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A long strange trip it's been



From Blaine to Virginia in two weeks, two arrest and a the lose of some great weed

I am sorry I have not been able to write in awhile. I have been on an amazing journey since the end of March and I have decided to write some of it down. Things are sort of settling down now.
In earlier post here and there I mentioned that I had a crazy relationship with my lady, trouble with my kids, the law and a divorce. Things are getting better now!
My fiancé and I left Washington State (it was snowing) March 27th to start a new life somewhere else. I had two contracts in my pocket. One contract for the place in New Orleans, and the other for Hampton Virginia. The job in New Orleans paid $65 per hour and the one in Hampton paid $45. So naturally I was heading for New Orleans and was going to find a way out of the contract in Virginia. I had been staying off of the drugs for awhile, so I took a piss test without a worry in the world.
My license was suspended in Washington State, so driving out with a trailer attached to my rig (in a snow storm) was a little bet stressed out. We drove all the way from the top of the state, right on the Canadian Border, South on Interstate 5. Before we left the state we wanted to stop off and say goodbye to a few family members in the state, because we didn’t know when we would see them again. We drove about 150 miles south, and visited her son, my son etc. While I was at my ex-wife’s house visiting my son, I bought a quarter ounce of bud from a kid that was visiting my son. I had already taken my pre-employment drug screening, so I felt it was okay to get high. I started to get high as soon as I could. I would hit the bud a couple times in bathrooms, at rest areas, and so on. On top of that, my wife has a prescription drug called Clonazepam that really knocks me on my ass. My fiance would say after I took half of one that I had slurring speech and she could tell. I was taking one of those every couple hours or so. So lets say that I as starting off getting pretty high on this 3000 mile plus road trip.
Once we got out of Washington on Interstate 5 and into Oregon, the climate was starting to change. It was getting warmer and sunnier. It was starting to get fun. I love to see the climate change when I am driving, it shows that you are making progress. We passed Portland, and then get into Salem. My fiancé told me that she wanted to call it a day and stay the night in Salem. I argued that we had only travelled 330 miles, and that if we tried to get to New Orleans only putting in 330 miles a day it would take us 10 days. She told me that she was really stressed out, it was not just a driving day, but a packing day and saying goodbye to family day. I knew that when she started to act like this there was no winning. She wanted to get Married in Las Vegas on the way, and I had just finalized my divorce from my first wife about a month ago. I was feeling all kinds of strange feelings (code for fear) about getting married again and the fact that my fiancé didn’t approve of my counter culture attitude. She has been after me to quit smoking pot, quit abusing prescription drugs, quit growing pot, quit reading IC Mag, you name it. She wanted me to be the guy I was before I started the divorce process with my first wife. Ward Cleaver is the term we used to describe who I should become. I had been getting in trouble with the law in Washington State including a couple DUI’s, an assault charge, a marijuana procession charge etc. I was starting to get a mountain of charges against me in the state, and we felt the best thing to do was run away from the state and start over. All I had were misdemeanor charges, so we felt that there is no way the law would cross state lines to mess with a small potato like me.
We pulled off of the freeway in Salem Oregon. I went in and booked us a room at the Best Western and mentioned that we were on our honeymoon. I unloaded my fiancés suitcase and told her I was going to try to get some gas and try to park my truck and trailer. I would be back in a half hour or so.
I went into my truck, drove across the street to get gas, some beer, and I went from there to South Interstate 5, towards California. I had been reading that Arcata California was like the pot capital of the USA, and I wanted to score some good bud for my new location in the south. From what I had been reading, and somewhat know from personal experience, in the South weed is available, but not as available as Northern California. I started pouring down Heniken beer, taking those Clonazapan pills, and smoking that pot that I got from my son’s friend. Before I knew it, I was fucked up. I drove as far as I could into California and spent the night in Cresent City California. Along the way my cell phone was going crazy with my fiancé trying to call me and figure out what had happened to me. I eventually answered and told her that I was on my own now, I could not marry someone that was so different than me, and I could not take the constant pressure of her trying to change me. She has family in Oregon and they were calling me too. They were threatening me with violence and so on. I just told them to bring it on, I am not afraid of any man. Just flesh and bones to me, it all breaks and bleeds.
I woke up in Cresent City and started looking for Pot right away in all the obvious spots. A coffee shop turned out to be the ticket. A nice fellow sold me his stash, some okay stuff at a reasonable price, about another quarter ounce or so, but of course I still needed more. His advice to me was to go to Arcata. It would be easy for a stranger in town to get some weed. Go to the plaza he told me, whatever the fuck that is.
I checked out of my hotel in Cresent City California and headed South in highway 101, the beach highway. I made it to Arcata and to another coffee shop. The coffee shop was cool and I met another nice fellow there. He told me to go to the plaza also, so I was beginning to believe this was the place to go.
I drove around Arcata, and asked around, and finally found the plaza. Kind of business square kind of place with hip as well as un-hip looking places. I walked around the place, and seen a Mexican kid that was looking like he was looking for someone that was looking for something. How does one describe that look any better than that? I asked him if he knew where I could score some good bud. Of course he knew, and he introduced me to this very pretty young lady, just old enough to go into the nearby tavern. We bargained a little, I bought her a beer, and walked out of there with 2 ounces in a freezer bag of some weed she called Train Wreck. What was I to know, I have never seen Train Wreck before, and it was some awesome smelling pot. A tiny bit skunky, but also something else I never put my finger on. I am a lover of fine wine and fine weed, and I do know the better stuff from the not, but I never smell chocolate or saddles and anything like that. I am not one to describe a smell too well. It seemed like some of the best pot I have ever had and the two ounces only cost me $400. I was happy and so I was ready to head out on my trip.
I got gas and a six pack of Heniken at a local gas station and headed west, back to Interstate 5 in Redding California. The highway I was on headed up into the most beautiful green mountains. As the city of Arcata disappeared in my rear view mirror I reached for my pipe in the usual spot to fire up some of that awesome smelling weed, but I couldn’t find it. Where was that damn thing. I was swerving in and out of traffic looking all over my truck cab for my pipe to no avail. It was gone. I was not going to go back to Arcata to look for a pipe, so I just figured I would light up a bud with my lighter and just burn off the trichomes to get high. Hell, I have two ounces of the stuff, why not waste a little of it.
I pulled grabbed the big bag and took a nice hard sniff. Awesome, this is going to be a great trip. I pulled out a nice bud and lit it with my lighting and then blew it out. I sniffed it until it quit smoking and then lit it again. I felt this great high almost immediately but it did creep a little too. The scenery got nicer and nicer as the creep took effect. California is such a beautiful place I thought. I need to settle down here some day.
I drove for hours through some of the nicest country the west coast had to offer. I was pretty high and that made it better. I was completely alone, leaving my family in Washington state and my ex-fiance in Salem Oregon. Her family from Bend Oregon had come and got her and brought her to Bend. They were calling me and telling me to that I needed to get the rest of her personal belongings to her as soon as possible or there would be a hunting party out to get me and teach me a lesson. I laughed at their threats and figured I would get her stuff back to her, but on my time. I had to get to New Orleans and did not have time to go unloading the trailer and sorting out the things that were hers from mine.
Before you all start calling me asshole, you need to remember that this women and I have a history together. We have had horrific fights. She has taken huge amounts of cash of mine that was laying around my house and took it gambling (more than one time). I had a crop of bud growing in my garage that was about 10lbs and just about to grow crystals that she cut down and put in the garbage disposal, this is a girl that had access to my bank accounts and removed large sums of money. This is a girl that got me fired from Boeing for being a drug user.

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Active member
sweet idea! icmag blogs!

Seriously though, hope all ends up well for you. I feel like leaving problems behind is rarely the right way to approach life issues however sometimes a cooling period could be best. Good thing you ditched that woman though, she seemed all wrong for you, lol. Best of luck to you and thanks for letting us see a slice of yourself.

I disagree with driving so intoxicated :spank:
Good read. It sounds like a "train wreck" waiting to happen but still a good read...

Driving under the influence is not cool though. You could be like that guy who ran over Steven King and turned him into a cripple for six months. :cuss:


I pulled into Redding California and went to a gas station. I put my ATM card into the pump and it failed. I typed the number again, it failed. Then it occurred to me, I changed all my banking numbers and stuff from the hotel in Cresent City so that my girl friend would not find a way to move all my money to someplace else. I tried one more time and the machine told me to go see the attendant.
I went into the store, grabbed another 6 pack, asked for some rolling papers and a pipe. I told the attendant that the machine was not accepting my numbers, I had just changed them and messed it up.
The attendant was this skinny punk with acne and told me that he was required to take my care. I said hell no you are not getting my card, I have to get to New Orleans and this is all I have. He told me he was going to have to call the police and I told him to go ahead and I proceeded to go. I may have made it a block and I had about 3 or 4 of California’s finest on my tail. I got cornered into a parking lot and bailed, tried to make a run for it. I didn’t get out of sight of the car and they had me. Immediately they cuffed me and said I had been drinking. One of he cops said he could definitely smell that big bag of weed in my truck and had the probable cause to get it. He just basically reached in and got that big bag of Train Wreck that I had bought that morning.
They took me in and tested my breath, I was like a .11 or so and the punched yet another hole in my suspended Washington driver’s license. I was cited for DUI and procession of two ounces of Marijuana. They took my pot. I told them I was on my way to get a prescription, but they told me that I should have gotten that first. That lovely lady Nicole had the doctors name and number on the phone number she gave me and the cop recognized it. He said Dr Denny? He is a quack. At any rate they put me in jail for the night to sober up a little then let me go. I was told that I could get my car back if I got a licensed driver and went to the tow yard Monday (it was Friday). I called a cab and had him take me to a motel.
I had pretty much spent all of my cash on that weed that morning, and by my trying to use the wrong pin so much my ATM card would not work. I had the driver take me a dive hotel in Redding that was like $49 a night. I paid for one night with the last of the cash I had. I woke up Saturday Morning with No Cash and no way to get any.

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I had no cigarettes, and I really needed on. I have been trying to quit anyway, but I didn’t even have my nicorette gum. I was broke, hungry and desperate. I needed at least another $49 before he 11:00 checkout time or I would be on the streets for a couple of nights in a town where I know No One. I walked and walked for what seemed like hours until the local banks opened up. I didn’t have anything but this stupid dysfunctional bank card. I was told on the phone that if I went to a bank with the card I could do a credit advance with it. It did not work. I called my bank and got the Saturday crew. They swore up and down there was absolutely No Way to reset that card until Monday. I told them I was about to have to sleep in the streets and to please do something. It was a small town bank in a small town in Marinette Wisconsin (Farmers and Merchants Bank and Trust). I begged Please do something, Please, get the bank president, anyone, I will pay fees or whatever, but do not let me stay stranded with no car and no money and a cell phone with batteries that were dying. The ladies at the bank were so nice to me too, sitting me down and getting me coffee and stuff. They tried everything until finally a fellow at that bank that new me, (I told you it was a really small town, and I had not even been there for years). He figured something out and got the card to work. I went from Desperate to having access to $5000 in just an hour. Minutes before checkout time at the hotel. I run to the hotel and paid for the rest of the weekend, I bought some smokes and some clean clothes to wear.
I got back to my hotel room and realized there was a bunch of stuff I had to have before Monday. I called the tow yard and they told me it would cost me an additional $80 to get into my truck. I said fuckit and called a cab. The cab right was like $50 too I may add. Anyway, I got to my car, got out those pills I was mentioning, my laptop computer, some clothes, my phone charger, my pot, and some cigarettes (and my nicotine gum). I had he cab take me back to my room, ironically that was the same cab driver that picked me up from jail. I made sure I gave him a good tip because the night before I couldn’t. He was a righteous guy too, he made me feel a ton better when I was feeling pretty low.
I got back to my room and tried to figure out how I was going to get my truck back. They would only release it to a licensed driver. Looking back, I suppose I could have gotten the taxi driver to help me, but I didn’t think of that. Instead I called my fiancé and told her I needed her back. The time away made me realize how much I loved her and missed her. I talked her into rejoining me on my trip and that we could get married in Vegas as we had originally planned. I booked her a flight online from Bend Oregon to

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sow the seeds

Good story but probably don't wanna include pics with you and your fiance's faces and your plate #.

Can't wait to hear how it ends.


I had no cigarettes, and I really needed on. I have been trying to quit anyway, but I didn’t even have my nicorette gum. I was broke, hungry and desperate. I needed at least another $49 before he 11:00 checkout time or I would be on the streets for a couple of nights in a town where I know No One. I walked and walked for what seemed like hours until the local banks opened up. I didn’t have anything but this stupid dysfunctional bank card. I was told on the phone that if I went to a bank with the card I could do a credit advance with it. It did not work. I called my bank and got the Saturday crew. They swore up and down there was absolutely No Way to reset that card until Monday. I told them I was about to have to sleep in the streets and to please do something. It was a small town bank in a small town in Marinette Wisconsin (Farmers and Merchants Bank and Trust). I begged Please do something, Please, get the bank president, anyone, I will pay fees or whatever, but do not let me stay stranded with no car and no money and a cell phone with batteries that were dying. The ladies at the bank were so nice to me too, sitting me down and getting me coffee and stuff. They tried everything until finally a fellow at that bank that new me, (I told you it was a really small town, and I had not even been there for years). He figured something out and got the card to work. I went from Desperate to having access to $5000 in just an hour. Minutes before checkout time at the hotel. I run to the hotel and paid for the rest of the weekend, I bought some smokes and some clean clothes to wear.
I got back to my hotel room and realized there was a bunch of stuff I had to have before Monday. I called the tow yard and they told me it would cost me an additional $80 to get into my truck. I said fuckit and called a cab. The cab right was like $50 too I may add. Anyway, I got to my car, got out those pills I was mentioning, my laptop computer, some clothes, my phone charger, my pot, and some cigarettes (and my nicotine gum). I had he cab take me back to my room, ironically that was the same cab driver that picked me up from jail. I made sure I gave him a good tip because the night before I couldn’t. He was a righteous guy too, he made me feel a ton better when I was feeling pretty low.
I got back to my room and tried to figure out how I was going to get my truck back. They would only release it to a licensed driver. Looking back, I suppose I could have gotten the taxi driver to help me, but I didn’t think of that. Instead I called my fiancé and told her I needed her back. The time away made me realize how much I loved her and missed her. I talked her into rejoining me on my trip and that we could


if this is true, your a total jerk and a a moron, asking to get your ass thrown in jail


This thread makes my cozy life look like heaven.Now I feel great, I felt crappy before I started reading but its funny how how hearing someone is doing worse than you makes you feel better.My only problem is that my editor is hassling me for an article I havn't even started yet.The only thing I started today was mixing nutes and rolling bones.Best of luck to ya!!Chaco. :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:
Poopsie said:
if this is true, your a total jerk and a a moron, asking to get your ass thrown in jail

this would also be an elaborate technique of getting revenge on an enemy, by posting a bull shit story with your enemy's real photographs and real license plate and dropping the name of their hometown.

Something's fishy or else this guy's completely nuts and in a self-destructive spiral. Plus I don't get how the cops bust the guy for 2 oz then he finds the pot in his truck.



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
newRandude, I've followed your trials & tribulations within Chaman's thread, so I have a bit of a background w/ you.

You are totally off the hook w/ the pill-popping and drinking/driving. I can now see you have no one to blame but yourself. Self-destructive spiral is a most apt description.

I'm dismayed by your behavior, but am totally hooked for more!
Christ, your only less than a wk into it w/ months to go! Hoping things have resolved themselves, but by your last double post, I'm guessing not! :nono:


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well dude, you had me for a minute. it was good to see someone wanting to take their life into their own hands and travel a bit b4 settling down. it was good right up until the point where you took the finace back. now that was the most stupid thing of all that you have done so far. the driving high, well thats a matter of opinion. i drive high all the time and have yet to have anything happen. its actually my favorite way to drive. ill take someone telling me im doing something fkcued up when i actually do something fkcued up whiel high, until then.

ditch the chick man!!! draining your bank acct. to just squander it on gambling?!?!? couldn't she invest it instead or something, but then she wants to judge you for smokin weed?!?!? now the pills i have to agree you need to leave alone, but the weed?!??! she was the cause of you losing your job with boeing?!?! nah man, fkcu that shyt!!!! bounce her ass to the curb man!!! and on top of all that she isnt even cute!! you were doing just fine without her, you needed to get rid of her anyway and who the hell are her family to "threaten" you like that?!? fkcu them, fkuc her!!! go live your life, freely, the way the good lord intended.

you jump from one marriage into another straight away?!!?! not good man, not good and you were almost free. theres nothing wrong with loving her, hell everyone needs someone to love, but theres nothing that says anything about needing someone to marry!!

well atleast if you get picked up then we'll all know that leo is on here and seriously watching shit, but the pics of you and her are cool to put up. i was getting to the point of posting pics of me myself b4 i got married. but yeah you were doing well until you took that sorry ass bastard back. cause just like you dont want to change for her you think shes gonna change for you? and of the tow of you which is worse? . . the one that does stuff to fuck himself up on occasion or the one that does stuff to fkuc you BOTH up at the same time?!??

dont be a moron, ditch the broad and make your way to N.O.!!!
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The Uncola

Thanks for this amazing story. I am in sleepy Denver CO, where the floods never reached and gardens are just starting to explode with roses. You just have to see the high country. The high mountains are the BOMB!

Ganja Kirbya

New member
A very fascinating story, though I'm sorry it had to happen to you. It looks like you met some nice people that helped you on your way though. I really like that even random strangers will help a person in need. Those are truly good people. Good luck in the future.
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ICMag Donor
Great story randude, you write very well, cant wait to see how it ends....you should think about writing a book :)
randude101 said:
Thanks Mrs Babba. I have some writing mistakes in here, but I will clean it up later. Yeah, it is not finished yet and really the Story is still happening as I am about to depart from where I am at in a couple of weeks. This road trip started at the end of March and is still going.

have you run over any body yet?

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