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A lesson in Karma


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
nuggetshiner said:
When I read the title I thought this was a story about someone getting their
comeuppance. Those r fun but this is better. It's so nice to have it be pos
and up. Too much bad news.
Thanks, Hempkat!

Yeah, there are plenty of examples of that other kind of karma but so rarely do you hear about good karma. Fear doesn't stop people from doing bad things otherwise the penal system would work. Virtually everyone is scared of jail and yet people keep committing crimes.

Lack of hope does however stop people from doing good things. It is my desire that through the sharing of such stories more people might find the hope that they will be rewarded for their good efforts so that more people might do good.

Imagine how good the world might become if everyday everyone committed to doing at least one act of kindness for someone else.
Nice. Sounds like a good friend to have. I hope my good nature and karma pay off sometime. I have met nothing but shysters in this game. including family. I think I met someone cool, gave me a couple dozen unrooted clippings then asked for a $1000 for them a month later. Said it was for the strain. well the strain was shit. not even as good as TW. Definitely not even worth $100 for what I was given. I give cuts to friends for nothing. Fully rooted ready to be transplanted out of dixie cups. I haven't met one person that returned the favor.

It's just good to hear there are people out there with my type of attitude.



Active member
So anyway, here's the karma lesson in all that. Religions have instilled in man the though or belief of "Ask and ye shall receive". Karma's lesson is different, it's more like "Do and ye shall receive without having to ask".

i love that. its just the way it is.

I guess your gonna have to make that bud last hempkat... i hate not keeping enough bud to hold me over... wish i could share some of my current harvest with ya!


ICMag Donor
great story hempkat

you gota help out friends when thery are in need
i would hope for the same


As it's been said, great story bro.

This is what it's all about. Reaching out and helping one another. If people could just lose the egos and the greed and replace it with compassion and love (I know I know, blah mushy blah blah) this world would be a god damned eutopia.

I also like the "pay-it-forward" method too. You do someone a favor, but instead of asking for something back from them... Just ask that they do something good for someone else who needs help. Whatever it may be, big or small, doesn't matter. Just get out there and help one another.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Wayzer said:
i love that. its just the way it is.

I guess your gonna have to make that bud last hempkat... i hate not keeping enough bud to hold me over... wish i could share some of my current harvest with ya!

Well thanks for the offer but I just began harvest of 13 plants representing 4 strains, so I should be good for a bit. :rasta:


Active member
Cool story Kat! Karma does have its way. Nice to read a feel good story once in a while.



I read over this thread once...paid it no attention. Now thoroughly stoned, what a great read. More things like this need to be popping up in our community. I think too many times we don't appreciate one another for keeping our beloved hobby thriving. We get too wrapped up in this strain and that strain, what shits more potent, yada yada. It seems like whenever people come over to my place they want to sample my stuff. But in return they offer nothing when in times of need. Sadly to say I wish I had a friend like you sir, glad to know there are still those people out there, I envy you. Best of luck to you and keep it safe.


the Revenant
Props on benevolent marijuana cultivators! I was also blessed with good karma lately a friend of mine gifted me 3 Grapefruit and 3 Blue Moon Rocks Clones for gratus! He will mos def receive some seeds from me to balance our reciprocity.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Ive been fortunate enough to make some very good friends on this site. And it is all about the Karma for most of us. Show love get love. Just a point I want to make about the snakes....if approached by said people and they show you a elite clone list claiming this is what they have. Asking you to trade. Say "sure you first.". Ive done it several times...one even claimed to have done his part then begged me to ship to show good faith blah blah. Nothing ever showed.
If Im meant to have said cuts or seed lines it will happen...in its own time.

AC/DC ladders give......snakes take!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
KushaNator said:
I read over this thread once...paid it no attention. Now thoroughly stoned, what a great read. More things like this need to be popping up in our community. I think too many times we don't appreciate one another for keeping our beloved hobby thriving. We get too wrapped up in this strain and that strain, what shits more potent, yada yada. It seems like whenever people come over to my place they want to sample my stuff. But in return they offer nothing when in times of need. Sadly to say I wish I had a friend like you sir, glad to know there are still those people out there, I envy you. Best of luck to you and keep it safe.

Well for what it's worth I met that person here, so not only are people like this out there, but they're in here too. :smile:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hindu Killer said:
Ive been fortunate enough to make some very good friends on this site. And it is all about the Karma for most of us. Show love get love. Just a point I want to make about the snakes....if approached by said people and they show you a elite clone list claiming this is what they have. Asking you to trade. Say "sure you first.". Ive done it several times...one even claimed to have done his part then begged me to ship to show good faith blah blah. Nothing ever showed.
If Im meant to have said cuts or seed lines it will happen...in its own time.

AC/DC ladders give......snakes take!

Speaking of Elites, people, please don't get too caught up in the whole "Elite" thing. I've had the fortune of trying a number of so called "Elite" strains in the past couple of years and while they are indeed good they're not as great as the hype would have you believe. So never risk your security to get "Elite" strains and certainly don't go out and spend outrageous amounts of moeny getting "Elite" strains. If it's all that and a bag of chips, it'll find it's way here and become available thru friends who won't try and charge a small fortune.