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8 States May Legalize Marijuana This Year


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8 States May Legalize Marijuana This Year – Did Yours Make the List?

by Erik Altieri, NORML Communications Coordinator


2012 has only just begun and it is already shaping up to be one of the most exciting and active years for marijuana law reform in some time. More than a dozen state legislatures are currently considering reform measures in some respect and 8 states are attempting to put legalization initiatives before voters this November.

Many of these efforts are still in the signature gathering stage. Check out the list below to see if you might be able to vote ‘Yes’ on marijuana legalization in your state this year and how you can get involved to make that a reality. In addition to the legalization initiatives below several states, such as Ohio and Massachusetts, are working to also put medical marijuana initiatives before voters this year. To stay up to date on all the efforts to reform marijuana laws you can follow our “Legalize It 2012″ hub on Facebook and Twitter.



Regulate Marijuana Like Wine

Details: “The “Regulate Marijuana Like Wine” initiative intends to repeal prohibition of marijuana for adults, strictly regulate marijuana, just like the wine industry, allow for hemp agriculture and products while not changing laws regarding medical marijuana, impairment, work place drug laws, or laws regarding vehicle operation. This initiative would also provide specific personal possession exemptions, require dismissal of pending court cases for marijuana possession, and ban the advertising of non-medical marijuana.”

Learn More: www.regulatemarijuanalikewine.com


Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act 2012

Details: “Aims to repeal current state criminal laws prohibiting the personal possession, use, transportation, and cultivation of cannabis by adults 19 years of age and older. During the first 180-days following the passage of the Act, the Legislature is authorized to create the California Cannabis Commission. This Commission will develop appropriate regulations for the commercial production and sales of cannabis, including licensing and taxation. Individuals are allowed to possess up to three pounds and grow a 100 sq. ft. canopy without being subject to regulations. It maintains penalties for possession by persons under 19, distribution to persons under 19, and driving while impaired.”

More Info: www.repealcannabisprohibition.org



Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act

Details: “The Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act of 2012 makes the adult use of marijuana legal, establishes a system in which marijuana is regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol, and allows for the cultivation of industrial hemp.”

More Info: www.regulatemarijuana.org



The 2012 Michigan Ballot Initiative to End Marijuana Prohibition

Details: “Proposes a state constitutional amend that states: “For persons who are at least 21 years of age who are not incarcerated, marihuana acquisition, cultivation, manufacture, sale, delivery, transfer, transportation, possession, ingestion, presence in or on the body, religious, medical, industrial, agricultural, commercial or personal use, or possession or use of paraphernalia shall not be prohibited, abridged or penalized in any manner, nor subject to civil forfeiture; provided that no person shall be permitted to operate an aircraft, motor vehicle, motorboat, ORV, snowmobile, train, or other heavy or dangerous equipment or machinery while impaired by marihuana.”

More Info: www.help.repealtoday.org



Show-Me Cannabis Regulation

Details: “A constitutional measure which would regulate cannabis like alcohol, provide access to medicine for cannabis patients, and open a market for farming industrial hemp in Missouri.”

More Info: www.show-mecannabis.com



Montana First: Ending Criminal Penalties for Marijuana

Details: “The new petition is for a proposed amendment to the state constitution. It would add just two sentences to a portion of the constitution concerning adult rights, which already contains a reference to the legal age for the consumption of alcohol. [Stating] Adults have the right to responsibly purchase, consume, produce, and possess marijuana, subject to reasonable limitations, regulations, and taxation. Except for actions that endanger minors, children, or public safety, no criminal offense or penalty of this state shall apply to such activities.”

More Info: www.montanafirst2012.org



Details: “Add Proposition 19 to the Nebraska Constitution whose object is to regulate and tax all commercial uses of cannabis, also known as marijuana, and to remove all laws regulating the private, noncommercial use of cannabis.”

More Info: www.neprop19.org



Oregon Cannabis Tax Act of 2012

Details: “The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 is a citizen’s initiative campaign to regulate marijuana and restore hemp. Just as ending alcohol prohibition and regulating that market has protected society, regulating marijuana will help wipe out crime. Restoring hemp, made from the seeds and stems of the marijuana plant for fuel, fiber and food, will put Oregon on the cutting edge of exciting new sustainable green industries and create untold multitudes of new jobs.”

More Info: www.cannabistaxact.org


Citizens for Sensible Law Enforcement: Initiative IP-24

Details: “Currently known as IP-24, the measure would allow adults over 21 to use marijuana for personal use without fear of criminal sanctions. The bill has substantial safeguards to protect children and public safety. With hundreds of signature gatherers on the streets every day, CSLE is confident the measure will appear on the November 2012 ballot.”

More Info: www.ompicampaign2012.org



Initiative 502

Details: “Washington State Initiative Measure No. 502 (I-502) would license and regulate marijuana production, distribution, and possession for persons over twenty-one; remove state-law criminal and civil penalties for activities that it authorizes; tax marijuana sales; and earmark marijuana-related revenues.”

More Info: www.newapproachwa.org


population density would greatly increase in the first state to legalize marijuana 10 fold


Throbbing Member

Now everyone in one of those states needs to make it their goal to bring 5 of your friends to the voting booths and gets these laws passed!!!!!

TB Gardens

Active member
You forgot to put Mass on that list. Don't leave out the common wealth, we need just as much support as the other initiatives!

"House lawmakers have reintroduced legislation that seeks to legalize and regulate the “production, distribution, and sale” of marijuana to adults. As introduced,*House Bill 1371 seeks to regulate the commercial production and distribution of marijuana for adults over 21 years of age. This measure would impose licensing requirements and excise taxes on the commercial, for-profit retail sale of cannabis. The measure has been referred to the*Joint Committee on the Judiciary.

Adults who possess or grow marijuana for personal use, or who engage in the non-profit transfer of cannabis, would not be subject to taxation under the law.

House Bill 1371 proposes to make Massachusetts the first state in the nation to enact a rational public policy for the control and regulation of marijuana. Please show your support for this measure by contacting your state elected officials and urging them to support these common sense proposals. For your convenience, a pre-written letter will be e-mailed to your state senator when you enter your contact information below."
A lot of them are talking about "regulating" the commercial production of cannabis.
This means they will bring in new laws regarding commercial production.
What this means is there will probably be a limited number of licences issued for commercial growing and anyone else who grows and sells will be prosecuted.
Thus the only ones who will make any money will be the big companies, the cottage growers might still be prosecuted if they try to sell.
Just a thought; don't know exactly yet; have to see the details.


Active member
A lot of them are talking about "regulating" the commercial production of cannabis.
This means they will bring in new laws regarding commercial production.
What this means is there will probably be a limited number of licences issued for commercial growing and anyone else who grows and sells will be prosecuted.
Thus the only ones who will make any money will be the big companies, the cottage growers might still be prosecuted if they try to sell.
Just a thought; don't know exactly yet; have to see the details.

I don't think this is true at all. If cannabis is treated like alcohol then why would it eliminate the small guys? Their are lots of micro brews and small vineyards across cali right now that make a living fighting against the big guys like Fetzer. I will vote for this for sure, just like I voted for 215. For the record, this bill looks better than 215.

Edit: Another competitive market for cannabis would be strains. If you could develop a line of strains that people liked it would sell.
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Active member
You forgot to put Mass on that list. Don't leave out the common wealth, we need just as much support as the other initiatives!

"House lawmakers have reintroduced legislation that seeks to legalize and regulate the “production, distribution, and sale” of marijuana to adults. As introduced,*House Bill 1371 seeks to regulate the commercial production and distribution of marijuana for adults over 21 years of age. This measure would impose licensing requirements and excise taxes on the commercial, for-profit retail sale of cannabis. The measure has been referred to the*Joint Committee on the Judiciary.

Adults who possess or grow marijuana for personal use, or who engage in the non-profit transfer of cannabis, would not be subject to taxation under the law.

House Bill 1371 proposes to make Massachusetts the first state in the nation to enact a rational public policy for the control and regulation of marijuana. Please show your support for this measure by contacting your state elected officials and urging them to support these common sense proposals. For your convenience, a pre-written letter will be e-mailed to your state senator when you enter your contact information below."

From the OP :tiphat:

More than a dozen state legislatures are currently considering reform measures in some respect and 8 states are attempting to put legalization initiatives before voters this November.


A lot of them are talking about "regulating" the commercial production of cannabis.
This means they will bring in new laws regarding commercial production.
What this means is there will probably be a limited number of licences issued for commercial growing and anyone else who grows and sells will be prosecuted.
Thus the only ones who will make any money will be the big companies, the cottage growers might still be prosecuted if they try to sell.
Just a thought; don't know exactly yet; have to see the details.

Well, there would have to be some sort of regulation put in place for what would be sold at a retail level (but shit, I hate the way that sounds...). Just like alcohol, what is sold at the liquor store has to be inspected and approved in order to hit the market shelves. Same with tobacco. But they would have to allow an adult of a consenting age the right and ability to produce themselves if that adult wanted to. Again, it would be subject to regulations (kind of like the homebrewer can only produce 50 gallons of beer in their home per year before an application to brew is required), but really, how closely are those regulations followed?


Look at liquor, no one can even enter the hard liquor business without a huge upfront cost because you technically can't even make a test batch without first obtaining a license.

Only difference will be instead of taxpayers flipping the bill for enforcement, it will be the large producers keeping the competition away. How many people do you know that grow their own tobacco? Or make their own liquor? There is a system in place already to keep the control of it all in the hands of a few...

Basically, it will be ATF not the DEA busting down doors.


mo. has been on the ballot for the last five years and nothing. now the new ballot for mo is outrageous. i will fall over in amazement if mo passes a mmj law.