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72W PLL in action


New member
I built a grow system with veg and flower room on top of each other, like a grow-tower. Each have 2x36W PLL lighting and an area of 1.3 sqf.

I use 6500K for veg and 2700K for flower. The lumen output of the 36W PLL is 2900 so that's a total of 5800 for each room. A little low perhaps but seems to work well enough.

The two rooms are vented with a small RVK fan (the 100mm diameter) through a carbon scrubber and both rooms also have a 80mm PC fan circulating the air.

I'm using Cellmax 100% organic nutrients and some guano extract every now and then.

Here are some pictures of what's currently happening...

In the flowering room are two AngelDust(Growdoc) and one PPP(Nirvana) females, plus one AngelDust male. Yes, I will be making seeds this time :)

It's about a month into flowering right now.

Here's a lucky guy. Warm and sunny and nothing but girls around.

This one got too close to the lamps and got a little burn.

The stems are turning reddish, I wonder if it's because of the low temps. It's only around 20-22C in the day and 17-18C in the night.

Another nice looking lady.

And a shot from the veg room. Took cuttings from the best looking females and I will do these SOG style next. But after that I will go SCROG to get the most out of this system.

I'm very pleased with how this is turning out. I'll be back with more pics when the clones have grown a bit bigger and perhaps some seeds are starting to form.

Stihl Stoned

New member
Nice one, That was how I started out, 2x 4ft 38 watt cool spectrum aquarium bulbs then swapping 1 of them to a pink/purple 30w come flowering, I did a total of 3 grows on that setup before I upgraded, Best advice I could offer you is keep em short, Keep the flourotube within 1 inch of the tops and check em daily, And check em 4-5 hours after feeding. It's amazing how much they can stretch out into the tubes right after a feed.
Best of luck to you mate. :)


nice grow, i wud consider using 3 of the lights in the flower room and 1 in the veg room, if u hav enough space.


New member
Time for an update. The male PPP has done his work and left all the girls pregnant :) Seeds are forming everywhere and hopefully it won't take too long for them to get ready for harvest. How long does it usually take for seeds to mature?

I did consider using 3x36W for the flowering room as there is enough space, but I wanted to see what a low-wattage system like this one really is capable of.

As I said, next run will be a SOG with the clones I took, but after that I will go SCROG.

The clones are growing really fast, too fast almost. I'll probably give them all a topping and make two clones for the SCROG run.

Here's some pictures of the girls. Notice the trichomes!

And a crappy pic of the clones.

That's all for now. See you later...


Time for an update. The male PPP has done his work and left all the girls pregnant :) Seeds are forming everywhere and hopefully it won't take too long for them to get ready for harvest. How long does it usually take for seeds to mature?

I did consider using 3x36W for the flowering room as there is enough space, but I wanted to see what a low-wattage system like this one really is capable of.

As I said, next run will be a SOG with the clones I took, but after that I will go SCROG.

The clones are growing really fast, too fast almost. I'll probably give them all a topping and make two clones for the SCROG run.

Here's some pictures of the girls. Notice the trichomes!

And a crappy pic of the clones.

That's all for now. See you later...

awesome mate, looking forward to the next update! :clock watch:


New member
It's been quite a while since I updated this thread, so time for some new pics. The system has worked very well and right now I have some AngelDust and AngelDust x PPP going.
Flowering takes a bit longer than ususal due to the low wattage, but I'm in no hurry :)

(some are a little out of focus, sorry about that)







Nice Update, i hope you'll reactivate this report ;) We need more PL-L in here :)



Well-known member
wow u have been gone a bit long dont ya think. glad things in ur hood r doing good still.

anyway ur girls r looking super dooper great.
imagine what you can do once you have 3 bulbs running instead of 2! but like you said, you aren't in a hurry so no big deal. They look great though!


New member
So they are only getting 72w in flower? They look Great for low amount of watts. I have one plant under 150w pll and it looks nothing like that. First time will Pll though. Used to use 400w hps. I think I too am going to scrog with the next one.


New member
Yes, only 72W! Last harvest yielded about 0.5g/W so I'm satisfied.
Right now I'm waiting for some seeds to mature, this time I crossed Soma RockBud with GrowDoc AngelDust. I ordered a 5 seed pack of the RockBud and only 1 seed sprouted and turned out to be male, so had to make something of the misery ;)

There are also some baby AK-48 in the veg room right now. Don't have a camera at the moment so pics will have to wait.


Active member
Your plants look great. Kudos on a successful grow. I would recommend upping your wattage to 4x55w PL-L with a Workhorse 8 for the next grow.


New member
I'm really bad at updating this post, sorry guys.
My 72W PPL system is still going strong, maybe time to replace the lamps soon though because the output can't be 100% anymore.
But nevertheless my AK-48 are doing fine and after 2 months in flowering they are getting the axe any day now.
Two of the plants have formed very dense 3-headed main buds :)
I don't know if I like the smell really, but effect and taste is more important. I'll get to that in a few weeks...


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