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A huge victory for patients!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Just passed the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. -

Americans for Safe Access
For Immediate Release:
May 29, 2014
Contact: ASA Media Liaison Kris Hermes 510-681-6361

Medical Marijuana Advocates Hail Unprecedented, Major Victory in Congressional Vote to Curb DOJ Enforcement
The 216-189 House floor vote forces Obama Administration to end federal attacks in medical marijuana states

Washington, D.C. -- In an unprecedented 219-189 floor vote late tonight, the House of Representatives approved the end of funding for Department of Justice (DOJ) enforcement in medical marijuana states. Advocates are hailing the vote as a major victory that signals a shift in the approach Congress is taking on this issue. The vote was on Amendment No. 25 to the Commerce, Justice & Science (CJS) appropriations bill. One hundred seventy Democrats and 49 Republicans voted in favor of the amendment.

"This Congressional vote is a huge victory for patients," said Steph Sherer, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access. "No longer will we have to look over our shoulder and worry when the next raid or indictment will prevent us from safely and legally accessing our medicine," continued Sherer. "This is a game-changer that paves the way for much more policy change to come."

The Congressional vote tonight comes as news has widely circulated about an ongoing federal prosecution, aggressively targeting patients in Washington State who were growing a modest amount of medical marijuana for their own personal use. However, the prosecution of the Kettle Falls 5, as they've become known, is now thrown into question. The DOJ has been seeking 10-year mandatory minimum to life sentences for each defendant.

In addition to ending all pending federal medical marijuana-related criminal prosecutions, advocates argue that current DOJ litigation against dispensary operators and their landlords, like that being waged in San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley, must end promptly. Tonight's vote could also have a positive impact on defendants currently serving mandatory minimum sentences of up to 10 years in prison.

The CJS appropriations amendment was co-sponsored by 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats, including Representatives Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Sam Farr (D-CA), Don Young (R-AK), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Tom McClintock (R-CA), Steve Cohen (D-TN), Paul Broun (R-GA), Jared Polis (D-CO), Steve Stockman (R-TX), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Justin Amash (R-MI), and Dina Titus (D-NV). The Senate is expected to take up a similar measure this summer.

Further information:
CJS Amendment text: https://american-safe-access.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/2014_CJS_Amendment.pdf


Well-known member
Wow, yesterday when i heard about it i had some hope that it would pass the House and it did. Political wrangling over med weed is good...


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Every step in the right direction is awesome.
Some of us have been in this battle for decades.
So nice to see the sun after digging our way to the surface.


Well-known member
Was listening to pacifica, and they gave the credit for this to Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA). It sure did sound like a positive but I felt a little discombobulated.


ICMag Donor
From the looks of that vote if we want cannabis laws in our favor we better keep the republicans out of power...

I'm not big on party politics at all - but that vote is pretty revealing.



Well-known member
From the looks of that vote if we want cannabis laws in our favor we better keep the republicans out of power...

I'm not big on party politics at all - but that vote is pretty revealing.


more GOP members than you realize are for med weed, but like nearly all pols they are worried about getting re-elected. republicans are like the French politician in the old joke- as the crowd carrying pitchforks & torches passed the bar, the pol set down his drink & headed for the door. "where are you going?" his friends asked. "I must find out where my people are going so that I can lead them..."


New member
Lol dam republicans really didn't want this! I can't see why anyone is still republican..

Because without republicans, the American citizenry would be completely unable to protect themselves against criminals and our economy would have failed decades ago.

I'm not republican or democrat, but both parties certainly serve a purpose.


Well-known member
Because without republicans, the American citizenry would be completely unable to protect themselves against criminals and our economy would have failed decades ago.

I'm not republican or democrat, but both parties certainly serve a purpose.

boy, for a newbie you sure know how to pick a fight! congratulations!!! :woohoo: I fucking LOVE it...:tiphat:
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Luther Burbank

Yeah both parties serve a purpose, to prop the other up and keep us fighting over the bullshit while they both get fat on the big money.
Actually more likely the republicans are doing this because they know dems were going to use this as a wedge issue in 2014 and 2016 as a single issue voter turnout at the polls. They know more voters will turn out just to legilize mmj and rec in states when the issue shows up on the ballet in every state or most anyway. When that happens more democrates get votes.

Also could involve companies pressing for legilization so the pharm companies and monsanto can market their products. i.e. gmo weed, pills and sativex. We all know that is going to happen eventually.