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A diffrent Kind of Weed Snob


This is one of those things that is way different since I started growing.

In the old days, when I never had more than a quarter-oz to my name, if it was remotely smokable, I smoked it. I would have made like Chong and followed my dog around if he ate it so I could smoke the turds.

But now, I am a lot more selective. I won't usually throw away a bowl just because I started it yesterday, but my definition of when a bowl is "finished" has changed a lot.

I don't toast 'em nearly as done as I used to. I simply don't need to any more.


purrpullkush said:
I uhhh....like to roll up some roaches every once in a while and I save big ones for this occasion. But um, I hate roasted vapors, for a while I was putting 4 ounces a month atleast through my volcano for and I've tossed atleast a few pounds of 3/4 vaporized weed. I never turn the volcano above 5.5 unless I am vaping oil or hash and usually it stays on 4.

Dude I have the SAME problem! I have probably a half lb of volcano scrap now, I occasionaly give it to friends, and light smokers tell me it tastes like shit but gets them as high as commercial does



Ganja struetu?
depends how much i have on me and how old the burnt stuff it. if its more than a few days old i dont want it. if i have a good amount of high quality herb ill throw it out.

sow the seeds

Usually if there is a partially burned bowl but some green in it I'll hit it...but it doesn't do much. If I have more bud I'll throw some on top and make it not quite as bad.

Joints or blunts are fine to light up whenever pretty much though...the resinated bottom part is good sometimes!

Funny I found this thread because earlier today there was a partially burned bowl that I hadn't finished earlier this morning with about one hit. I was pondering whether hit it and just said fuck it hit it and packed the bowl fresh lol.


Active member
These days I tend to throw away a lot of partially smoked bowls and roaches. At times in my life with less weed i would take resin hits out of my pipe.


king of the dinosaurs
eatlikekings said:
thats why i pack snappers...

pack just enough for one load and you are left problem free
theres a man who knows his bongs. ill usually flip the bowl and suck it through. unless theres still alot of green left


i just dont understand why so many people here use bongs to take small little hits, thats what joints are for.

To me i see a bong as something where u should take 1 huge hit at a time, first start inhaling slowely to burn all the herb, once all burnt and a nice amount of smoke has filled the bong inhale very hard and the ash will go straight into the water, this makes it easier to pack the next;)

no smoke will leak out = no wasted smoke + each hit is as sweet as the last...


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
so excited.. i just got back my phx tetra from the repair shop... i cant wait to get it home and milk the shit out of it....

i dunno.. im def not a weed snob... sometimes my girl and i will pack a bowl or 2 and not finish it leaving mostley green for the next time we smoke.. she wont touch it cause its old... i on the other hand love it cause i get a whole bowl to myself and a headstart on getting high.. win win for everyone.
Right now when I have very little weed to smoke, and refuse to buy any, I gladly smoke leftovers. Beyond that I will gladly offer them up to anyone that happens to be smoking with me.
In a month.... that will all go away, especially in the case of smoking out my friends. They get fresh bowls with out question.
All a metter of environment or situation rather then snob or not.
Now if your girl is only smoking fresh bowls and never providing herb to smoke, you might need a new girl. But that is a whole different topic.
ive learned from experience to only pack what i can clear in one hit.. every hit is green.. and it seems like i use less weed than normal.. for bongs and pipes. although i havent had a bong hit in ages... first thing im gonna do after harvest is pick up a decent glass bong.imagine a nice bowl of b52 and whiterhino mixed together after a couple months of sobriety .. whew! :sasmokin:

Big Calhoun

New member
Doesn't make any sense to me. People smoke roaches...what's wrong with a half-burned bowl? Personally, I like to empty out the cold cherry and pack with fresh material. On the top of the fresh material, I'll add any leftover material from the previous bowl that's smokable. It taste no different.


why would anyone use a bong as a joint, joints are for continuous tokes and bongs r for one big hit. i can clear a whole bowl, took burn it slowly and let the smoke fill up until all the green is burnt. then toke it hard and the ash will go in the water!!!!!

always a fresh toke, never old and stale and ashy.


fresh bowl, who the fuck do you think were are a bunch of cigarette smokers. Fuck re-hash bowls...lol. but if desperate i'll hit it still....lol. peace_highst


Thank God I can't remember the last time I couldn't finish a snap or the last time I left some poor soul a half-burned bowl...
once your harvest runs out your gunnu be like ' wish i had some of that weed i wasted right about now.."

wont hit black bowls if i have nugget supply, but if i got none n i need to get high
ill rip that shit.

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