of scissors....wiping them down with alcohol in between starting new branches. Very little in the way of excessive trim....not much waste.

I should be able to sample some by the end of the weekend...see how it is off the vine without cure. Looking forward to it.

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
That looks fantastic!!

Also, glad I'm not the only one who gardens naked. My wife caught me one time coming out of my room naked. She said " OMG, where you masturbating in there?" LOL!


That looks fantastic!!

Also, glad I'm not the only one who gardens naked. My wife caught me one time coming out of my room naked. She said " OMG, where you masturbating in there?" LOL!

....LOL....my wife asked me the same thing after I told her was gardening in the nude(and I told her.."I can't remember" as I scratched my chin..."but I don't think so")... she always sees me walking around the house with little to nothing on...pretty normal. Getting naked in the garden...is pretty liberating....I don't think the plants mind.

On the GT X A11....yup...they are very sticky (seem to have small resin heads when viewed up close...but they are coated) and soft/squishy. After they dry....they'll be light even though they are not airy...that sort of structure...reminds me of some AK47 flowers I used to grow...just the way they feel...plus my AK47 had the same sticky quality. These are the kind of buds that stick to everything....that's why they are a pain to trim....you could probably throw them against the wall...and they'd stick. I could squeeze my fingers together and the finger goo kept them stuck....can't type with stuff on my fingers.

Good to see you Lean.....

O....all this sativaness....in under 60daze flower...that is a good point. I thought one of them would go over 60...but I'll be damned if she didn't just quit on me....so I took both on day 57. Good deal. I'll take sativa dominants that finish fast...with pleasure.
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Looking very Golden Tiger-esh. :D

No surprise on the resin content. Dubi sez the Malawi mom is the most resinous plant within the ACE collective. :) Apollo is no slouch either. I'm sure it will pay off the pain of the trim. :smoke:

My rms are too small to wanna get nakid. :redface:

I love the whole I-Hop concept, lol! :good:


I got naked in my outdoor spots a few times this summer. Sunbathing under a huge beech, on a dead trunk of another ancient one... (I found some Anguis fragilis in it -> slow worms says wikipedia... I like to watch all the life in my gardens. Lots of insects... trees growing. It actually amazed me how quickly young trees grow. I've found once a fire salamander and last time on a different spot at night I walked into a wasp nest. Got stung 4 times in my ankle :/)

I like to feel the sun and the air on my skin.
A nighttime swim in the warm river after the digging action also great pleasure. I loved the hot spell in July... My apartment so hot in the evening that you have to run around naked...

I visited my outsourced seedmaking project the other day and was swinging a couple ripe diesel males (the alpha I liked especially). A pollen storm/bath for the girls in the kitchen. The SDiesel girl smells like grapefruit. My favorite fruity smell :) I was surprised how not sweet she smells. I'm used to the fms Grapefruit. This one not sweet and more sour. Looking forward to more of that.


Looking very Golden Tiger-esh. :D

No surprise on the resin content. Dubi sez the Malawi mom is the most resinous plant within the ACE collective. :) Apollo is no slouch either. I'm sure it will pay off the pain of the trim. :smoke:

My rms are too small to wanna get nakid. :redface:

I love the whole I-Hop concept, lol! :good:

....Yuppers dude...they are resinous...where ever that trait came from...me likes it. I'll be smoking that soon.

I'm going looking for that HE/LUI cross...and at the same time I'll get out the I-HOP (Highend version)....but I'm thinking that whole I-HOP project shows promise. Another one that is showing promise in veg...Hummingbird= Kali Mist x ChemDKush X Grape Krush...I found a couple promising females and a couple promising males....the GK is showing up....pretty sexy plants...

I'm still trying to get the ChemDD F2 thingy flying....I've been germing more every few days....while at the same time....I kill any that don't look me in the eye....one step forward...two steps back...but I'm starting to get the ones I like. What a process. I'm one of those growers....that must have a sack of beans...as I burn through so many ....and I hate having to worry....or nurse seedlings.

On that note....I killed all but one C-Plus....and killed all the Calizahr F2s....I'll need to start the Cali over....but that is the only C-Plus...so where ever that goes. I don't know all the reasons why I do that...but my gut said "kill"....so I did....without a blink. That's the discipline. Sometimes it doesn't make sense. The seedlings were not ill or anything...
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