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A NEW Bio-Bucket grow... 12-site/1KW



Ok... Latest update. Nothing looks any different, so I didn't bother with pics, although I will take pics of my pumping setup if anyone is curious.

I figured I should flush them, as the Widow's are a 9 week cycle and I'm finishing up week 8 now. I'll flush for a week. I haven't added nutes in a couple of weeks now, so the solution was getting weaker anyway. I hooked a 55g drum up to my RO system with a float valve at the top. I let this fill over the last day or so and was ready to go.
Walked in to the room this morning and the floors soaking wet. The damn fitting on the float valve on the 55g drum was leaking.
Oh well... we were thinking about putting a new floor in there anyway!

Now the hard part. When I setup this system, as some of you may remember from my earlier posts, I forgot to add the drain fittings to the buckets. DOH!!! :wallbash:
I figured I'd worry about it when the time came. I was too lazy to drain the whole thing and disassemble it to put the fittings in.
Well, the time has come! I decided to pick up one of those little $6 pumps that chucks up in a drill and hooks to a garden hose.
I then found an adapter to attach a 1/2" pvc fitting to the other end of the pump (Garden bib thread). I screwed a 90degree fitting to that, then measured the depth of the bucket, added a couple of inches and cut a piece of 1/2" PVC to length. I then cut the bottom end of the PVC at an angle so it wouldn't hit the bottom flat and not suck. Voila... a perfect ghetto-rigged flushing too. I used a wood boring bit to drill a 7/8" hole in the top of each lid, near the outside edge. It's just enough for the PVC to slide in... I drop the 1/2" PVC pipe into the hole and slide it down the bottom. Fire up the drill and let her pump. I ran the garden hose I bought from the pump to the kitchen sink. It worked great, but SUCKED to do it. Sore back and feet. It took a couple of minutes or so to do each bucket and the room is very cramped.
After I drained all of the buckets, I pulled off the short piece of PVC I'd used and put a much longer piece on to feed into the 55g drum of fresh RO water. Fired up the drill again and filled the rez. When it was full, fire up the pump to fill the buckets until the pump started suckin' air. Shut it down and let it refill... repeated that about half dozen times. All fresh water circulating now. pH is at 5.7, EC and .4 I'd imagine the EC will drop throughout the week and the little bit of residual nutes get used up and flushed out.

Now, as strange as this sounds, I'd mentioned a while ago that a couple of the AH#3's just didn't take. I removed them from the system and shut off those valves. The buds that were on them were very small and airy. They hadn't been flushed.
We trimmed them up and followed a quick-dry thread and tried them last out... I didn't expect much, but was very surprised. Very nice body high, not close to as harsh as the ditch we've been getting by on. Can't wait to try a proper bud in a few weeks!!

Anyhow, that's it for now... I'll take some pics of root porn and such next week when we're cutting and tearing everything down to move it.




Here are the latest pics... unless there's a reason NOT to harvest yet, I plan on chopping tomorrow night or Saturday. System has been flushing for almost a week. I neglected to buy a microscope, so am simply going off the finishing time recommended, which is 9 weeks for these. Right now, I'm at 9 weeks and two days.
As always, opinions are welcome!!



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Active member
Hi Caz,
Those buds look pretty good! You'll have some nice smoke from your first grow. Congratulations on an excellent first effort!
Deciding when to chop is pretty easy to do by examining the trichs under a microscope. Most people wait until they see lots of cloudy trichs with a few amber trichs. That is when the THC is at peak potency supposedly. I'm not a botanist but that's what they tell me.
Get yourself one of those Radio Shack pocket microscopes and see for yourself when the trichs are ready. Here's a tip: cut a tiny tip of bud leaf and put it on a white surface so you can see the amber color. So that's the bad news. that you'll have to spend $20 on one of those microscopic things.

The good news is that it's not that critical. An earlier chop will give you a clearer head high and a later chop will give more body high or even a couchlock high. You can continue to flush with water and the buds will mature while flushing. Then chop when they look ready. When I see white hairs shooting straight out, I wait a while. That's like your first picture. The last two pics look ready to chop. Many reddish hairs and white hairs starting to dry up and curl. But you can't always go by hair color so trich color is the best way to chop at peak potency. I've been surprised a few times when buds didn't look ready but trichs were amber. So take your time and keep flushing until you like what you see. I'm a little buzzed so sorry for the ramble...


Alrighty folks... Picked up a microscope... Tric's look prime for harvesting.
Some Amber, some cloudy. We're going to chop the White Widows tonight and give
the AH#3's another week, then check them again.
I'll get some pics while we're trimming and get some shots of the roots on some of them. I expect the roots to be insane!!! ;)



Ok.... the Widows have fallen to the power of the shears!

Here are a few pics. The buds aren't the 'Donkey Dick' ones everyone brags about, but I'm pretty happy with what I got for my first attempt at growing ANYTHING!

Trimming sucks! :)

When we're done trimming, we're going to take some of the small popcorn buds, flash/quick dry them and give them a try out. The AH#3's we did this too last week gave us substantially more of a buzz than we expected, so hopes are high for the WW!
Man, it's been a long road to get here!!!

:thank you:



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Great job man! That's one hell of a first run! And yes trimming sucks! So what did you think over all on the biobuckets?

I ran DWC in five gallon buckets, each one had a couple airstones and I hand fill and drained and ph each one never again! Now I'm doing ebb and gro and I don't know if I like it yet... After this run I'm sure I will like it or hate it... This system and ones like it look to be almost bulletproof... I might need to look into this futher. Peace and puffs


Thanks Mule!
I really like the BioBuckets. They're as maintenance free and easy as any system can get once everything is up and running. I'd basically peek in on the girls every day, just to make sure nothing was awry, and that was it... On the weekends, depending on where my EC/pH was, make some minor tweeks, but honestly, that's it.
I believe the MPB's and UnderCurrent system would be just as easy.
I'm looking at changing to an UC system at some point just because of the simplicity.
MUCH less plumbing, buckets/tubs sit on the ground, higher flow, allows for larger root masses, etc. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with BioBuckets, the UC system is just a bit simpler and should allow a larger yield.

As far as the Ebb and Gro setup goes... We're in the same ballpark on this one. I'm slowly getting 3 separate tents setup at a buddy's, each with it's own individual E&G system. I agree that it does look bulletproof, just not sure about it's capability to yield a good size plant, as the buckets are much smaller. I bought the first E&G, and am currently building the remaining two controller buckets I need by following Ogre's DIY thread on this site. It's an EXCELLENT guide!!



Thanks Mule!
I really like the BioBuckets. They're as maintenance free and easy as any system can get once everything is up and running. I'd basically peek in on the girls every day, just to make sure nothing was awry, and that was it... On the weekends, depending on where my EC/pH was, make some minor tweeks, but honestly, that's it.
I believe the MPB's and UnderCurrent system would be just as easy.
I'm looking at changing to an UC system at some point just because of the simplicity.
MUCH less plumbing, buckets/tubs sit on the ground, higher flow, allows for larger root masses, etc. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with BioBuckets, the UC system is just a bit simpler and should allow a larger yield.

As far as the Ebb and Gro setup goes... We're in the same ballpark on this one. I'm slowly getting 3 separate tents setup at a buddy's, each with it's own individual E&G system. I agree that it does look bulletproof, just not sure about it's capability to yield a good size plant, as the buckets are much smaller. I bought the first E&G, and am currently building the remaining two controller buckets I need by following Ogre's DIY thread on this site. It's an EXCELLENT guide!!


I meant the bio bucket set up looked bulletproof sorry man :)
To me they look well suited for a wide range of floor plans and grow,bulb styles...

So far the ebb n gro has worked pretty dam good. I raised all my buckets 1" to prevent standing water. And I'm currently testing 6 diff sized plants to see how big I can go... When I did DWC in five gallon buckets the rootmass filled the bucket. The only reason that I'm not tearing up my control bucket, and making it into a 5 or seven gallon set up is the warranty. I will go check that DYI thread out! :tiphat:


Gotcha... The BB's are pretty bulletproof. If you wind up going that route, I REALLY recommend using the Uniseals instead of Hot glue/silicone. You'll definitely be glad you did.
Ogres thread is excellent, but the 'DIY Kit' he mentions in the first page of his thread that uses two timers... that kit has been updated to use the same timer as his and CAP's, and I believe is definitely the easier way to go. You don't have to farm parts from different sources, just purchase one kit.
The link is http://www.aquahub.com/store/product39.html

All this being said, as soon as I'm able to afford it, I'll be changing over to an Undercurrent system. I'm thinking 8 plants, with 2 1Kw lights, one between each four plants should yield very well. They're on the expensive side, BUT, you're buying a proven system, everything you need is included, and from all the UC threads I've read, their customer service is outstanding. Just food for thought.



Well folks, this harvest is done. The drying rack is now 3 tiers high and about as full as it can get. Because of the low humidity here, I'm going to attempt to jar them up to cure this evening. I picked up some Hygrometers that I'll drop into three of the jars so I can keep an eye on the moisture content, and hopefully get a killer product the first time around. Those of you who haven't seen Simon's post on the perfect cure... EXCELLENT thread, possibly one of the best on ICM!
It's located here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=156237

I said earlier, I'll say again, trimming sucks! It took 3 people about 10 hours to go through all of this. Sad part was all the popcorn. Lots of it. I believe I could have avoided a lot of the popcorn and had much larger buds by spacing out my plants more, and by using two light setups instead of one on the lightmover (Yes, this has been a recurring thought throughout this thread!) After another week in the system, I'll chop the Haze's and then disassemble the setup and get it moved. I'm going to make a new supply manifold for 8 bucket, and add a second 1Kw light, figuring on hanging the light between the 1st and 2nd rows, and then between 3rd and 4th rows. This way the lights now shining directly down on any of the girls, and all of the plants should get much better light penetration. I'm also planning on defoliating from the start.

Anyway, as far as a smoke report goes... I quick dried some of the White Widow.
The smoke is a bit harsh as you'd expect, but the high... WOW... We're very happy with what we reaped. I expected a bit more of a couchlock high, with the WW being Indica dominant, but found that was not the case. I guess I harvested and just the right time. Euphoric high, and LASTS... probably 3-4 hours easily.
This next round will be all AH#3's. I have two VERY healthy AH#3 moms that are itching to give up clones. My WW mother didn't make it. Soil is not for me. I ordered a new hydroponic tub system from Aerocustoms, but I ordered it too late. The WW mom was gone before I could get clones. Lapse on my part. I'm going to be looking for some new seeds though. I'm hoping to find something that's a nice yielder and a relatively short flowering time. The WW's were 9 weeks which is pretty average it seems. I may say screw it and just order more WW seeds. Definitely happy with what we got!

Sorry for the ramble... I always feel like I should explain as much as possible the first time... leaves less opportunity for questions! ;)

Cheers all!!!



for a first grow you did an awesome job growing your plants. hydro can be tricky so a pat on the back is in order. foaf is glad that you are happy with your WW. if you are going to be buying more seed, foaf recommends to get a fast finishing Indica. foaf said to shoot him a PM if you would like some help deciding what seed strain to purchase.

about the ebb and grow buckets. the standard buckets can grow some trees. foafster has got some motherplants in buckets under 1000 watters that look like they will yield around 8oz each. Indo has a growshow at a different site called 4-strain ebb/flow if you want to check it out.

the UC system looks kick ass. foaf has also been considering the system and would buy rather than build. looks solid as hell. since its DWC, foaf would use a chiller if the temps in the grow area are over 72 F. DWC with temps in the 80s without a chiller will lead to root rot.



Well, the system has been torn down. After a good cleaning/sanitizing, I'll be making a new manifold for the next run. Same style, just setup for fewer buckets.
I'll be installing a 3/4" drain system in the bottoms of the buckets. No more drill pump flushes for me! That sucked!
I'm going to set up the RO to fill my 55gallon drum so I always have fresh RO water handy for flushes. I'll 'T' off of that to the BB Rez.
When I get to actually setting everything up again, I'll start a new thread.
I have very high hopes for run #2!



Ok, just a quick update for anyone still following this.
I've been working on my buddy's E&G setup, that should be up and running in about 3 weeks. I'm waiting on some work to be done on the house before I get the BB system set back up. I'll be growing all AH#3 this time around and I'll let it go the full term.

Total yield of all 7 White Widows was just under 1lb. I am pretty disappointed in that. However, I know where I made my mistakes, or at least I think I do, and expect a much better yield next time around, with fewer plants. Not sure what the yield was with the AH#3's... We've got all of it in a 1-gallon jar and that's what we're tokin on... It's not bad... not harsh at all and does the job. Very curious to see what the next harvest is, when it's been flowered the proper amount of time! ;)



In a bubble
Thank goodness I'm late. Please ban me from this thread. I know I won't be able to stand the temptation to build a super cool system like yours. When I see petemoss's root ball example, I can feel my wallet opening up ever so slightly while my mind races in overdrive.

I'll just wait right here until I get deleted. :)

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