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A sativa i found in Romania this summer+my tragic love story with the plant


New member
It found it in a abandoned yard,at first i thought it was ordinary ditch weed hemp but upon analyzing it closer it was very different.I think it could be a wild-type local land race.
Hemp usually grows stalky,with few branches and smells Skunky,but this one specimen grew very tall,about 2.5 meters(i am 1.84) and had a pleasant smell,perhaps of citrus skin and oregano?
It had two males not far from her,when I removed the males,the girl already was in her flowering stages(week 2).
The place where the lady was located was about
​​​​​​300 meters away from my house,so i would often go and bring her a water bottle,but i had to be wary because the place wasn't really isolated and people were looking.
Some weeks later the buds started developing.I was impatient and took a premie bud from the bottom and decided to let it dry.However my impatience grew and i smoked the bud wet,after not even 2 days of drying.I didn't feel anything besides a slight nausea.I should have waited more.
​​​​​Some time later,i came back again only to find her turned purple and emanating a beer smell.She was dying.I don't understand why thought.It was still mid september and she had enough light and heat.
i still managed to get two seeds from the bud and threw them over the fence.Hopefully the seeds won't grow to be males.
I only have a photo of her,sadly.


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Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Nice story, thanks for sharing. Hopefully those 2 seeds will sprout next season.


pure dynamite
That wasn't going to finish anywhere near the latitude Romania sits at. If that place is safe, get some better seeds. That looks like proper sativa or a hybrid (maybe even containing ditchweed) that seems very late flowering and far from beeing done.


Well-known member
Thanks,i just hope they will not be males.
I will post an update this spring when the plants come out :)

Even if they´re males you can still collect the pollen. If it turns out to be a good smoke you can make a nice cross with them :)


Well-known member
Nice find Allah69420, If she's turning purple now and dying, it suggests she's too cold during the night and would never be able to totally finish up.

Can you go back and get more seeds/bud?

Good luck regardless with the seeds you got! :tiphat:


New member
That wasn't going to finish anywhere near the latitude Romania sits at. If that place is safe, get some better seeds. That looks like proper sativa or a hybrid (maybe even containing ditchweed) that seems very late flowering and far from beeing done.

the pic i took of it was in september,she died long ago.I think the seed sprouted late,and pure sativas take a shit-ton of days to flower,so this might be the reason it died.
if it sprouted earlier,she could have catched more decent weather and eventually survive.But i also think another cause of its death could be my mistake,when i pulled up a bud i remember i accidentally broke one of its twigs,i was in a hurry because there were people near me and i didnt want to be seen,and it could be my fault she died.


New member
Nice find Allah69420, If she's turning purple now and dying, it suggests she's too cold during the night and would never be able to totally finish up.

Can you go back and get more seeds/bud?

Good luck regardless with the seeds you got! :tiphat:

she died a long time ago,but dont worry i threw some of her seeds near my house.But im afraid not to catch any unwanted attention.But i live in a hilly zone with lots of bushes and nobody comes at the spot i threw the seeds so i guess im ok.I will post an update when the plants begin vegetating


pure dynamite
A plant that big won't die that easy. So dunno..
Other than that, see my previous post. Get better seeds. Indica dominant varieties, if you want to harvest a nice outdoor.


The Haze Whisperer
August / Septembers is the hottest time of year for that part of the world so i dought it was the temps.

The nausea from the smoke is what people i know report back from smoking high CBD so i think its a ruderalis. Some not many ruderalis lines can have a high THC to.

Not all Ruderalis are small.





New member
August / Septembers is the hottest time of year for that part of the world so i dought it was the temps.

The nausea from the smoke is what people i know report back from smoking high CBD so i think its a ruderalis. Some not many ruderalis lines can have a high THC to.

Not all Ruderalis are small.

So it was a ruderalis after all?
i always thought it looked like some sativa from south east asia or Africa.
But the bud I smoked was still wet and premature,that's why it wasn't too effective.
I've smoked lots of ruddies too,some indeed had a stoney effect with some mood uplifting,because ruddies tend to have 1:1 or 2:1 CBD:THC ratios most of the time.
But often they will give you a headache.


The Haze Whisperer
You can get some Rudaralis that are high in THC and very low CBD but they are not as common as the High CBD and low to no THC variety's.


pure dynamite
Are you sure you quoted the right guy? Cause he never posted in this thread yet. :)


Ya just joke because VanVulpen is Romanian and love pure sat, he even succeed un almost one year plant Zamal under greenhouse! ;)


pure dynamite
Oh right, exactly as I thought, its just a joke! But i wanted to check!
I know who you talking about, his posts made me love sativas as well! I am romanian, too. :wave:


Well-known member
yeah but sadly i dont have any good stuff i can cross it with :)))

you can collect the pollen and store it to use at a later date too. I´ve never done this myself but other growers have. Anyway, by the time comes to pollinate next year you may have manages to get hold of a clone or some seeds so you can grow them at the same time. :)
Can you get hold of seeds via seedbanks in your country? I mean over the internet etc.

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