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A perfect cure every time


The hash that was moldy was all gone (smoked with no ill effects if you were wondering) The stuff he has now was at about 70%, I loaned him my Caliber III and he is bringing it down to 60-65% so this stuff doesn't mold.

Bubble hash is the most important type to cure properly, as you have so much extra water trapped in there to remove compared to CO2 or dry sift.


I have been wary of sealed jars but have a small experiment going with modified jars - replacing the metal/rubber sealed lid with a sheet of brown paper from a grocery bag, and putting the lid bands on over that. Maybe parchment or cheesecloth or coffee filter paper could be used the same way.

Too early to tell if it makes much of a difference, but it should allow more airflow than a fully sealed lid, and hopefully not too much. We'll see.


Active member
I got a problem with the caiber 3

after 2 years of use the readings are off

i got three calibers thati put in a jar and got 3 different readings

62-65 and 68 %

how can i calibrate them?

No use in using them when that are way off

I already changed the batteries and when i just got the calibers they all gave me the same reading



Just found this
"As a professional weather guy I've got to tell you all that humity measurements are mostly inaccurate. The National Weather Service and the Air Force Weather Agency would love to have an instrument that was +_5% accurate. A sling cycrometer is about the only instrument that is accurate and no one wants to get a wet bulb temperature by that method. All electronic instruments are off. Actually a company that advertizes a 1% accuracy is dead wrong"

As a mechanical engineer, I agree with Ken. Humidity is tough to measure and it varies easily on a whole range of conditions. It's not the same thing as measuring another quantitiy, say length or volume. +- 5% is a completely negligible error when dealing with these devices and in any case, you should not be worried about it, your cigars will be fine.


Active member
Well I have about 8 of the Calibers and over the years I have found them to be consistent with one another. Try changing the battery, perhaps.

Given that pockets of humid air can move, and temperatures factor into the Rh calculation, open room or outside humidity would be a moving target. Not so bad with stable air inside a jar with no temp swings.

I've used a sling psychrometer many times.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
I actually read the question. :D

I actually read the question. :D

Well, the man did say. -"I already changed the batteries and when i just got the calibers they all gave me the same reading".

But, pointing out the difference between in and out environment sparked some thinking.
I have several meters and they do seem to drift in time.
the 2 outside meters, still track with each other, but the in-jar meters are into anarchy.
Hmmmm, gotta wonder what a terpene and methane rich constant bathing does to the sensor?
Might try running some ethanol vapor through them to see if they all can jus' git along again.
Only half kidding on that one.



Perhaps this really is for really small grows... the jars people are showing in the pictures will hardly fit anything once the caliber is inserted..

What about people who harvest a lb at a time? Rather than buying 10 calibers for 10 jars, would it work to use 1 caliber inside a huge 5 gallon jar?

Any way to use this method for larger yields?



Active member
The size of the jar doesn't matter after the Rh equilibrates after a few hours. You could load bud in a 55 gal drum and one Caliber III


I dried my buds til I couldnt let them dry anymore and then threw them into my jars. RH rose to 63% so I left the jars open in my room at 50-55%RH overnight. This morning the jars are at 62%. The buds on the top felt a little crispy. I sealed the jars back up. Do I keep doing it this way even though the RH didnt drop any over night? Do the buds need to come back out? The Jars are nearly full, maybe I need less in them?


Active member
After closing the jars, let them equilibrate for 1/2 a day. That's not much of a drop, which leads me to think you have a lot of water in the stems, still.


The jars are at 64% now and the buds feel really crispy. This isnt going very well. I have a shit ton of jars I gotta keep unscrewing and screwing back together...
Why are the buds getting more moist and starting to feel dryer?


Active member
Need to get some more air in there. 50% ambient RH isn't going to dry 63% very quickly. I pull them out for an hour or two.


Active member
The jars are at 64% now and the buds feel really crispy. This isnt going very well. I have a shit ton of jars I gotta keep unscrewing and screwing back together...
Why are the buds getting more moist and starting to feel dryer?

Because the tips and thin little plant parts are dry, but the fat, thick veins and stems are still holding / releasing water. That water has got to go and it takes time. That's all part of the curing process.


Thanks guys. I have them out on the net again. Ill jar them back up in a a cpl hs and see where the rh is. Im trying to get them to around 57%.
I aslo have a jar of hash drying. Should that be @ lower RH than my herbs?


Active member
I aslo have a jar of hash drying. Should that be @ lower RH than my herbs?

I don't see why you would. Same with beef jerky or dried fruit. Once the moisture level drops below the low 60s, no mold. I cure and store at 62%, for example. Then I pull some from the big jars and dry to whatever room Rh% is. I vape more than combust so it needs to be dry. Below 58% I find


Thanks guys. I have them out on the net again. Ill jar them back up in a a cpl hs and see where the rh is. Im trying to get them to around 57%.
I aslo have a jar of hash drying. Should that be @ lower RH than my herbs?

it doesn't really matter with hash, just so long as its low enough not to mold... as rrog said

I have a question, how long have you been drying? Drying on a net to get from 64% to 57% is not something I would do, nor is that was is instructed in this thread.

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