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A perfect cure every time



The whole plants were hanging for about 2 weeks. Then I cut the main stems out and left them on a net to dry because they were still moist.
When I put them in the jars it went to about 62%. The RH went up to 64 in my jars and 65% in my ziplocks. I took them out because its getting moister in the jars.
Im not trying to get them to 57% on the net... I just dont want them getting more moist while in the jars so I took them out for a few hours. When I jarred them back up they were 62%. Im sure it will rise again. They feel too crispy, so Ill probably leave them closed for 24hrs


Active member
I do a one week dry at 70 degrees and high humidity (60%) with air circulating. When I jar at the end of the week the bud is still 68%+ and I will keep opening the lid for 30-40 minutes a couple / three times a day until it gets to 65%. After that I just burp daily until it's 62%, where I leave it.

If you're just drying, that's one thing. If you're curing you have to go more slowly. The water is helping the cure process I believe. Simon has said several times that after a bud hits 55%, it's not curing any longer, even after re-hydration. So again, if curing, you can't rush it


LOL... I thought this was going too slow... I didnt like my results with my herbs in the jars above 65% last time. This time I seemed to keep the smell really nice through the drying process but it sill started to get less sweet in the jars. Ill try just burping them from here on though.


Active member
I don't like smoking above 65%, either. Way too green. Side note, I've smoked / vaped weed that was above 65% two months after harvest. I was just seeing what would happen, but I can say the weed still tasted green.

My opinion only:

That two month old wet bud, if dried fast after that, would still taste the same. Just drier.

That same bud if cured properly from the beginning by drawing down the water slowly to 62% or lower would have tasted great after the same two months.

Still my opinion:

There are parts of this curing process that require the water initially, which is why we bring it down slowly.

There are parts of this curing that require a lower level of water. After the bud reaches my plateau of 60-62%, it continues to cure, but wouldn't if the bud was up over 65%

Lastly, the cure requires oxygen. For long-term storage I've pulled a vacuum on mason jars, and curing essentially stops. Assuming the jars are cool and in the dark. I have 3 year old NL#5 under vacuum that I just check now and again. Odd, in that it started out a little fruity / aromatic, then that faded over time, but when it got really old, it took on almost a fermented fruit / incense smell and a chewy texture.


yea once they stabilize at 65% then just once a week is fine. Just make sure the air in the room you're burping them in is much lower. Longer is better..

That said, if you're in the need just fast dry. It won't be as good as it COULD be (probably) but it will still be just fine.


The jars are at 65% now. The buds still feel a bit crispy, but I think they might be less brittle now. The smell isnt as strong anymore though.


Active member
The smell is aromatic and volatile, meaning it vapes off. Not sure how you'd best slow it, other than what we're doing on this thread, but you can't stop the drop. It will stabilize and still be plenty stinky. Then the smell will evolve as it ages. Yummy
I cured for about a week and last night got fucked up and passed out with the jar open. I was at 65% yesterday and after 20 hrs with jar closed up im at like 41%. looks like no more curing. But honestly, Im pretty satisfied with it. What has everyone found to be desired cure time, i know its all preference, but if i can dry and cure in 9-10 days and have my product ready why not? I do understand the slower the better, but I am pretty impressed with my SD.


Active member
matt, good weed dried fast is still good weed! I haven't done any fast curing, but I would think you would want two weeks, anyway. The Chlorophyll would seem to be the #1 thing to drive down fast. That's nasty


Ive been burping them with the dehuey running but the jars are up to 66% now. What gives? Will they start to go down eventually?


Active member
Ha! I have SO been there, man! Initially I leave lids off for 15 min at a time, a few times a day. Long burps like that especially if you are trying to cure large colas. The bigger mass will hold water better and longer.

Sometimes I'll leave a jar open for 30 min but you run the risk of drying the bud that's right at the mouth of the jar. So more frequently for 15 min is technically better.

As an only slightly related side-note, once the bud is cut, I let hang for a week and don't touch it. When I jar, I use 1/2 gallon mason jars and only fill them 1/2 way. The added air volume pulls water faster. I also don't like to take the bud in and out, and shake it up to loosen the bud. This is just a thing I do. A quirk. I treat them gingerly until much drier so as to not squash and stick trichomes. I really love the perfection of all those trichs perfectly preserved .


Guess Im going to try burping every 12 hours for a couple of days just to get some of this moisture out.
The texture of the buds is getting nicer. Not too crispy with a little but of dankness to them.

lost in a sea

if you let the plant go full length the crystals are already curing on the plant and clorophyll drops away hugely in the last week/s.. still most indicas just get better and better for up to 6 months+, after that i personally feel the cannabinoid profile changes beyond what i would say was ideal, but just depends on the genetics,, generally sativas get better the longer the cure,, ive found 1-2 year old hazey and sat gear in jars that would blow people away..


Theyre down to 61% now. Is this going too slow? It tastes bomb and is smooth as can be.
I plan to vac seal after its been below 60% for a week.
Does that sound right?
Will it last 6 months in a vac seal at 60%?


Active member
You're doing great. The slower this process takes place, the better.

O2 is part of the curing process. I wouldn't pull a vacuum for several months, if it were me. Flavors will continue to evolve and it gets smoother. Amazing how large a hit you can take from a little pipe and hold it in. Really smooth.


yea Tribal, you're in the realm of personal preference now. And no, not too slow.. the slower the better really. I usualy take around 4-6 weeks to get down to 60-62%.

Anything you do will probably be ok, and yes vacuum sealing should be just fine in that 58-60% range.


Active member
Vac sealing would slow / stop the cure rate by some degree due to O2 reduction. That's not bad, as I do this also. I haven't in a while, however, as I've been keeping my jars at 62% for a year now. I just pull some bud out of the 1/2 gal jar into a smaller jar and re-seal the 1/2 gal jar. No vac. That's just me, but have grown to prefer it.


Just the other day I checked on a jar with remnants from about a year ago, expecting to put it into cold storage.

It just got down to 57% RH after being in the 58-59% range for many many months, and all the sudden after months of the same familiar lemony taste and aroma, there are new more berry-like flavors and aromas. Medicinal properties seem pretty similar but aesthetically it's even better than it was at 6 months IMO.

Had always thought that the benefits of curing pretty much reached a point of diminishing returns after 6 months, but am rethinking that now.
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