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a good friends of mine got herself into a very bad spot. while driving someone across country she got pulled over for speeding. to make a long story short after the search of the car was done she and the person who was in the car with her are looking at multiple felonies because of what was in the passengers bags. nothing was found in her bags but she got to go to jail because it was her car. she kept her mouth shut (like a good friend does) and posted a large bail but now she may be looking at double digit years if nothing changes. my old stoner radar has always had an issue with the passenger but that said it appears this douche nozzle (thanks raven) may actually be helping himself out of trouble by throwing my friend under the bus.

that is the story now the question. WHAT SHOULD SHE DO? she did not talk in the first place because she is solid people but now this douche nozzle may be hanging her out to dry. now we all know the rules and we all follow them but what happens to those rules when shit like this happens. what was in that car was not her stuff and as far as i know she had no idea it was even there. i think leo may be pushing hard so someone sings and douche nozzle is humming away.

the last thing i would ever do is talk to leo but on this one it may be the only thing she can do. the second to last thing i would ever do is let someone pay for my bullshit but douche nozzle seems to be fine with it, does that take situation to a level where normal rules no longer apply?

also taking douche nozzle out of the gene pool is on the table but not really a practical option in the near future so can we try not to take it in that direction. this whole game will work out over time, but right now a good friend needs some good input.


if she had no idea that the pasengest items where there, a good lawer should be able to prove that she had no idea, and douche nozzle is the law breaker.
and if he is such a low caracter as to help himself by landing her( the friend that drove him crosscountry)then all normal rules are out. and if i would be her i would talk to leo. i can see no reason for her to go to jail when he is the one that did the crime.
I say fuck douche nozzle, get a good lawer to consentrating his efforts on blaming mr.douche


Active member
She should just stick to her story and lawyer up. Getting out of the State if things start looking bad.


lots of people looking at this and not saying a thing. in this situation i can respect that. this is not a situation i would ever want to be in, just thinking about it sucks bad enough.

thanks to protea and piel for sharing what they think about a bullshit situation. it is a hard thing to throw an opinion at a no win situation, not an easy thing to do.


If i was her id say he was a shady dude, but a free ride sounded good to her. Plus she was able to do it and who asks if they have something in their bags she should know about. She could say she thought that if he was carrying something, he would be a good enough friend to let her know to be safe..............LIKE NO SPEEDING?

Also, if i were her id say ''if i knew id had never taken him''



Well-known member
^^^ What he said. For a true response I would need to know how she knows douche nozzle is singing.

Ok let’s say he is and your friend heard it from her lawyer in someway. I have never been one to believe that a rule always applies there is always exceptions to the rule. The problem is if she really didn’t know what was in the bags then what can she tell the police nothing that’s what.

On the other hand if she knew then she broke the law because in my state you cant even knowingly take a ride from a person with no drivers license. It's a ticketable offence.

So lets say she new exactly what was in the luggage then she could provide some evidence but it would be up to her lawyer to tell her if it would help her case or not. It may be keeping a cool head and denying she knew anything was the best practice anyway.

More details needed to give an educated answer.


i can not say i know 100% that the douche nozzle is singing, but it looks that way. she has a lawyer so i imagine that is where the info is coming from. you would have to know the nozzle to understand, not cool,NOT careful,and not to be trusted.


Her lawyer might be playing her also, seems like some lawyer's and DA's scratch each others back to much to make there life's a little easier.
Hope it works out for her.


Active member
lawyer up . i once had a junkie friend drop some needles and his stash under my seat when we got pulled over. i was charged. i got a good lawyer and he ended up getting the charges as he had a record for such. i dont hang out with loosers anymore


What makes you think the passenger is talking?

saw a photocopy of the arrest report last night ..... many sets of quotation marks in that report and the shit between them all came out of the nozzle's mouth. so now it is official, he is a piece of shit of the highest order. this fuckhead dropped dime on 4 different people (three of whom were not even in the car or even in the state where it happened). now i may not be the smartest, but if he was singing like that to a cop what do you think he did when he met the D.A.

impossible for me to be non biased on this subject so anything else i say would only be venting. the original question still stands ...... do the codes/rules that we all go by still apply after what he has done?

and a new question ..... is that arrest report public record? if so i think it should make it's way to at least a copy machine if not a billboard.


rules still apply,she should keep shcoom and stick to the story of i didnk know what they had on them.lesson to learn here is if you have doubts about a shiesty charicter in your circles,leave them out. i feel it for your mate,but you said you never trusted this fella to begin with and now you know why,should of told people about your gutt instinct in the first place.never go agenst your feelings,they will never let you down.i hope all works its self out:tiphat:


Not just lawyer get a good one. Check out local ex prosecuters. She tells him the truth...period. DA tries to prosucute needs douch noz (great name) as a witness. Jury only,don't take a plee..Don't talk to cops, u never win.
An old nickname Bad Karma.
The nozz needs to kno why!!

Zen Master

dont say shit, take it to trial, evidence? prove it bitches.

dont say "its his" say "its not mine".

now if this douche is fabricating everything on the interrogation table it can severely affect her odds in the case. Does he have a record? can his "character" be questioned in regards to honesty?

anything in the bags that could possibly have his prints on it?

final recourse if I were in her shoes would be to take it to trial, if he's lookin to rat her out and lie to save his own bitch ass, bring on the fingerprints. If there is no evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, a jury cannot (morally) convict and her chances are better than taking a shitty plea deal from the pigs.

rules don't apply to snitches, anything goes.


Rules still apply, spread the word around your manor and our rule is to get some one to kick ten tons of shit out of him if not your self.

Zen Master

saying that "my fingerprints are on absolutely nothing inside those bags" isnt saying "his are...", however it would lead a competent jury to want the items to be fingerprinted, if at all possible. Given the nature of the items being scandalous, I doubt they are sweaters or gloves.

edit: you just gonna sit there and let a snitch lie to cops and throw you under the bus? I wont help cops, but if it ain't my shit and my fingerprints sure as hell aren't on it, bet your ass I'm not gonna take the fall for a snitch. Simply defending yourself against LEO at that point, "hey you got no evidence on me"

fuck snitches.


Whatever happens to snitches an cops is bad karma on them, not the instrument of their enlightenment.IMMHO


karma is a wonderful thing !!!!!!

the only reason i am not laughing my ass off is that even a douche nozzle had family, and i know they are having a really shitty day. BUT.........

the nozzle died of a drug overdose .......... and it all sounds cool to me!

i just wish he would have done it sooner and not had the time to drag a good friend of mine through the mud before he did his part to clean up the gene pool.

sorry ass snitch fuckheads are something that i can do without ......... so good riddance to an absolute piece of shit!