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743 pounds of marijuana found in septic tank truck, Arizona police say

CNN) -- In a messy drug bust this week, investigators uncovered more than 700 pounds of marijuana stuffed in a septic tank truck full of human waste, Arizona police said Friday. And the search of the truck was as awful as it sounds.
"Yeah, that really does suck," Arizona Department of Public Safety spokesman Bart Graves told CNN. "It's a long way to go to make a bust."
Hidden in the holding tank of the truck were 743 pounds of pot, worth about $409,000 on the street, police said in a news release.
An officer pulled over the septic tank truck Wednesday after a check of the license showed it was invalid, police said. The truck was headed northbound on I-19 and stopped about 35 miles south of Tucson, Arizona. Police patrolling the area tend to be more vigilant, Graves said, because the interstate -- which leads directly to Mexico -- is a major thoroughfare for drug and human trafficking.
After the stop, the officer discovered that the commercial vehicle markings on the truck were also invalid. A subsequent search revealed the bales of marijuana in red and orange packages amid the waste.
"It just shows how desperate these drug cartels are," Graves said. "They'll go to any lengths to conceal their product. We've seen it concealed [among] watermelons, bell peppers. This is the first time we've seen it concealed in human waste."
Police arrested the driver, Leonard Salcido, 24, of Tucson, and charged him with possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale and transportation of marijuana, police said.
The bust was not the largest for Arizona police. In 2008, police found more than 2,000 pounds of marijuana in a fake UPS truck, Graves said.
Wednesday's smelly pot was just one major bust this week. On Thursday, police confiscated $681,000 worth of methamphetamine concealed in the false floor of a vehicle.
The driver was stopped for speeding on I-17 near Camp Verde, Arizona, police said. The officer asked to search the vehicle and found 15 pounds of meth, police said.




The officer asked to search the vehicle and found 15 pounds of meth, police said.

never consent! lol

2000 pounds in a fake ups truck! 2000 pounds! holy moly, must have been packed!


Active member
Another dumbass gets busted. One common thing that many of those who get busted is that a lot of them have pea sized brains.

He was begging to be busted, first by speeding, second by having fake markings on the truck and third by not having a valid license.

Anybody smuggling pot and hiding it in a fucking septic tank filled with human waste deserves what they get. They should have thrown the moron in the back of the truck after they busted him and let him swim in shit for a little while.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i think its pretty ingenious actually... its win-win

if it doesn't get discovered, you win
if it does get discovered, cops have to sift through shit, you win



One Love 731

Senior Member
I love the comments from those of you with no experience, I hope you are never in this situation. If so it will be you that your peers are saying is stupid. Don't believe everything you hear, LEO are not honest people. Ever heard of the code of blue? Any person starting a career in law enforcement with good intentions either adapts to LEO's dirty ways or they never move up. People lets stop clowning on these people that take a hit, it could happen to any of us and if you don't believe that, this little thing of ours, is not for you. Karma, One Love


Active member
I love the comments from those of you with no experience, I hope you are never in this situation.

No experience in what, smuggling weed in human waste? In that case, yes, I admit that I have no experience with that kind of stuff.

I have experience in growing for myself. Stories like this are just one more reason for people to not depend on shady people and shady sources for their weed.

And I could care less about some guy smuggling crap mexican weed and hiding it in a septic tank. I bet that if one of the bags broke and got contaminated, the fuckers would still sell that shit to a bunch of kids or whoever.

I admire people who grow good weed and people who do it because of the love of the bud. I do not admire people who don't give a crap about weed and are just in it for a quick buck. If those people were to disappear, it would be better for everybody who is a true weed lover, in my opinion.


It was called Chijuajua caca I believe.A very sticky strain to be sure covered in huge rather misshapen amber trichomes


I'd let them search my car too if i had my stash in a false door, sparing that i knew it was very hard to find. If they got a dog, that much meth is going to hit on him, specially if it's in the door.

Whenever news articles point out that the driver was pulled over for speeding, and they happened to find thousands of dollars in drugs, that usually means that the police knew it was in there already and had info on the guy, the speeding traffic stop was just the safest way to make the bust.
It's time for:



Alright, let's begin shall we? You have 743 pounds of pot that we're discovered in the bust.

Then you have an estimated street value of $409,000. If we take the two numbers given and divide them by each other



$550.00 a pound!

Considering that every pound has 16 ounces in it, that means that each ounce (on the street) would go for $34.00 and some change. So if you were getting a $34 ounce, your weed probably looks like this ~


Or something close to it! :witch:
Hidden in the holding tank of the truck were 743 pounds of pot, worth about $409,000 on the street, police said in a news release.

By far the most shocking part of this report. Actual legitimate per/lb pricing? Generally this would have been called a 5 million dollar bust.

One Love 731

Senior Member
It's time for:



Alright, let's begin shall we? You have 743 pounds of pot that we're discovered in the bust.

Then you have an estimated street value of $409,000. If we take the two numbers given and divide them by each other



$550.00 a pound!

Considering that every pound has 16 ounces in it, that means that each ounce (on the street) would go for $34.00 and some change. So if you were getting a $34 ounce, your weed probably looks like this ~


Or something close to it! :witch:

Not the case my friend, there's a few bucks to be made. I've seen $550-600 lb's go for $800 a qp , usually 8-850$ per lb (greed is not a majior factor in my circle) for green goodness (better than whats coming out of some of the rooms here). Yes its out door, but prices change allot when your moving 200-300, Its all who ya know I guess? The only better gig is 4k a lb for time and patience. Karma, One Love
This is why you grow your own.

I hope they incinerate the weed, as opposed to stealing it from the evidence room and putting it back on the street.