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70yr Old Woman Convicted by Jury


The federal law needs to change! The government is wondering how in the hell to balance the budget, how many millions or billions they spend on drugs & going after mostly law abiding citizens trying to relieve their pain & they are going after social security & medicare WTF!!:wave::plant grow:
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she musta had a shit lawyer....

could have explained the jury nullification to the jury, obviously didn't.

She was ready to put the lawyer in jail also.

They discussed pressing charges against the protesters outside of the building. What was being considered were charges of jury tampering.


That prosecutor and judge drink elephant semen together after work. You can call them and tell them maybe4sure on ICmag said so.


I love my life
She was ready to put the lawyer in jail also.

They discussed pressing charges against the protesters outside of the building. What was being considered were charges of jury tampering.

Free speech is jury tampering mien fuhrer! Put those people on the train as well!



Active member
I just dont get it. when are people going to wake up and see this is just wrong. The law says,the law says,my ass. Same politicians breaking the law,making the law. Cant follow the rules you shouldnt be able to make em. Every day i read about a cop breaking the law. Bullying,stealing,drunk driving, you name it. The american people need to wake up and nullify.


What a foul, diseased circus our "justice" system is to destroy a gramma's life over a kind, innocuous plant. Fuckheads extraordinaire. Beth the Prosecutor should be ashamed of herself, but seeing as she obviously has no soul, I'm sure she feels "justified" by the blood on her hands. What a stupid, cruel bitch.


i just cant imagine Michigan people/jury doing this... they must be real assholes or something..

There was a privet meeting between the judges and PAs of that county and Court of Appeals judge OConnel (sp?)

This was the COA judge that wrote a 30 some page rant about the MMMA. He promotes dragging every doctor into any mmj case. He wants every single mg of cannabis proven to have been used according to the doctors instructions. In other words make it nearly impossible to use the MMMA in court.

This man held a special meeting with Oakland county judges to tell them how to handle mmj cases.


Active member
Beth the Prosecutor should be ashamed of herself, but seeing as see obviously has no soul, I'm sure she feels "justified". What a stupid, cruel bitch.

This describes about 80% of the lawmakers in power today. This war on drugs was never about keeping people safer. It was about keeping them employed. If cannabis was legal, there is a prosecuting attorney that would have to find more challenging cases to prosecute (see - do their fucking job) and more and more defense lawyers not being able to afford that family trip to Amsterdam as well as a new hummer in the driveway. I live across the street from one.


You know, I wasn't going to read this thread, because I suspected it could get my blood boiling.

It does.


Lawyers are restricted from explaining jury nullifacation to the jury. Judges won't. It is our job to spread the word as much as possible. We must get off our couches and be on juries,not work at gettin disqualified.
They come here it will not be growin that puts me away. It will be because I am an American asshole. Felony Style Baby

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
They house was left unlocked .. I should say her husband left the house unlocked.

She was at work when he left the door unlocked. He was in a rush. He just got word that his sons business was being raided.

Since he left the house unlocked, it meant that she had committed a felony.

This was the elderly couples first grow. Still pretty much seedlings. They were both patients. There were a total of nineteen plants. Two of which were dead.

There was no overage problem at all.

She should appeal on grounds that her husband is old and has memory loss. sending her to jail on those grounds is discrimination of the elderly.

Lawyers are restricted from explaining jury nullifacation to the jury.

Yes but I believe a person on trial is allowed to address the jury and at that time tell them their selves. Just don't bring it up before that, and don't use the words Jury Nullification, it will tip off the judge to quickly to what you are doing. Just say you as the jury have the right to judge the law based on your morals, and if you think the law is unjust and causes more harm to society than the person that broke it you are aloud to acquit. In the USA a person can only be guilty of a crime that is truly wrong. If there is no victim then there is no crime.


Im so ashamed of my home, My local government, I mean this shit really takes the fuckin cake.

I know Barb messed up by being around the dispensary in Ferndale and then even worse telling the sheriff she had a grow when it got raided :shakinghead: You should NEVER talk, EVER.

The fact that the PA would be so malicious to find a loophole and completely strip this elderly woman of her rights and protections afforded to her by the MMMA is WAY beyond me. This is a senseless conviction and a complete waste of our tax dollars.

I want to know WHERES THE OUTRAGE!!?? from this community I have always called home, Born and raised, Right here,In the heart of Oakland. It seems like everyones so fucking selfish that "We the People" cant even unite for a just cause to put our local Government in their place for once.....Just to let the fuckers know were still here and WE run the show NOT THEM.

Excuse me while I go puke my fucking guts out. And speaking of guts, The people of Oakland have none, or balls, or HEART.

Blood pressure goes up up up! :tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^everybody is so scared about stepping out of line and getting spanked by the piggies. They are more worried about the meager amount of possessions they had than there freedom.