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A joke for the ladies.



bitchhitsbongs said:
lol, if it were only that easy :wave:
Good thing too..........
Enough with male overpopulation already! :bashhead:
More girls for me.... :jump:

Bh :wave:


Bipedalhominid said:
Good thing too..........
Enough with male overpopulation already! :bashhead:
More girls for me.... :jump:

Bh :wave:

more females please :)

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Active member
short feet? opposed to tall feet? Sorry PhenoMenal.. couldn't resist :laughing:

I suck at telling jokes but have one rolling around my head this a.m.

Why do men think they're so smart when they are having sex?

because they're plugged into a genus! :muahaha:


LOL,Jenna....you mean Genius!!
You gals no the difference between a blowjob and a bologna sandwich???

Wanna go to lunch!! :bashhead:


Active member
:biglaugh: Thanks Red. I hide my genius well!

A woman came home, screeching her car into the driveway, and ran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, 'Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!'
The husband said, 'Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or mountain stuff?' 'Doesn't matter,' she said. 'Just get out.'

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