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A not so happy happy brother


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Well THC, it sounds like you're on your way out of the Cannabis Infirmary. Where's Monk when you need him? Things can only get better now bro.



Active member
@D : indeed

Here the cuts i took 6 days ago from the flowering hb in the GH

the plant will be ready in 2 weeks but i took cuttings from the bottom popcorn branches





Active member
they come form the GH

i dipped them in PVP before cloning cuz i had spider mites in the GH and lice


Active member
ooks like a crappy brotha, lol
it might bounce back , hang in there buddy

the Hb is long dead(the mom)

well after exactly 8 days , the first flowering HB cut has already rooted

i am amazed at how fast they root for being flowering plants

Normally happy bro takes at leadt 2 weeks to root

the stuff Karma gave me(Jump start) must be really good stuff!!!

happy brother is saved!!!!!! :dance013:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Oh Happy Day!

I checked out Happy Brother at Karma's Seed Boutique and she looks top notch, and a nice yielder.....I wonder?

It's good to know about the Jump Start also, bro.

Just for the record, everybody has had mites.....one time or another because they love the mother nature. Along time ago there was an Amsterdam grower who grew on his boat. He grew for years without any problems in rock wool. He had to go somewhere for a family emergency for a couple weeks and when he returned something had wiped out his whole decade of breeding. It was a tragic loss. He said he could never find an answer to what the cause was. At least with mites we have a fighting chance to rid them because we can see them.

I can't wait to see how HB grows with your thread here THC123.



Active member
thank you for the kind words

I checked out Happy Brother at Karma's Seed Boutique and she looks top notch, and a nice yielder.....I wonder?

Happy brother is really top notch

i have yet to try karma's bx seeds , but as soon as i get the chance i'll pop them

So i cant comment on the yield on the bx seeds but i do know(i have read) that it yields better then the original cut.

But this is weed you grow just for the quality

HB is an indica with a real special taste, the effect is also very nice ,, but the aroma is soooo special , i would grow her only for that

I recommend this strain to everyone


Active member
Happy brother is safe


big sur holyweed (2pcs) and 8 happy bro cuts

the flowering ones all rooted very quickly


I also got 3 non flowering clones from a friend


but they have a bit of mold so i am airing the propagator more often, hopefully they will make it, cuz i prefer a mother from a non flowering cut

have had to remove a few leaves already


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Damn, that makes me Happy, Bro!

What is your temp in your perlite cloner where the flowering clone rooted THC123?

I've seen and had disagreements over whether taking a clone during flowering would root. I'm impressed, not surprised, and thankful to see it succeeding.

You've perservered!



Active member

temps are about 22-23 degrees constant, light is indirect they are not under the lamp but on nthe side so the light they get is very weak

Normally happy bro takes me about 2-3 weeks to clone

but with the jumpstart that karma gave me , things seem to move along a lot quicker

mad librettist

Active member
Well I hope you learned your lesson!

Its not your fiends who are sick, its you. Normal people do not grow sun loving annuals indoors.

Unless you can confirm someone has the sickness, they are not fit to care for your plants. You can't bargain or plead your way into someone caring for your plants. They will either beg you to let them, or not. If they don't beg for the job, find someone else.

This I have learned over time: normal people can't be trusted with plants.


Active member
@ ml i cant see your posts as you have been on my ignore list(the only icmagger on it) for quite some time now cuz of your annoying wiseguy posts

love it!:laughing: just love that list

Big Sur??? That is something veeeeery interesting!!

dunno w'll see never heard of it
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Active member
yeah i knew it was used in sage

do you have more info?

on a happier note:D

the happy bros have been transplanted today so they can revert back to veg properly

the non flowering HB clones still havent rooted after 9-10 days , they are rooting slower then the flowering ones, i think cuz they where dark green thus having more then enough nutes, while the flowering ones where in the flushing phase when i took the cuts