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A new possible threat to Stoner Liberties - Pain Management


Active member
The cortisone shots I get are for neck and back injuries, and they help fairly well as long as you do your stretching exercises. If you don't do any of the exercises you have to get the shots more frequently. It's been nine months since my last series of shots and I'm probably going to get the next ones in a month or two.......If suboxone helps I would use it, withdrawls can be nasty. I'd recommend having several cannabis concentrates available, really helps to calm plus healthy stuff to eat and drink, you should be exercising somehow to pass the time and the dope from your system. And I always wish'd I thought ahead and got a weeks of benzodiazepines because my heart just beats too fast in withdrawl. Seriously do not recommend benzos otherwise, whole different problem...........When I was going to the California pain management they were testing for 9-12 substances and charging about 150.00 every month. They said it was a d.e.a requirement.


pain management has become a real pain in the azz, especially if ur in a non-mmj state.

Alot of docs will refuse treatment if you have mj in ur system


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I had my shots in my foot. My dr at the time told me this was just a band aid. At some point I will need a Operation. I had my foot opened up about 7 years ago. its fine now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have used pain management Dr. I had no issues with getting my meds. they only thing is they want to make sure your taking the meds and not sealing them. This is what I was told. So they give piss test to see if its in your system. If not your cut off.. I have always passed my tests and got what ever they prescribed. Now I changed my Dr. I want them to detox me and start a different treatment. I don't want to be dependent while im trying a new treatment. This will start April. I hope the Suboxone will keep the withdraws under control. It's time to get of these permanently. I might have to get a scooter after since I wont be able to walk very well.
My bro has been working w his doctors to lower his dependence on oxy....he has been rotating suboxone in for extended periods and suffers zero withdrawal systems while on it now...has been wildly successful...and we are talking major doses of oxy going on four years now...good luck
Edit: and also should point out he's a non cannabis user so he uses nothing but the suboxone ..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
that's great to here. I hope he gets through it..Im going to try....I would rather not walk then be on this shit anymore.


Been dealing with this crap myself for a while. Has been interesting watching it go from the traditional dr patient relationship we once had, to the big pharma run whore house they have now.
Funny how the corporate bastards have managed to take the integrity out of everything.
I have gone through such hell over this shit - was real blessed that I was able to have a compassionate md as a partner for the past 10 years. She was a public heath dr who hated big pharma and what was happening to the practice of medicine.
She explained to me how, that if you get pegged as being "non compliant", you can end up with NO medical care real quick. I jsut lost her to the flu, but at least she will no longer have to try to get around the corporations whoring out our society
These corporate assjacks have got it to the point where most mds don't even see us as a human being any more - they are just like bean counters moving widgets and that is what we have become to them.
Can jsut imagine what it must be like for the kids in medical school - they will end up spending more time on documentation than education with respect to pain med use now.
Fuck big pharma and what they have done to medicine. Fuck big corporate and what they have done to integrity and life in general.
Not sure how anyone else has done it, but I have gone from 240 mg oxy w/ #4 dillys as breakthrough, down to what is now 10 mg methadone and quick wash mixed with butter that I do sub lingual. I also use 240 mg ibuprophen every 4 hours - always with a bit of food. I have a nice assortment of concentrates, but try to use regular cannabis for breakthrough. I have got to say that the best thing I have found is to use a tub of really hot water. I mean really hot. I have the hot water heater turned up so high that it will burn the hell out of me if I am not careful .I can't see them, but my wife told me that I have some really nasty scars down my spine from it , but it does work when I have done everything else and it is not working so well, that is when I bless the damn tub.
I have to credit a very nice old Dr who I knew as a kid for turning me on the the hot water. He was so old, that he remembered it being used as hydro therapy from pre wwii asylums. The way it works , is that it will force tight muscles to relax - but it has to be so damn hot to do it, that for it to work, it will hurt like hell in itself. This is not something you want to do over a hang nail - nor when you are too high on other meds - until you have done it for a while you would be better off not even attempting it unless you have someone there who has a pretty tough constitution - my wife would just weep over it, and she was made of mean stuff . I want what control I can have over my own life. These asshole would have us trade corporate values for care. That just does not work for me.
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Active member
Yea Hot water is the best, don't know how I forgot that. A percussive
massager helps out quite a bit when used lightly.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I'd rather be in charge of my own pain management if I'm ever in the situation where I need it. High CBD strains can help with chronic pain, and clones are easy to find here. If that isn't enough, opium poppies are supposed to be easy to grow. Poppy pods work as well or better than any prescription opioid I've tried.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
and understands that marijuana and opiates work well together..

This is a good point and one I've thought about talking about here before but just never got around to it. The notion that these drugs may be what they call synergistic which essentially means they can enhance one another. I have back pain that flares up occasionally, especially after doing a lot of yard work. At times when it was particularly bad my wife would give me one of her Percocet to help and inevitably I would smoke something while on them and I started to notice that the effects of both together seemed greater then either of them could ever be separately.

Due to it's illegal status here in the US I don't think much research has been done along these lines, if any. As medical marijuana comes more online I think it would definitely be worthwhile for someone to explore this beyond anecdotal evidence.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I agree Methadone s the last one I would take due to its very addictive and some say worse then opiate addiction.

This is what concerned me most when my wife was told they want to put her on methadone. I knew several people with heroin addiction over the years, that end up in methadone clinics and each of them told me that they felt methadone was worse then the heroin to get off. The way they described it was that heroin would make you sick to your stomach during withdraw but that methadone would hurt to the bone, whatever that means? So I asked my wife's pain doctor about that and his response was that this is true with the doses they give heroin patients but those does are usually on the order of 70mg whereas what he'll be giving my wife is only 10mg. He claims at that level it just works as a very effective pain reliever and that it's easier to get someone off of them then other narcotics.

What I'm hearing from you guys though seems to contradict this and if it turns out this doctor isn't being honest with us or just doesn't know what he's talking about that's going to become a huge issue because it also seems once you get in these places, when you start trying to find different ones to get a different kind of treatment, that just reinforces their suspicion that you're just trying to abuse the system when in reality you're just trying to find a doctor who you're confident in. The doctor my wife had until recently has been her doctor for about 12 years and she had complete confidence in her. There is something really perverted in the system when trying to find a doctor you can trust gets looked upon as you just being someone addicted to pain meds and you're trying to get your drug of choice.

My wife is giving this guy and the treatment he recommends a try even though she has doubts. It's not going to go well at all though if she loses confidence because things end up being very different then he said they would be.


Active member
This is what concerned me most when my wife was told they want to put her on methadone. I knew several people with heroin addiction over the years, that end up in methadone clinics and each of them told me that they felt methadone was worse then the heroin to get off. The way they described it was that heroin would make you sick to your stomach during withdraw but that methadone would hurt to the bone, whatever that means? So I asked my wife's pain doctor about that and his response was that this is true with the doses they give heroin patients but those does are usually on the order of 70mg whereas what he'll be giving my wife is only 10mg. He claims at that level it just works as a very effective pain reliever and that it's easier to get someone off of them then other narcotics.

What I'm hearing from you guys though seems to contradict this and if it turns out this doctor isn't being honest with us or just doesn't know what he's talking about that's going to become a huge issue because it also seems once you get in these places, when you start trying to find different ones to get a different kind of treatment, that just reinforces their suspicion that you're just trying to abuse the system when in reality you're just trying to find a doctor who you're confident in. The doctor my wife had until recently has been her doctor for about 12 years and she had complete confidence in her. There is something really perverted in the system when trying to find a doctor you can trust gets looked upon as you just being someone addicted to pain meds and you're trying to get your drug of choice.

My wife is giving this guy and the treatment he recommends a try even though she has doubts. It's not going to go well at all though if she loses confidence because things end up being very different then he said they would be.

My choice instead of pain clinic...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGjC4HReFL0 :biggrin: jpt


Active member
when going from one opiate to another you will still withdraw from the first, stomach problems, the big d, like food poisoning or bad virus. When you do the final stop of the methadone or whatever its stonger withdraw. I quit more abruptly and my joints would be pretty sore like you'd fallen down a flight of stairs...And they do start you on a much smaller milligram dosage when you go to methadone. I've grown poppies for about six years now for both somniferum pods as well as the ornamental value. The flowers only last a few days but the pods look best once developed. I wanted them as a backup to make tea in case a dr. cut me off pain meds. Never actually tried the tea because the pods kind of smell like mushrooms to me and I never had to. They are not hard to grow once you understand what they need, which is to be planted in the fall or January in full sun ideally
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So I asked my wife's pain doctor about that and his response was that this is true with the doses they give heroin patients but those does are usually on the order of 70mg whereas what he'll be giving my wife is only 10mg. He claims at that level it just works as a very effective pain reliever and that it's easier to get someone off of them then other narcotics.

What I'm hearing from you guys though seems to contradict this and if it turns out this doctor isn't being honest with us or just doesn't know what he's talking about that's going to become a huge issue because it also seems once you get in these places, when you start trying to find different ones to get a different kind of treatment, that just reinforces their suspicion that you're just trying to abuse the system when in reality you're just trying to find a doctor who you're confident in. The doctor my wife had until recently has been her doctor for about 12 years and she had complete confidence in her.

I would not say that I think the dr is not being honest as much as it is that he is telling you what he was taught - we are telling you what we have experienced. There will always be a gap there - unless you happen to run across a dr who has had to have been on opiates long term. It has been my experience that from the patients perspective the discomfort is the same , regardless of the dosage. It may well take the person who is on 10 mg longer to step away comfortably than the person who is on 70 mg - that is a very individual thing, and there is no way to know with certainty before hand.


ICMag Donor
While I have had experience with being a pain management patient for several years, my best friend of 30+ years is in stage 4 prostate cancer which has spread to his bones, neck and now brain. He's been prescribed to take over 360mg of oxycodone per day in addition to a fentanyl patch. I think he told me they just approved the prescription for even more of the oxycodone but he told me tonight he was in too much pain to open a taped box that contained something that helps with the pain and it's weed. He told me it's the only way he is able to eat and the only way he can sleep at all as he's only able to sleep an hour here and hour there. His weight in the last 12 months, he's always been a large man, has gone from 285 to 170. He's now going thru a 14 day, every day radiation for the cancer in his neck/brain. He told me tonight that 3 days after the radiation treatment it's unbelievable pain, that if it wasn't for the weed he's sure he would have been checked into a hospital by now...........

Long story short, CVS AND Walgreens have both denied this man his prescription and on more than one occasion. So if you do go into any sort of pain mgt, save em up because one day you may need them and accessing them may prove more difficult than you thought it might be.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Thats what I did. No matter what happens I cant trust the Dr they could just cut me off any time. That would have caused so much pain from the withdrawals so I saved pills from every bottle for years lol.. I ended up with close to 500 pills lol.. I have plenty to get me thought the bad parts of the withdraws. When I talk to my new dr. All I want is to not be in so much pain/sick that I cant function or take care of myself. There is no one else to help me. Wish me luck guys I will need all the positive energy I can muster. Im going to get this Monkey off my back if it kills me.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
While I have had experience with being a pain management patient for several years, my best friend of 30+ years is in stage 4 prostate cancer which has spread to his bones, neck and now brain. He's been prescribed to take over 360mg of oxycodone per day in addition to a fentanyl patch. I think he told me they just approved the prescription for even more of the oxycodone but he told me tonight he was in too much pain to open a taped box that contained something that helps with the pain and it's weed. He told me it's the only way he is able to eat and the only way he can sleep at all as he's only able to sleep an hour here and hour there. His weight in the last 12 months, he's always been a large man, has gone from 285 to 170. He's now going thru a 14 day, every day radiation for the cancer in his neck/brain. He told me tonight that 3 days after the radiation treatment it's unbelievable pain, that if it wasn't for the weed he's sure he would have been checked into a hospital by now...........

Long story short, CVS AND Walgreens have both denied this man his prescription and on more than one occasion. So if you do go into any sort of pain mgt, save em up because one day you may need them and accessing them may prove more difficult than you thought it might be.
i'm sorry man. gotta be tough to watch. my wife was denied pain meds by walmart. walmart for fooks sake! why don't we grow some poppy and make our own pain reliever!



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm not understanding something. If your Dr gives a prescription for anything the Pharmacy has to fill it. they don't make the decision of what meds the Dr allows you to use. I'm missing something.

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