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A melancholic Mango Haze



Well lads,
this lady has been flourishing in a 20 lt container since the beginning of May. Soil was self-made, nutrients have been given irregularly, that is batguano and molasses in turns and she seemed to like them.

But for the last ten days she turned into what you can see. Almost all leaves are wilting as if over or under-watered but none happens. I can't have pH problems since the water from the well has been used for years now.
I don't know if it helps, but I lost a Cotton Candy due to a stem infection( Fussarium, maybe?) couple of weeks ago, which was next to this lady in a smaller container.
Any suggestion would be most welcome!


P.S. No time to upload pics now...


ICMag Donor
Well then, if you have seen a stem rot/wilt and this looks at all similar, and it was the plant right next to it. Magic eight ball says "it doesn't look good" If you see a yellowish brown area in the new growth coming out(right before it stopped) then you can bet fusarium has found a way in. My friend lost a large Blue Dream this year under the same description as you are giving. My thoughts are with you and if you see symptoms like that, prepare yourself for the worst but good luck...He tried a few foliar sprays to let it drink a little bit and some fungicide on the main stem but it was too little too late. NS


Thanks heaps Northstate!

problem is I've been trying hard to upload them pics, but it won't go;the server doesn't understand sth from my browser they say...

will give it another shot first thing in the morning.


Alright then, here goes what has depressed me for the last ten days:mad:
There's something I must confess and it is my not removing at once the affected plant 2-3 weeks ago, imbecile me...
D' you think this hide-out shouldn't be used anymore?

And something else I noticed this morning. There's a very healthy looking Cotton Candy some of its leaves can be seen in the pics, and I had to nip off a lower small branch for it went ''sleeping''. There was a clear sign of infection at the point where the branch joins the stem, the branch itself being brownish at that spot. Does the magic ball 8 says fussarium or botrytis, I wonder...


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ICMag Donor
Well those plants look like they are not too bad off...It does have a droopy look to it and are you letting it dry out some? Yellowing like that towards the end of flower is pretty normal but you know when you see a change in your ladies. Dont panic about your location I think that looks like a fine spot to have a garden, soil is usually where you find fungal infections/wilts. Keep up on the cleaning of leaves and if it looks very unhealthy or gets worse then maybe take it down but totally up to you. Good luck and sometimes branches just give up, dont worry too much. NS


I guess you're right about worrying northstate, but worrying I cannot help since I've been striving all the way through summer and now I'm supposed to be harvesting sooner or later. Yet, by the look of the MH, I reckon I'll have to be patient till end October.

Anyway,eventually I managed to get a picture of the part of the stem I wrote about in my previous post, but I can't diagnose myself. Anyone?


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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
that could be stemrot.....c that small hole of the stem ??? its tru that hole the funus is running tru it..its like wildfire ....seen it a couple of times....if you do not cut it it will affect the intire plant.....just lost 2 plants in my crop tru this kind of f up.....

can you c a diffrent kind of color on the stem ??? i think its a bit darker of color

but you real need to be shure on this


Thanks, Core!
The discoloration is quite apparent, the torn bark was my dissection...
Would it be wise to scrape-clean the affected part of the stem and wrap it round with sth?:dunno:
All the Cotton Candy needs is a couple of weeks at most...

Any idea about the Mango Haze?


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
affected parts needs to be cut asap....a few inch after the rot! and you will need to tape that cut up so it don't start again.

what about the mango haze?


Kinda worried about the droopy look of them leaves and the relatively slow growth of buds.
But then this is my first attempt with MH outdoors, so no experience with the lady...


Well folks,
this is what the lady looks like today ten days after the first shots.
The last pic shows one of the small lower branches that seems to be perfectly alright strangely unaffected, whereas all the rest show this clawing of the leaves.
By the way, the Cotton Candy, whose stem has been affected (by Botrytis?), is steaming ahead asking for a couple of weeks maximal...


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