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A "Q" on setting up my Ozone Generator.


Hi all, I trust everyones grows are going well and you are smoking loads.... :joint: :joint:

Looking for some advice on how best to set up my Uvonair 100 ozone generator in the micro cab I am in the process of building.

I am un-sure on wether to have it in the cab or outside the cab.

The Uvonair I have just purchased is the baby in-room model and not the in-duct model.

The cab I am building is really small, it's basically a kitchen base cabinet unit that I'm converting.
Measures approx 1m wide, 70cm tall and 50cm deep.

Due to the size of the cab and the UV light that this thing puts out, I was thinking about constructing a sealed box on the back of the cab to house the Uvonair in, rather than having it inside the cab.

So it would run something like this :-

Using flat ducting, that would be fixed to the outside back of the cab running along the top (not the actual worksurface top).

I would be using PC fans for extraction that would be fixed inside the cab and cut square holes in the back wall of the cab to line up with the fans and the flat ducting (for to extract from the cab).

The flat ducting would run along the back near the top of the cab and go down at 90 degrees for a few centimetres and run into a sealed wooden box that I would attach to the back of the cab. This is where I would house the Uvonair.
I would then run some more flat duct out the other side of the sealed Ozone Generator housing box, then run the flat duct up again at 90 degrees for another few centimetres.

The theory behind this is that Ozone seemingly is heavier the air, so having the ducting running back up at 90 degrees again would hopefully hold the Ozone in the sealed box and the smelly air would have to pass through the chamber before escaping into the surrounding atmosphere.

I am just a bit worried that because the Ozone Generator housing box would probably only be about 30-40cm's would that be long enough for the Ozone to clean the air ??

I could also keep the Ozone Generator in the cab, but I would have to create a light trap to stop the UV light escaping and also due to the size of the cab a bit concerned that due to the amount of air exchange I plan on having the air would not be in the cab long enough to get cleaned.
Also the valuable space that the Ozone Generator and light trap will take up.....means less space for my girls.

Any advice will be appreciated and I hope what I wrote makes sense.

Many Thanks... :joint:
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it has been read/said, that ozone will cause the stomata of the plants to close up
ceasing respiration. . . .and growth (google)


Active member
it has been read/said, that ozone will cause the stomata of the plants to close up
ceasing respiration. . . .and growth (google)
Can't you read? He is putting it outside the grow box.

My only advice is to create maximum turbulence inside the ducting so that the ozone mixes with the smelly air well. Ozone requires about 20 ft of ducting to mix properly. If you were to ask me before you bought the thing, I would have said not to. Having your smelly air go through a layer of carbon inside that "box" is all that is needed.


BlindDate said:
Can't you read? He is putting it outside the grow box.

My only advice is to create maximum turbulence inside the ducting so that the ozone mixes with the smelly air well. Ozone requires about 20 ft of ducting to mix properly. If you were to ask me before you bought the thing, I would have said not to. Having your smelly air go through a layer of carbon inside that "box" is all that is needed.

Thanks for the advice mate.
I ain't going to be able to use 20ft of ducting, I'm trying to keep this as stealth as possible....but I have taken your comments on-board.
I think it's going to have to be a wait and see thing.

Ogenko, thanks too you also for posting.
I wasn't really aware, of what you had posted but was aware that too much ozone ain't too good for plants or humans. So I will be running it on a timer, maybe 15mins ON and 30mins OFF....or something simillar.

Anyone anything else to add ??


In looking at the Unovair 3000 I have (in storage for health/safety reasons) the product data label indicates harmful to humans in concentrations of over 0.04 ppm.


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