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a new hydro medium?

well, i was just commenting on the importance of worm castings, and added to that the additional benefits of rabbit poop......then had an interesting idea :chin: what if, instead of hydroton, we tried rabbit poop as our organic hydro medium? can't see how it could do any harm, then again i've never ran a hydro setup before. do you think this would be possible?


I've deleted an unkind and insulting post I made here and am replacing it with an apology. Sorry Pepe...
umm...ok....i actually do have a little exp with this......

rabbit turds dont break down like you'd think they would. i used them in teas and they just float. and they stay relatively hard. so the runoff is a nutrient rich tea,that wont burn your plants, in an already organic hydro system...man you're right....damn i'm dumb

oh, have a nice day :wave: ...a little message from my little planet

p.s. you were right about we and our.....i meant, "us and ours"....you're no longer invited