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a big sigh of relief and very happy to be back


Active member
Ganja D is right on in what he posted. Now everyone wants to shut him up. I saw a lot of Icmaggers talking shit over there at farmer.( 2 faced bastards). Now everything is all good. Just like when Rez was banned peeps talked cash shit about him, now some of them are back on his jock.


Active member
Hiya Guys!
Sorry,I meant to comment here earlier-but got super-busy!

Hey,OJ,bro-No hard feelings! :)
You made a single, incorrect assumption,and asap,The Troll Army hops RIGHT on to any potential to add little ol' me to a conspiracy!!
And.... VIOLA! Instant Internet Soap Opera! (cue: violins) :D
And simple communication saves the day,again.

I can't keep track of what I've been blamed,incorrectly,for,over the years....
But in fact,according to some,it seems I've recently:
A) Single-handedly with my fiscal dalliances in Abu Dhabi's silly floating island/condos,have ruined E.U. finances and
B) am seriously devaluing the Pound Sterling with my dabbling in Haitian Coal Futures as we speak....
Not to mention that it's clearly my fault that
C) RIM's Blackberry was almost banned in the U.A.E. And apparently,per The London Times,I've
D) just sold a newly designed loo topper (toilet seat) to the R.A.F. for the staggering sum of fifty millions pounds,sterling.
It was also recently printed that I was
E) convicted of trying to bribe a Ferrari executive to get their F1 spec sheets for Ken Block,who is already bored with rally and wants to front an F1 team with Ellen DeGeneres-who wants to design shoes.

I will neither confirm nor deny any of it.

Toofat,I may not have been posting,but I kept up on my reading.
I saw the posted hypocrisy on both sites and be assured it was,um,duly noted. ;)

Regarding "the farmer",a site by kids,for kids....Yo! :D
I saw GanjaD get handed the door at Farmer for zero TOU violations,simply for having a dissenting opinion-and not even,in my opinion,a very strong one. The farmer has a very young clientele,and mostly inexperienced growers and posters, not to mention Site Admin who are Very Young,as well.
I have No Time for their silliness: Too many "wanna-be's" and shitforbrains,imo....
Fyi,"farmerFanBois: Growing some pot over a five year period does not make you "O.G" grower. Not even close.
....At LEAST a decade++ of FOCUSED growing,and Seriously Knowing Your Shit,defines an "O.G." ("Original Grower") for Me & Mine.
There's a few,but not many O.G. growers posting at "the farmer",at all.
I don't bother wasting time reading there unless there's some "Internet Drama" playing out,otherwise,seriously-they haven't but a tiny shred of what is Most Important in a website like this,or any other: QUALITY CONTENT.
(Now you'll see over at farmer-someone will call me nasty names because I (factually) called them "mostly devoid of quality content".) I stand by the statement,anyone that can read can see the truth in my words. :)
I've seen many cannabis sites come and go,and ze' farmer won't last too many years before it implodes-If they don't improve Administrative performance and add quality content-which they won't get without improved Admin Performance.
Uh-oh,it seems they have a Problem! :D
Anyhow,OJ,I'm glad your recent Issue is resolved,and I'm looking forward to see what you guys come up with next!

That all said,welcome back guys!


. . . .


Active member
Please: Don't get it twisted.
"We" (OJ and I) never had a "problem".
OJ and myself DID have a simple mis-communication that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING that's been posted online,and was EASILY sorted between us while people were busy wasting bandwidth making all sorts of silly ASSumptions.
We had our shit all sorted and were having a laugh & a pint together while "they" were still posting conspiracy theory dreck both here and at the other site.
How's that for "Rez vs. OJ"? :D


Active member
Im sure what ever the problem was, the internet and its commentary (mine included) didnt help much! Glad its sorted, and everyones back and both have incredible new line up for us in 2011!


Executive Branch Genetics
Glad it all worked out CSG and Rez
we all need to stick together thats fore sure