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A Snowden for President Candidacy - Siphon more Votes from Hillary or Donald ?

St. Phatty

Active member
Personally, I admire Edward Snowden.

I have been wondering what would happen if American citizens wrote in Snowden's name on their ballots.

There is a side issue, the technicalities of write in state-by-state. Wrote about that below.

There was a specific election when a third party did 'throw' the election. In 1992, Perot got a big chunk of votes. Most of them Republican. I think the general feeling among history wonks is that probably the net effect of the Perot candidacy was to help elect Clinton.

So, the initial question raised by the idea of Ed Snowden being written in on the ballot is, what effect would that have on Hillary and Donald voters ?

I think there's a lot of young voters who are alarmed by Donald's public statements, most of the time where he just spoke his mind, other times when he was pandering to the crowd.

So that's part of Hillary's "base."

Part of Trump's core voter base is the many American who have lost trust & respect for the US government and/or the US political process.

The 'government rebellion' vote, call it whatever you want.

I think that is part of Trump's appeal.

Snowden being young, and certainly a prime example of rebellion against the US government, would appeal to both young voters (who might otherwise vote for Hillary) and "don't trust the US government/ conventional political parties anymore" vote.

I think part of the demographics is that the latter, the 'don't trust the US gov' Trump voter, is also age related. I think these folks tend to be older.

So, I'm just curious what IC Mag'ers think. I can't afford to spend $1 Million on a multi-city poll, that money would obviously be better spent on seeds :woohoo:


Well-known member
in before crazy 'Snowden is a traitor and should be executed' comments =)

the US deserves Trump and Clinton at this point. sad to say but it's true.
DNC and Clinton rigged the game against Bernie who undoubtedly was a better general matchup against Trump. I find it ironic the common narrative from the DNC that was pushed was that Bernie was too old and has possible health implications..... Meanwhile Clinton had to be dragged away from the 9/11 memorial because she collapsed and has had numerous uncontrollable coughing fits on camera.

karma's a c*nt and her name is Hillary

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Ha, you can't be potus when you are not allowed in the country. The is lucky he still draws air to be honest.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
ya sad to say it but ya'all need to pick one and go with it.
The rest of the world is watching and wondering how the hell Americans can even consider Hillary Clinton..... wake up America.
If Hillary wins, America and the world will be at war in no time flat.
I would "expect" every freedom loving American who stands by the American constitution to rise up and oust a Hillary government..... It should have already happened with Obumhole...... Politicians are ruining your country with their globalist agenda, weakening the very meaning of what defines America and sets it apart from the world.

trump unfortunately is the only "smart" option.


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Ha, you can't be potus when you are not allowed in the country. The is lucky he still draws air to be honest.

Yeah that....he is awful lucky. I figured he would be dead by now. Ya know, a freak accident, that really means a CIA hit squad got him.

St. Phatty

Active member
Yeah that....he is awful lucky. I figured he would be dead by now. Ya know, a freak accident, that really means a CIA hit squad got him.

I'm sure there is a CIA/MI6 team, an FSB team, and maybe a few other countries' teams watching Ed Snowden.

And all those teams have access to 338 Lapua Magnum, the preferred weapon by US government employees for shots beyond 500 yards.

They obviously all have access to quieter weapons.

In general, Russia does not want Snowden dead, and any country that kills him under these terms loses diplomatic brownie points with Russia.

Of course, these things are often done by third parties so that the starter group can't be quite so directly tied to the incident, should matters unravel.


Well-known member
It must be time to go clean some litter boxes.
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Well-known member
if Trump is the only "smart" option, then we are well & truly fucked. that moron would have us at war with Canada or the Virgin Islands...:biggrin:

Green Squall

Well-known member
Maybe I will write in Snowden for the hell of it. I wasn't planning on voting for any of those two other turds anyways.

And speaking of Snowden, check out Signal Private Messenger if you don't have it yet. It's free, Snowden approved and could be invaluable to many people on this site.

St. Phatty

Active member
When I looked it up, 35 states had provisions for a Write in Candidate.

I'm not registered to vote - the voter databases are re-sold and I had no desire to be part of ANOTHER database.

At this point, I would consider driving to the poll to vote for Hillary or Donald to be a poor use of time - for me.

To write in Snowden's name ... for that I would register and take the time to vote.


3rd-Eye Jedi
vote fro jill stein shes on the ballot and just had a arrest warrant put out for reporting police activity on an indian reservation

siphoning votes to a non candidate leaves hillary and trump in the same exact position


Well-known member
If I wasn't already committed to voting for you-know-who, I'd put 'The Media' in that write-in space as they're already running the show.;)


ICMag Donor
It matters not who you vote for.

Hillary has already been chosen by those in power.

It should be blatantly obvious by now.
What other candidate has been able to run for office while at the same time being investigated for treason?


if Trump is the only "smart" option, then we are well & truly fucked. that moron would have us at war with Canada or the Virgin Islands...:biggrin:

And you all know what happened last time you tried invading Canada, When we decided to come pay you guys a visit lol We just wanted to party Eh you all ran south ..
its all good we had a decent BBQ at the white house Moose Steaks :tiphat: and not one standing american in sight


It matters not who you vote for.

Hillary has already been chosen by those in power.

It should be blatantly obvious by now.
What other candidate has been able to run for office while at the same time being investigated for treason?

And you guys will just bend over and let it happen ,, right instead of standing for once.
And say Enough is enough :tiphat:


It matters not who you vote for.

Hillary has already been chosen by those in power.

It should be blatantly obvious by now.
What other candidate has been able to run for office while at the same time being investigated for treason?




It matters not who you vote for.

Hillary has already been chosen by those in power.

It should be blatantly obvious by now.
What other candidate has been able to run for office while at the same time being investigated for treason?

lol i guess trump is just throwing his money away for the hell of it ???
Mjpassion is right. I knew in 2012 they picked her already by foreshadowing her refusal to run in 2016...it was dead obvious to me then. Coupled with scientific studies showing America is an oligarchy...and looking at who owns the plaintext unsecured voting machines...its pretty clear the elections have been rigged since raising the % needed for a third party to ever come into power in the 80's.

I can think of a dozen reasons off the top of my head why Trump is involved. They've probably duped his dumbass into thinking he has a chance plus he gets publicity up his ass. They're using him the same way the used McCain. But let me guess...youve forgotten all about that just like everybody else did?


St. Phatty

Active member
...... not at all! impulsive, risk-taking behavior is the hallmark of all true sociopaths!;):tiphat:

I thought that was the hallmark of most teenagers :woohoo:

Oh well I knew asking this question would inspired side discussion about politics.

Anyway, I think it would be about 50-50, the siphoning of voters.

I'm amazed at the adoration for Hillary by some life-long Democrats.

I wouldn't be surprised to see her have a stroke or some other medical something before that Tuesday in November.

She sort of reminds me of the movie re-Animator, when they bring dead animals & people back to life.

Just prop her up and stick some servo-mechanisms in her cheeks and under her tongue, then wheel her into the White House fridge between speeches.

Actually Trump's hair reminds me of Re-Animator too :tiphat:

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