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9kw basement couple pics (old past grow)

joe fresh

Active member
get a sulfer burner, best buy i made for pm, never had it since, even with RH at 75%+ during heavy flowering, i run mine for 3 hours every night, just make sure to turn off burner atleast 2 weeks before harvest

its THE only way to get rid of PH and other moulds forever before they start, and it does help with pm after you already have it, but for heavy pm infestations i would run it atleast 8-12 hours a night 3 times a week until it clears up.....

i know a great store for ya if you want one, 160$ is what i paid
thanks joe, i got a hotbox sulfur burner but i heard to not use it during flowering otherwise the weed will taste shitty??? i also bubblebag the trim so i wouldnt want sulfury heasey..

one quick question.. how often do you change the sulfur, or do you just add pellets too the puck that developes?

its too late for this run, but ill be burning it up on vegging plants..

joe fresh

Active member
i burn all the way through the grow, 3 hours a night every night except for the last 2 weeks, and have nothing but good to say about it, no foul odors or smells comming from the buds.

i got a hotbox as well, works great, i just add pellets, but dont add too much, add like 1/2cm-1cm of pellets, otherwise the sufur will not fully evaporate and be less effective, its better to add less and refill more often, than fill it to the top and never have to refill it.....when it gets low on sulfur just add a bit more pellets
thanks, i bought it like 2 years ago before i discovered the dutchmaster zone and penetrator mixc, which cleared up all signs of pm off my whiteberry runs.. but these m39's must be immune to the treatments... ill try with less pellets because i had just filled my pot up and the level hardly went down in the 4-5 times i used it..

ill pick up some new sulphur on the next run to the shop and ill start burning it up nightly.. the new batch of clones are all suffering from the pm too..

id love to get my hands on the eagle20 krunchbubble and the others talk about.. but ill do the burns for now.. thanks again jf.

if i burn it in new rooms before bringin in plants does it work as a coating to avoid the contamination of the room??? i have been thinking about covering everything in black and white plastic to make everything washable... i use 2x6's as shelfs and i figured that the pm would stick in the cracks and holes in the wood easily... if burning the sulphur would help coat everything so the pm wouldnt even host nowhere would be sweet...

ill start up the new room with a long burn tonight, and bring the babies in tomorrow insted...
pro cut fast is amazing. i cut 56 plants in 10 hours by myself.. i trimmed the tops by hand and the rest went throu the trimmer... it does a decent job and hella fast..

i should have the room done in about 25-30 more hours.. ill get the numbers up
harvest pics.

harvest pics.

in total maximum 50 hours invested to trim 12+ #'s with my newest best friend the procut fast. 4 days and it was done..
last run of whiteberry all by hand took like 2 and half weeks.. the cost of paying people to trim was more than buying a used trimmer for 7bills..

the harvest isnt completly bagged up yet. im still sweating what was trimmed the last...

ill post up final numbers when i have them but its somwhere between 12-14.

here some pics.. the brown bags are # bags except the small one is a half making 5.5 plus whats in the 3 bacs.. i have to get more brown paper bags to finalize things...

the bud turned out fluffy but chronic as fuck.. fruity smell tons of resin.. even after taking a ride throu the procut fast..

those ones above are still wet on the screens..

these are almost dry just sweating out the stem moistures...
thanks bobblehead, and mrktwiz.

it was a pretty good pull. i managed to make 6oz of bubble with the trim as well. im polanning on looking into iso or something because the trim is still sticky and resin that you can see.. im sure ill be able to dry it out again and then pass it for some more...