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A long strange trip it's been


Active member
i sorta skimmed this thread a lil while ago since it was brought up in that barak thread.....ill def look at it more tomorrow when my head is a bit more clear.

funny thing is that i had seen it on the boards alot in the past and never kliked on it because i thought it was a greatful dead thread.

i dont dislike the dead, i just wouldent have anything to contribute if thats what it was.

lesson learned: dont judge a thread by its title....lol


ICMag Donor
Life can deff take turns that one doesnt except, I look at ppl and wonder how they have gotten to that point in their life?...what choices were made to get to where you are alone on this world? ...I see so many ppl that look lost and have no one that cares about them or gives a shit if they live or die. How do they go on?...I feel sad when I cant do anything, its just too sad. I have sooo much and an awesome family that loves me very much, but it seems like we always reach for more!

okkkkk I havent had enough coffee yet heheh
much love ran!
love reading your thread! ...been there since you first started it :D


You have to take care of others to take care of yourself Mrs B, that is what separates us from the animals.

You know I have a friend that is a doctor. He is just too hip to make money off of that. He gives his doctoring away to poor people in the third world and makes money off of his writing. He doesn't say that he is doing it to feel good about himself, but after you get to know him you will know that he couldn't live any other way. Like him we all have to find and follow our calling.

On the part of the trip though, I am getting the alcohol interlock off of my truck in about a week.

I have not been able to drive after a drink for so long, and I have to blow into this machine to prove that I have not been drinking to get my car started. I hate the inconvenience of the thing, but I think I will miss it. I know I cannot drink and drive with it on, and it has saved me from attempting to start my cars after a drink.

I am not really drinking very much at all anymore, so as long as I keep on this path I think I am safe. Kind of scary knowing that I can start it again after a drink though. If I get caught again I am going to jail, no question.

I think MJ helped me out of a pretty bad drinking problem. There is something for the books.


all praises are due to the Most High
randude, I loved the pictures and the written update, although I'm not sure about the picture of el dude in there though, call me paranoid.

one love!


love the updates. not sure how much you know of me but i've been a follower of yours from day one, since i used to be in a similar spot... stuck in the south and now back home happy in the west.

hope all goes well for ya.... have you found a place to live yet?
You're seriously a piece of crap.

You dragged your fiance thousands of miles across the country, ditching her more than once in places hundreds-to-thousands of miles away from anyone she knows, without any money or means of transportation, just because you wanted to drive around drunk, high, and fucked up on pills... and she's the bad one? You write this like you're the one suffering in these situations because you had to sit in jail where you were able to look up to better people and make some friends?
Sure she's stupid for staying with you in the first place, but you're the one leading the lie.

She tried to get you to stop doing the things that got you arrested/cost you thousands of dollars, and you're painting it like she's a real bitch?
Shouldn't you have known her stance on those things before you got past the first few dates?

Literally every other post of yours that I've read on this site has made me think you're an idiot, but this thread seals the deal and then some ...
I had a crop of bud growing in my garage that was about 10lbs and just about to grow crystals that she cut down and put in the garbage disposal, this is a girl that had access to my bank accounts and removed large sums of money. This is a girl that got me fired from Boeing for being a drug user.

I guess she cut down about 30 ounces of bud and put it in the garbage disposal.

A breakdown of the first day of "your" long trip;
... "And then I took some of her scripts and ditched her ~300 miles from home.

Later on;
"And then I pleaded to get her back just so she'd get me out of jail, only to ditch her again, this time ~3000 miles away from her home, leaving her (again) without any money" ....

yeah, she's really the bad guy here....


I'm totally by myself except for my dog of course,no wife no kids no problems.And I mean it too.When I compare my lifestyle to that of some of my friends,I really can see I did the right thing for me.Some people cant be without a relationship for a couple weeks before they start getting antsy.I'm so fortunate not to have that affliction


This is total bullshit obviously, but it's pretty well written. I enjoyed it.


You know Spark, I wonder if I would be happy now living that way. It is hard to get along with another person. They are never in the same mood or feeling the same way as yourelf.
Ran, do you think certain personalities are geared towards that kind of lifestyle or do you think it's just a lack of maturity one way or another?

I go days without conversation and it doesn't bother me at all. I feel very strange about it, like I'm probably just socially insecure and hiding it from myself. What do you think?


Now I thought we were friends?

No bull shit here, all real.
Irony doesn't go over well on teh interwebz.

I was saying it in response to the altercation you had on the first page with a doubter now listed as "guest."

Sorry for the confusion!


Moving, we are all different and we become different about certain things at different times in our lives. Judging a person or even yourself or labelling is really impossible.

I think that every person has to figure out who they are and then find someone else who has done the same to be in the perfect relationship, whether friends or lovers.

My current stance is to just try to find people that are not trying to change me and I will give them the same respect. If someone has a trait that I do not like I just avoid them.

Whenever you have to hide something about yourself to another person there is a problem.

Awesome perspective.

Thanks for the wisdom as always, dude.


I've lived with women randude just never married or had chillens.The way I live probably isnt for everybody.I'll tell you something though,I lived this way with very few friends long before I started growing and it has served me well.It was just natural to replace girlfriends/roommates with 5K lol.I've never even had a "close one" much less any hassle
Anyone that says any of this is 'well written' is a complete moron.

I get that the stories are interesting, but they're all mixed up and out of/all over the place, making them hard to read through (I started at page one yesterday) and there are errors everywhere in every post.
Them not well wrtitten

I don't see how anybody could read past this guy's first page of posts and still be friendly towards him, let alone praise the idiot for the stupid selfish things he's done...


Did you say "Them not well wrtitten"?Wow bro thats a record four words and you managed two mistakes lol


Anyone that says any of this is 'well written' is a complete moron.

I get that the stories are interesting, but they're all mixed up and out of/all over the place, making them hard to read through (I started at page one yesterday) and there are errors everywhere in every post.
Them not well wrtitten

I don't see how anybody could read past this guy's first page of posts and still be friendly towards him, let alone praise the idiot for the stupid selfish things he's done...
A more literate person doesn't judge a piece of writing by grammatical errors that slipped passed a spell check. Of course it's mixed up; that's largely the point. He's writing about his life by the seat of his pants for his friends, not his professor.

You don't like ran-I get it. You said your piece. Now gtfo. If you want to call me a moron start a new thread, and I'll mind-fuck you limb from trolling limb.

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