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A can of tuna.......

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Okay this is one of my favs lol
Can of tuna Solid White in water
Apple or raisins/optional chop into small cubes
curry /optional
pine nuts/optional
you can add fried in garlic red pepper/optional
Put on pita then put cheese you like white or chedder melt it in oven till hot/brown ENJOY headband 707
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Active member
What would I add to tuna?

Specifically tuna caught between here and Japan?

I'd add a generous dollop of bentonite.... to help any heavy metals in it to pass right through your body. FUshima isn't over... not by a long shot.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Well-known member
Good mix of protein, carbs, and fiber--and one of the tastiest and easiest "whatchagot" recipes I've ever made.

Wild or Brown Rice

Mix em up while the rice and peas are HOT. Should be an even mix of peas and rice, and not too dry. Add some salt n pepper, and sri racha to taste.

Good stuff.

I use albacore only, usually eat about 5 cans a week. Oddly enough, my blood never tested for excess mercury.


Tuna (or salmon) patties......I usually have these for breakfast with bread, fruit, coffee etc, sometimes I eat these with a lettuce and tomato salad and these can be great for cooking on a BBQ or for any meal. My mother used to make tuna or salmon patties when I was a kid and they were a favorite of mine, she passed away, then decades later I started cooking and tried to make them just like her's...but of course, her's were better.

a can or two of tuna
a boiled potato or two that has been roughly squashed with a fork.
various fine chopped veggies (onion, cabbage, carrot etc..what ever's in the fridge)
add pepper, I usually don't add salt as the tuna is usually salty enough and the sauce will have salt, but if there's lots of potato, then salt will probably be needed.
gently fold the ingredients together then add a spoonful of flour and the fresh egg to help bind the patties and make them stay in one piece when cooking, then lightly mix with a fork, but don't turn the mix into a mud, try to keep it chunky.so lift and fold with a fork.
Form the patties, cover both sides in a dish of flour and place on a flour dusted plate. Cover with wrap and place the plate in the fridge overnight then grill them on a hot plate and serve with a salsa or a sweet Thai sauce.

I usually make these a little differently each time, sometimes I add crumbled stale bread, other times I just make one giant pattie, sometimes thin patties, other times thick ones.....that's of the beauty of a dish like this, there's lots of leeway on what you can do and what you can add. And if there's any left over, they can be eaten cold later on when the munchies hit.
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Well-known member
drained light tuna, mayo, diced onions, chopped boiled eggs, salt & pepper. let sit for several hours for the flavors to blend. make BIG ASS sandwiches & eat with good BBQ chips...

El Gato

Can of yellowfin tunsa in olive oil tablespoon of white balsalmic vinegar, capers toasted English muffins melted cheese of your choice.
1 can of tuna + whole wheat pasta + mayonnaise LOL, I eat it like every day its actually kinda of shitty but its cheap, full of protein and gets the job done

you can make it tastier by adding green peppers and italian dressing.

this instead of mayo use alfredo or parmesan pasta sauce, and add broccoli or peas