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A green donation of a different kind


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
that is SICK lol, i wish someone would just leave a bucket of weed on my front porch!



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah i wonder if that's what happened...someone stashed their shit in there, and grandma found it and got rid of it... it reminds me of that scene from Grandma's Boy where the dude's grandma makes "tea" out of his stash lol



Cannabis 101
or maybe someone just was to lazy to throw their trim away :) hope is what O said tho....


yeah. i thought it was pretty funny. i mean did the dude get real high and forgot about his trim in the water container then saw it on the news and was freaking out?

all in all i just thought it was hilarious
We were just laughing about this too!

If you listen to the video, they talk about how the pot was described to be "at least a year old". Either that was some killer-super fire ass dank that can sell for $1,500 a pound after sitting in a pot for a year, or they have some pretty stupid ass smokers in that city!


We were just laughing about this too!

If you listen to the video, they talk about how the pot was described to be "at least a year old". Either that was some killer-super fire ass dank that can sell for $1,500 a pound after sitting in a pot for a year, or they have some pretty stupid ass smokers in that city!

haha and i highly doubt it was the ladder.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
latter! and you never know... maybe some idiot kid grew some weed in his closet and had some elaborate plan to sell it to an equally stupid kid via some crazy "give the pot to goodwill, then you go and buy it from goodwill" type of scheme. Maybe the buyer/seller didn't know/trust one another, so they did something like this?

either way its hilariously stupid
