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9 Plant 600w SCROG


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Hello everyone! This might be a long read so please grab your piece, spliff, edible or what not and get comfy :joint:

This has been a long time coming for me.

This is my 3rd attempt at growing with the first two being small and mostly DIY.

My first attempt was a small plastic cab/closet thing from Wal-mart with 2 chambers (top and bottom) and a bunch of CFLs and computer fans. Small plants and small yields with really only about an ounce of dank to smoke on but it was a learning process.

My second grow, if you can call it that I developed spider mites the likes of which I have yet to see on the internet and the entire crop was lost. I had taken 2 50 gal rubbermaids, lined both sides of one with bathroom light fixtures and CFLs. Flipped that upside down on top of the other one, cut some vent holes and mounted computer fans. Larger plants this time and they looked very nice. It is my current clone box but I have modded the lights some. In the end bugs got the best of me and all plant material had to be thrown out around week 6 of flowering. It was a sad day and I didn't learn too much other than the fact that I hate spider mites.

After about 2 years I'm free of a nagging girlfriend and I've decided to get back in the saddle and try it out again, this time so far so good.

My 3rd grow consists of the following:

Botanicare ready gro COCO
H&G Nutes, Cal mag, Thrive supplement
4x4 tent
1000 watt Lumatek ballast running a 600 watt bulb
1000 watt Digilux HPS bulb
Hydrofarm 8 inch hood
8 inch Tjernlund fan
6 inch Tjernlund fan
Insulated ducting
6 3 gallon pots
3 3 gallon grow bags
Tap water that sits out for a few days

I do not have low enough temps to run the 1000 watt bulb in there right now. Temps are currently about 75-82 with the 600 and about 90-96 with the 1000. I turn the AC on and I blow a breaker.

All clones from Wonderland caregivers here in LA

Tahoe OG x 1
Deadhead OG x 1
Alien OG x 4
Platinum OG x 1
Alien Bubba x 1
Gods Gift x 1

I'm in the middle of my second week of flowering now here are some random pictures, that's what you really want to see anyways :tiphat: Sorry about the HPS glow, will get some good shots this week. Bags are on the far left and are noticeably lighter green than my pots, although you cant tell from the HPS glow.


Babies and some LST on the larger ones


This screen was a bitch to weave and it's still not as tight as I would like in a few spots



We have contact

I got impatient and lowered the screen from 12 to 10 inches, naked shot



I had to go out of town for 7 days but flipped to 12/12 before, came back to some white hairs and a noticeable smell in my apartment


Entirely too much undergrowth but they're stretching pretty good so far

I do not have my 6 inch fan hooked up yet, the smell is just starting to make it's way across my apartment so I will need to get a filter here soon.

I must say thank you to everyone who posts here I have learned so much from reading and reading and reading :smoke out:


Active member
left em a week n came back to that, id sat you done well. like ya style n ya Scrog. G'Luck with ya grow! k+


Very nice amoeba , plants are looking great and your set up is looking nice and clean. nice variety in strains aswell looks like your on tract to having some fine smoke man ...
i am going to be starting pretty much the same set up : coco/ perlite hand watered with house and garden line , if you have the money try there root excelurator . il will be defenitely be following your grow man good luck !!!

ps i didnt see an oscilating fan in the pictures , is there one ?? and are you pulling the air from that tent outside a window ??


Active member
Thanks Scrogerman!

Howske - No oscillating fan but I do open the tent as often as I can lights on they seem to get a noticeable amount of movement from the air. I should get a small clip on one though.

Air is pulled from a window opposite the tent, above my bed and exhausted out in the same room. My apartment gets pretty good airflow from bedroom -> living room and out of some slightly open windows. It's a pretty small apartment.



Looks good... i remember my days of growing in an apt....whew...

Keep up the good work!

You need to get that filter hooked up asap...smell is probably the number 1 grow give away, esp in an apt...


Nice looking setup! That screen is filling out nicely. No joke on the stink. Been keeping my incents lit all the time. No scrubber this round but Im outta here next week. Be safe.


Active member
Looking good, amoeba.

You hinted at pruning the undergrowth, and I can't agree more. I do it as much as anything for better air flow, fewer fungal probs. And so many people are squeamish about it. The plants don't mind if it's done properly. Especially if it is lower stuff that is getting decreasing light.

In an apt., replace the deadbolt lock on your entrance with your own to keep maintenance from stumbling onto something that will, at a minimum, get you kicked out, and make a lot of work for naught. Best to have a 1" deadbolt with keyhole on both sides. Have fun. -granger


Active member
Incognegro - it's been a learning process I can't wait until I'm in a position to get a house with no shared walls - filter is on my radar for sure!

stihgnobevoli - Thanks man it's been a learning process

budmuchner1 - keep that incense going! I have a air wick spray that goes off every 20 minutes or so in my living room. It's all good until the lights and fan kick on then it's a subtle sweet smell in the bedroom.

Granger2 - pruning will get pretty heavy here at the end of this week if i can get in there enough. Alot of leaf on some, not so much on the others but many lower branches

I'm in a pretty small complex, management is chill and nobody has come in so far.

I left one thing out....and that is that I'm moving in the next few weeks out of state. A 4 hour drive through the desert in 100+ heat. Risky business but I have no choice, the job market here is shit for what I do and better opportunities hopefully await me. I've been laid off for no good reason and try as I might cannot find another job. Savings is getting low it's either move or get evicted when I can't pay rent.

Anyone have any experience moving plants like this? I'm thinking boxes in a uhaul along with all of my possessions. Obeying all traffic laws and driving at evening/night to keep the heat down. My only other option is to move my shit, bus it back or one way ticket it back and load my car where there will be AC. I do not have tinted windows and drive a 4 door hatchback wagon thing. I'm rather uncomfortable doing it in my car, headroom is also an issue in there. Money is tight otherwise I would get a cargo van and a uhaul.

I almost gave them away because of this as soon as I made the decision to move. I'm having a mini breakdown at times I don't know what to do. I'd hate to scrap all this and start over with my clones that have yet to root.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I left one thing out....and that is that I'm moving in the next few weeks out of state. A 4 hour drive through the desert in 100+ heat. Risky business but I have no choice, the job market here is shit for what I do and better opportunities hopefully await me.

Here's my question for you:

Is the risk of transporting these plants worth more to you than waiting an extra month for the new plants to catch up?

If it were me I would give or trade those plants to someone else and start fresh at my new location.

I simply imagine myself sitting in a cell because I got searched. Was what I had worth my time in this cell?


Active member
not worth it dude, use these weeks to root you some clones, take em now. chop whatever or give em away and then keep your clones in a sealable type cooler, the kind with a hinge lid not that sliding lid one you see in the movies when they are shipping organs and shit. and keep your clones cooled in the cooler in your car so it doesnt look suspicious should you get searched. first think im lookin at is the cooler in the sealed uhaul trailer. good luck with your grow.

shit you can pack some fruit in with em and keep em in ziplock bags the kind with the airholes for veggies. a cop looks in there and sees green shit and fruit in a cooler he's not looking twice unless they stanky. but if theyre back to veg by the time you move; take clones now, there shouldn't be much smell.


Amoeba , sucks to read about your situation .. Stresssssss yeh man take clones now, they will take a little longer to get going as they have to switch back to veg, the sooner the better and i hope everything works out for you man at your new location good luck bro.


Active member
Yeah, not worth it. I would take cuttings as close to departure as possible. Ziplock them, put between two towels on top of ice. And yeah fruit, lettuce, etc. would help. Then root them in new home. Keep refrigerated, definitely not frozen, till you're able to put in rooting medium.

You could put them in a 20 oz 7Up or any green bottle filled with water, mixed in with other sodas in ice. Upon arrival, cut top off 7UP bottle to remove cuts. Good Luck. -granger


I'd let these grow as long as you can before moving then make them into hash or something, while waiting for your new clones to root.

I had to go out of town for 7 days but flipped to 12/12 before, came back to some white hairs and a noticeable smell in my apartment

Do you have a carbon filter?


Active member
Not yet, the smell is only in the bedroom and when the lights come on. Outside my apartment and in my living room there is zero smell.

I'm still up in the air about scrapping all this. Waiting on my clones to root now, still have a week and a half to make my final decision on what to do with them in the tent. Makes me extremely sad to think I wouldn't be able to see this to the end, and I could use the cash come the end of Sept, early Oct. But sometimes life is like that I suppose I will always live to fight another day. Just not with 10+ zips of dank lol.

I have a friend who has some plants in his backyard and he has agreed to take them off my hands if I can't see this to the end. I'm not so much worried about transport it's just I will be staying with a friend for a bit while looking for work and an apt and he is short on space.

I have budsites EVERYWHERE and it breaks my heart to open my tent now with their future being up in the air. Such is life.


Active member
I have thrips :cuss:

Going to get some Monterrey Garden Insect Spray because that's what google says works lol. Anyone here have any other advice on how to eradicate these things? It's not a super heavy infestation but it worries me.

Pics tomorrow after I spray and trim some lower branches.


Active member
I went to the monterrey site to see what the active ingredient is. It has Spinosad, my favorite all purpose organic spray. I use it for soil drenching fungus gnats, and for spider mites. Works well, NO phytotoxicity, can be used up to harvest, although I avoid applying anything but beneficial micro organisms to buds, for like last month.

I strongly suggest using a wetting agent with it. Increases effectiveness. I would follow up within 2 days with at least one other spraying.

Rather than spraying, I put a piece of cardboard over the medium, turn the plant upside down, and dunk the foliage in a bucket of insecticide. You get 100% coverage that way. It may not be practical with your set up. Good luck. -granger


Active member
Alrighty second picture update!!!!

I had a small Thrip problem so I went and got some Monterry spray with spinosad in it and sprayed them all down nice and even. Also they got a trim and I had to remove the screen to get everything out. Looks like it won't be going back in anytime soon I don't want to break anything. Enough bullshit here are the pics.

Starting with the Deadhead OG

Gods Gift


Alien Bubba


Platinum OG

Tahoe OG



And alot of Alien OG shots. 4 plants total where all the other strains are just 1 plant each







Some closer shots of the Alien OG who is by far the frostiest bitch in there. My phone had a macro setting but it's no professional!




Bucket of leaves I took off

Group shots no screen.



Very happy with how it's going so far. My Gods gift and Tahoe are a little yellow compared to the rest but they have more leaf matter as well. Might need to supplement with a little more Cal-Mag and add some epsom salts this week. Bummed I can't get the screen back in there it was pretty to look at everything extremely even, it's got some dead space in there now in certain areas. LST did me good though and the screen was definitely beneficial in help promote bud sites. Learned so much so far and still learning everyday :) Thanks for looking.

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