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8 weeks old, ready to harvest?


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor



New member
2 weeks have past... my lowryder is almost 11 weeks old now. it has been partly cloudy for the past week, so progress is slower than i thought.

trichromes just becoming milky, no sign of ambers at this point. actually trichromes from lower buds (3rd picture) seem to be more milky than the upper (1st & 2nd picture)...

10 more days, maybe?..



Señor Member
You probably have another 7 to 10 days to go. See how the plant's calyxes are starting to swell now? It gives the flowers more of that look that you see in the dried buds you've smoked before. That is my preferred way of knowing when flowers are ready to be picked. No microscopes or jewelers loupes required. Just take a step back, look at your flowers, and you'll see when they look like good bud you've smoked, or pictures you see here at icmag. The calyxes swell, and the pistils retreat inside of them. If you wait too long, the calyxes go from looking like they've swollen to looking like they are carrying seeds. In my experience, waiting too long is generally better than not waiting long enough.



New member
thank you, that's what i was thinking after i posted. i somehow started to see how a plant should look like. it's nice to gain knowledge through experience rather than just reading :)

i'll be out of town for 11 days, so i guess it'll be ok to wait a bit more... a friend will water my plant, but i don't want anybody to chop it off heedlessly.


ICMag Donor
thank you, that's what i was thinking after i posted. i somehow started to see how a plant should look like. it's nice to gain knowledge through experience rather than just reading :)

i'll be out of town for 11 days, so i guess it'll be ok to wait a bit more... a friend will water my plant, but i don't want anybody to chop it off heedlessly.

Right on...getting to "know" your autoflower by looks....that's what it's all about! KUDOS!

It'll definitely be ready to chop-chop once you return!

Hope it's an awesome experience tasting what you've grown.


ICMag Donor
A lot of times newbies are here for a few questions to have answered, then disappear. nevermind's been gone from here a month.

Plenty of info out here on autos. Read on......


2 weeks have past... my lowryder is almost 11 weeks old now. it has been partly cloudy for the past week, so progress is slower than i thought.

trichromes just becoming milky, no sign of ambers at this point. actually trichromes from lower buds (3rd picture) seem to be more milky than the upper (1st & 2nd picture)...

10 more days, maybe?..

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=63455&pictureid=1497680&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=63455&pictureid=1497682&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=63455&pictureid=1497681&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Nice looking meds my friend... keep up the good work happy smokin:tiphat:


Speed of Dark
I was a newbie with questions, but here I am years later and I still have questions.

I have my first auto seeds coming and constructed an auto/veg area to grow them in.
So far most of the threads I have searched for information are looking for information as well or other newbies like myself guessing what might happen.
I will keep most of my guesses to myself until the plants are actually growing, my ratio of good to bad guesses is mostly on the bad side.

I do like seeing a casual window plant growing genuine, albeit small, buds with minimal care. I am guessing more light will grow the buds larger.