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78w LED scrog Cabinet 1.17 sqft


I've been slowly lowering the fertilizer (from 4 pellets in week 1 to 1 pellet in week 4 of flowering) and increasing the amount Indonesian guano tea.

I stripped a lot of lower leaves in week 2. The temp was usually around 26C/78F. I only use 3 light bulbs (39watt) instead of 6 as using all 6 generates just too much heat. I will try to solve this problem after this grow. I might place the bulbs above some plexi glass or shield the heat using a baking tray with holes for the bulbs cut out.

This is her in week 3

And week 4
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Nearing harvest

Nearing harvest

Week 6 - I started flushing with plain pH'ed tap water

Week 7 - removed the top layer of perlite and leftovers of guano/fertilizer to really make sure the flushing is clean

I noticed that the humidity really tends to shoot up to the mid 60's after watering, especially once the lights go off. But adding these small food desiccant sachets does lower it a lot, and I can eventually get it under 50%


I dig your Lil grow. You and Blynx have inspired me to build out a mini grow. I got a 300w led Above PAR brand, and my girls are going nuts under it. As soon as I can figure out how to post pics, I'll make a led mini grow thread.

P.s. I hope my plants turn out as well as yours.

Thanks mate I'm subbed to your thread


Fantastic for the power used. Well done!

Thanks BRR I'm also quite happy so far. No major problems, no pests or deficiencies it seems. I suspect this is because I added a lot more perlite this time and I made sure to only water when the soil is completely dry, every three days usually.

I can't wait to see how much the yield is.

El Tigre

Active member
Hi Parallax, nice grow! 2nd round looks better than first. Personally i found some improvements when i lowered the total amount of watts in my tent, think about it.
Well the trichomes are now mostly white, some clear, some brown... I'm gonna wait another week , maybe two till they are mostly brown.

Why do you want to wait so much to harvest?


Hi El Tigre thanks. This is only my second serious grow so far so I can't really speak from experience but in the last grow there were many clear ones trichomes (and still are on the buds in the freezer) and missus and I did get unpleasant paranoia effects sometimes... maybe it was the strain, maybe it was something else but just in case I'll just wait until there are no more clear ones, and I suppose most white/milky ones will have turned brown by then.


amber = degrading thc, its like metal rusting ;)

Thanks Pufferfish good to know! Change of plans... today I gave her the last flush and I will probably harvest in three days, that'll be day 62 since I flipped to 12/12. She looks and smells really nice :bigeye: I read that this strain can reek quite a bit but the triple carbon filter chimney did a pretty good job :biggrin: I'll try to take photos of it after the drying.
I like to harvest when 50/50 clear/milky. Sometimes the slightly Amber tone can increase the stank, but not the high. I agree that mostly Amber is degrading.

Like most fruit, browning is bad. Bananas.

Happy Easter! Nice shoots! Coming along nicely.


Cured and ready to smoke

Cured and ready to smoke

Ended up with 22 grams dry. To be honest I expected a lot more this time but I think considering the 39w I used for most of the flowering it's not too bad. She smells really nice though :biggrin:and it's more than enough than we need so can't complain really. Can't say too much about the taste/effect as I had to go overseas and won't be back for another 2 months.

The thing I want to improve is the bud size though. Too many popcorn buds this time. After 2 weeks in a glass jar they were a stable 55%. I wanted it a bit higher but I accidentally dried the whole branches too long, about 7 days :bashhead: next time I'll do 3-4 days.

I'm pretty sure that if I get a better growth in veg-phase and fill up the canopy more, and also use better bloom nutes I can crank up the yield.

What do you guys think? :smokey:
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Well-known member
That is actually a nice yield for that space. Your plant looked happy and your canopy was well managed. I agree that more/better veg time will increase size and yield, but it is a fine line to walk in a micro space. Hell I have a hard time keeping my plants small enough in a 5x8 room.


Maybe try to get a canopy that uses all the sq ft you have and keep it as flat and even as you can. That should get you a higher yield.

And getting your temperatures in range should help a lot. You might already be doing this, but having lights on during the night helps a lot in keeping the temperature in check during the warmer months.

El Tigre

Active member
Also for me it's a decent yield. Sure you can improve it filling your space to the max, but man you are growing in a very tiny space with a minimal amount of watts ;-) ENJOY YOUR BUDS and be prepared for the next run, Cheers!
Im running a 300w led panel and three 100w led screwins. I hope i can get similar results with my increased wattage. Your plants look happy.