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A new possible threat to Stoner Liberties - Pain Management


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Probably DEA bullshit. I had a friend that was taking care of her father in Sacramento and her pain doctor (and normal residence) was in Reno. The bullshit that they make you jump through for triplicate scripts is amazing to start with, and then if you throw in crossing the state line it gets nearly impossible.

Now with the shortfall of opiates, even if all of the stars are in alignment, many times they can't fill a complete Rx - the pharmacy can only order more after they have a valid script in hand and the manufacturers are rationing the pharmacies. It's a fucked up mess.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I always got what I had a script for. Sometimes she had to order it but it was there the next Wednesday.. I wont be using any of these places anymore. The new Insurance has there own pharmacy

mojave green

rockin in the free world
I'm not understanding something. If your Dr gives a prescription for anything the Pharmacy has to fill it. they don't make the decision of what meds the Dr allows you to use. I'm missing something.
that's what i had thought as well. what i learned was;
they don't have to sell you anything!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
why would they not fill it ??? seems like something is missing from the story. If one wont fill it someone will. I have never encountered that in 35 years...I always got my scripts filled and refilled..


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
why would they not fill it ??? seems like something is missing from the story. If one wont fill it someone will. I have never encountered that in 35 years...I always got my scripts filled and refilled..

They can refuse to fill it for any number of reasons - they are mandated by the DEA to make sure that the law is followed, and some of them get pretty fucking zealous about it. If they think that your doctor wrote the script ahead of time, they will refuse. If they think that you are filling at multiple pharmacies, they will refuse. If it is a day too soon, they will refuse. Their ass is on the line, and they aren't going to take any chances with their licenses or their freedom.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
While I have had experience with being a pain management patient for several years, my best friend of 30+ years is in stage 4 prostate cancer which has spread to his bones, neck and now brain. He's been prescribed to take over 360mg of oxycodone per day in addition to a fentanyl patch. I think he told me they just approved the prescription for even more of the oxycodone but he told me tonight he was in too much pain to open a taped box that contained something that helps with the pain and it's weed. He told me it's the only way he is able to eat and the only way he can sleep at all as he's only able to sleep an hour here and hour there. His weight in the last 12 months, he's always been a large man, has gone from 285 to 170. He's now going thru a 14 day, every day radiation for the cancer in his neck/brain. He told me tonight that 3 days after the radiation treatment it's unbelievable pain, that if it wasn't for the weed he's sure he would have been checked into a hospital by now...........

Long story short, CVS AND Walgreens have both denied this man his prescription and on more than one occasion. So if you do go into any sort of pain mgt, save em up because one day you may need them and accessing them may prove more difficult than you thought it might be.

One thing to look into for your friend and his pain medication is the acetaminophen side of the equation like for example Percocet is oxycodone/acetaminophen and a common strength for them is 10/650 the 10 is the oxycodone which means 10 mg of that, the 650 is the acetaminophen (Tylenol) and is 650mg of that. Recent studios are showing that high doses of acetaminophen taken on a regular basis are responsible for kidney and liver failure. In response to that there has been a call going out recently to reduce acetaminophen intake. My wife was taking the 10/650's and she was getting them at WalMart. A few months ago their pharmacy sent her a notice saying they will no longer carry anything containing doses of acetaminophen higher then 325mg. So her doctor changed the prescription to 10/325 and really it's the 10 side of the equation the narcotic that is fighting the pain. So your friend might find that WalMart and CVS aren't refusing him because of the oxycodone but because of the acetaminophen and that if he gets that down to levels of 325mg per pill these places will stop turning him away.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm not understanding something. If your Dr gives a prescription for anything the Pharmacy has to fill it. they don't make the decision of what meds the Dr allows you to use. I'm missing something.

That's not entirely true. Doctors aren't always as knowledgeable about medicines as pharmacists are there's just to much new stuff or changes to old stuff happening for a doctor to stay up on. A pharmacist on the other hand that's his job. They also are bound by an oath to do no harm just like doctors and so if they see a doctor prescribing a dangerous combination of medicines they are required to refuse it and if they don't they could be held liable. Then there are things like the change in policies towards things like acetaminophen where they might refuse something not so much because the doctor was wrong in prescribing it but because their pharmacy has changed their policy. Like WalMart will no longer carry any pills containing more then 325mg of Acetaminophen.


I am a Chronic Pain Patient in Pain Management in NY.I am currently prescribed 480mg of OxyContin.I started with fentanyl Patches and then Avinza Morphine and now on the Oxy's.I have zero quality of life and have now lost 7 teeth due to these opiate medications.I also have cyclic vomiting that the only thing that mitigates it beside cannabis is Pepsi and I am diabetic as well.I am prescribed Marinol as well but it makes me too paranoid and I can't swallow pills whilst hurling.I am set to go off Oxy's after my vacation to Myrtle beach..got a zip of assorted flowers and a 1/4oz of BHO to bring...wasted on vaykay..where it is 420 all day!!


If the "doctors" could find a way to make patients pay $1 every time they take a pain pill - or any other medication - they would do it.

What's the difference between somebody in Silicon Valley toking after work, to relieve heartburn ... in 1984 ... and someone doing the same thing in 2014 ?

I guess now, the patient, in some states, has access to a wider variety of Cannabis'. Which is good.

Many doctors don't like "Self-medication" not because it's bad for you.

It's because it leaves them out of the loop $-wise.

While I'm ranting, I should add - I think if anyone has a Med. Mar. prescription for 5 years straight, from then on, they have a life-time prescription, and don't need a doctor's note - in any state of the US.


Active member
I am a Chronic Pain Patient in Pain Management in NY.I am currently prescribed 480mg of OxyContin.I started with fentanyl Patches and then Avinza Morphine and now on the Oxy's.I have zero quality of life and have now lost 7 teeth due to these opiate medications.I also have cyclic vomiting that the only thing that mitigates it beside cannabis is Pepsi and I am diabetic as well.I am prescribed Marinol as well but it makes me too paranoid and I can't swallow pills whilst hurling.I am set to go off Oxy's after my vacation to Myrtle beach..got a zip of assorted flowers and a 1/4oz of BHO to bring...wasted on vaykay..where it is 420 all day!![/quote .....................................................................Those flowers and bho will be much more valuable during detox in my opinion


ICMag Donor
One thing to look into for your friend and his pain medication is the acetaminophen side of the equation like for example Percocet is oxycodone/acetaminophen and a common strength for them is 10/650 the 10 is the oxycodone which means 10 mg of that, the 650 is the acetaminophen (Tylenol) and is 650mg of that. Recent studios are showing that high doses of acetaminophen taken on a regular basis are responsible for kidney and liver failure. In response to that there has been a call going out recently to reduce acetaminophen intake. My wife was taking the 10/650's and she was getting them at WalMart. A few months ago their pharmacy sent her a notice saying they will no longer carry anything containing doses of acetaminophen higher then 325mg. So her doctor changed the prescription to 10/325 and really it's the 10 side of the equation the narcotic that is fighting the pain. So your friend might find that WalMart and CVS aren't refusing him because of the oxycodone but because of the acetaminophen and that if he gets that down to levels of 325mg per pill these places will stop turning him away.

He's not taking 360mg of Percocet, he gets Pure Oxycodone. + Fentanyl patches. The drugs stores are refusing people because they are paying stricker obedience to the law and to be extra careful to not get arrested as has been happening in Fla.

He was initially on Percocet but that ended once he went thru I think 10 of them a day. They switched him to pure oxy after that and despite it all it's not enough while he wastes away.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
well now, seems to me the solution to this dilemma is to have a patch of poppies in a greenhouse!
fook the fda & the dea!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I get all my scripts refilled 1 week before due date.. Been like that for years. I have 1 due on the 4th but they will refill it on the 31st.. Those of you that take large dosages of Opiates should ask your Dr about a Pian Pump.. I was asked about it very early on . I decided it was not for me.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
One thing that is really troubling me about this whole new direction pain management is taking things in is the way they seem to pretty much start with the notion that all patients are addicts only trying to abuse the drug and or sell it to make money. What especially troubles me about it is the way they piss you to make sure you're taking it. My wife having both the fentanyl patches and the Percocet, finds that she doesn't always need the Percocet and so when she doesn't, she doesn't take those. Sometimes she'll go a whole week without taking a single Percocet. Other times though when her pain flairs up she can't manage without them. Now since her doctor is planning on taking her off the Percocet it's not going to be an issue, but if she were going to be staying on them she would be likely to start taking them even when she didn't need them for fear of losing them and not having them when she does need them. I also have a couple of friends in pain management who also go thru that and take them even when not needed to make sure they don't get their scripts taken away because of how important they become when they do need them.

It seems to me then that this practice of the Pain Management clinics is more likely to produce addicts then prevent them because if people take the stuff even when they don't need them it would make sense they would be more likely to become addicts. I don't see why these places can't allow people the chance to regulate themselves. Seems to me it would make more sense to reserve this kind of monitoring for people that are coming up short on their meds and/or who try to fill scripts before they should be refilled or ask for more meds then they were getting because they come up short. Those would seem more likely candidates to be abusing or selling their medicine then people who aren't running short and aren't trying to get more then they were getting before.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I am a Chronic Pain Patient in Pain Management in NY.I am currently prescribed 480mg of OxyContin.I started with fentanyl Patches and then Avinza Morphine and now on the Oxy's.I have zero quality of life and have now lost 7 teeth due to these opiate medications.I also have cyclic vomiting that the only thing that mitigates it beside cannabis is Pepsi and I am diabetic as well.I am prescribed Marinol as well but it makes me too paranoid and I can't swallow pills whilst hurling.I am set to go off Oxy's after my vacation to Myrtle beach..got a zip of assorted flowers and a 1/4oz of BHO to bring...wasted on vaykay..where it is 420 all day!!

I'msorry to hear your situation and I think you're the first legit oxy user I've come across, they'veall been druggies. Good for you on ssuccessfully managing your pain. Supplement with more indica strains too, they're great. Doesn't sound like its being abused. How high do they get you? What was the morphine like?


Active member
D.B.Doober pills are evil and only losers use oxycontin?That is spoken like a loser of the highest order.If you are lucky enough never having a motorcycle accident or any other trauma then bully for you.To say people that weren't so lucky are losers is lowdown loserspeak


Active member
What kills me about the pain doctors down here in Fla is that they will prescribe methadone along with oxycodone, diluadid or opana when methadone is an opiate antagonist and counter acts the effects of the other "fun" narcotics.40 milligrams of methadone is called a blocking dose and you wont feel opiates or opiods.Silly doctors but cha gotta luv em lol they really are trying to help.At least mine is

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