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8th Annual San Francisco Indoor Gardening Expo


Active member
Krunch - The wifey and I have been doing this for 8 years. I was parked by the bbq guy right by the front door. Quick trips. Also, if you stay till the end all the vendors give away a lot of stuff because they don't want to load it all back up.

I, like Krunch, give a lot away. Everything synthetic except my House and Garden stuff go to family. Everything organic I keep and use in my veggie and canna gardens.

Here are some pics of my books I bought. I got to talk with the author, she knows all the leading scientist in the field on microbiology regarding plants. I am stoked to educate myself further. She also gave me a good amount of earthworm castings and a poster for free with all the micro bugs up close and personal.




Now I need a good microscope. Where you at Microbeman?


Active member
damn bullfrog thats a haul! really helps bringing a girl or friend for extra set of hands.....kindbudz that humbolt nutrients shirt is dope too bad i didnt see that one!


Kronically Ill
Get there early K1ndBudz. Next year I am contimplating getting there at 7am. We asked the guys first in line and they said that is when they got there. It seemed like the first 20-50 people got some extra stuff at the door, but I am not sure about that.

My haul, it took two pics.



I also bought 4 books on tea brewing and recognizing microbial life. Should be an amazing year!

Nice haul Bullfrog!!

I see you got some Bountea products, a LOT of Humsoil, Bioactivator, and Superthrive. Glad to see you'll have some to test out, I'm a big fan myself.


Well-known member
Just got back from the City.
Me & the Wife really enjoyed, the show. Had a awesome burger @ Flippers, one of the best burger spots in the city. :)

Also received quite a few samples. Thanks to all the generous vendors.

My acquired samples....

Too bad, I didn't get to meet up with anyone...


Active member
Endur - you pay for that filter system? If not that is a great grab. I love my filter, keeps out the chlorine, chlorimines, and fluoride. All horrible stuff, and can be used as a pre filter to R/O machines.

Brotherindica - My main goal this year was to find lots of organics especially for ACT tea brewing. I was super stoked that I get to try out the Bountea products. That stand I hit up at about 5:30 and they gave me what was left. Good eye by the way.

Kindbuds - That shirt you had to pay for right? Or make a donation? I also got one for my girl, and a poster that we are going to frame. I love Humboldt Organics artwork, just amazing.


damn, I guess i'll have to show up at 7am w/ an IC shirt like titoons. You guys are pro's at this shit, I can't wait till next year! Its all about that pirate attitude, plundering the garden expo!

Dude at the bountea stand told me john the owner moved to the Philippines, and assured me the humisoil is still being collected from cold ass alaska, said he has to go out and collect it himself LOL.
Damn you guys came up! I thought I got alot of free stuff....(nope). I missed out on the botnicare stuff. All I got from them was the camo grow bag. I did come up on the whole line of CX Hydroponics out of Australia. I think they gave more freebies away on Sunday rather than Saturday. But all in all I walked away with 3 bags of goodies and my finger was numb for the next day from carrying all those freebies. I wish I could of gotten to meet up w/ some of u. And yes the ROOTS chick with braids and tats was HOT


Active member
Who was the girl with her ass hanging out? I couldn't tell what company she was from because my hard on was distracting me. Even my wife gave me the nudge like, "LOOK"

As far as my strategy goes for the event, I actually talk everybody's ear off. They know I know my shit and they encourage me to try there nutes. They will be more incline to give stuff if you are interested and knowledgeable about their products. I have been growing for way too long to not know most things canna, so they seem to respect that.

BTW - Pete, is your neck as burnt as mine, lol. You called it. This white boy just doesn't tan.
I ended up gettin that humboldt tshirt too for 10bucks.still a good deal and I got 2 of those posters, one of which I framed also. Very cool artwork, I'm already thinkin bout next years show.meet you guys there around 7 lol

Oh and next year note to self...sunblock. my neck is about the same as color as that strawberry cough shit your wife was wearin bullfrog haha aloe vera here I come


I was gunna say play it homeless, act like your just a bum sitting outside next to the door, maybe pay some real homeless folks to come w/.....like 20, then as soon as possible have your bum squad move into the first spots in line, as soon as the doors open have your pro's move through like locusts........before all the regular folks.

Bout to recruit me a small homeless pirate raiding crew. Look out folks!


Well this years shows was a blast. Saturday all the industry people really thru down! I haven't seen so many of us drunk in a while. Glad to see that you all made out like bandits with the freebies. Its not a good show unless your filling up your car at the end! I'll be honest with you guys I was stuck in the tent and I would really like it if next time at least half of you would take a shower, as once the tent got hot and sweaty, it smelled like dirty ass crack! Sunday was one of the awesome days in SF, sunny and beautiful. I saw alot of new beneficials and bacterias companies this year. Most be the new thing. Got a couple of the 3 packs from H&G, really want to see how their Amino thingie works out. The best party on Saturday was the GH show but of course I went to the H&G show. Oh well at least I didn't have a 3 day drunk like in Co. Hope you all had a good one.


Active member
Wow i missed out! I was working in the city too that day, bummer! nice freebies you all got, but don't tell me yall will be wearing grodan or hydrofarm hats casually around haha unless you work in a hydro store i mean..


Active member
I'll be honest with you guys I was stuck in the tent and I would really like it if next time at least half of you would take a shower, as once the tent got hot and sweaty, it smelled like dirty ass crack!

I just pissed my pants that was so funny, and true. LOL.

Wearing a EZ-clone shirt right now. Waring it to work, I work construction so it is more acceptable. Would be weird if every other day I wore a suit.


Active member
really wish i had grabbed more freebie samples of the Great White....now i gotta go fork over the money for it!

turtle farmer

sunday was a great day!!! lots of goodies came back to the farm...
thanks for the heads up on the fed issue....about 1:30 a bald ranger made a sweep around the pier,,,made people with drinks go back inside...we just finished a nice session!!
I heard that they were really cracking down on anyone talking about marijuana this year. That true?

Not from what I saw, there was some guy in a suit who worked for fort mason walkin around the crowd while people were tokin and he didn't say anything, even though he clearly saw/smelled it. Plus there was a single police car(not city) but the officer was just watchin as well

Edit:Oops sorry I read that wrong,as for talking about marijuana I still think its somethin better not said,everyone knows what its for but noone says it.its been that way, its like smoke shops and bongs.......err I mean water pipes. I think that's why advanced nutrients isn't allowed at those shows, because they specify which plat there products are for