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70W vert + LED + organic + microcontroller madness.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
looking good... nice setup in the cabinet.

what spectrum are your red and blue LEDs?

Love the DIY LEDs !!! :good:


Thanks, although this is just the veg cab :)
They're Cree XP-E, 450nm royal blue and 630nm red. Brightest bin for each.


wow those dutchgrown are getting big.

cant pm you yet, i dont think i have enough post :cry:
what do you think of osram oslon SSL leds?

Evil, the Osram Golden Dragon 660nm LEDs are great for growing, in fact they were designed for horticulture. You'll need to combine them with royal blue and soft white, however, to get a balanced spectrum. I just finished building a 46w LED lamp that I'm putting in a large PC case using Golden Dragon LEDs. Should be fun!

The Crees are probably a little better but honestly if you get good high powered LEDs (like Cree or Osram) in the right spectrum ranges and drive/heatsink them properly you'll get good results.

Awesome setup Bonsai. Good luck with the grow and I'll be tuning in!


Weekly update...
Still waiting for my replacement arduino, which in a way is good as it's forcing me to grow these seedlings out as mothers and flower from clones, so I'll pick out the likely females from pre-flowers and hopefully get some decent smoke from the test run.

I've topped all but one of the Dutchgrown, it will get topped like the others once the fifth true node is well clear of the 4th.


As you can see growth has evened out across the lot of them.

This pic shows the start of the unfortunate side of my update:


Bit of drooping, bit of leaf damage...
2 adult whiteflies were spotted this morning, which explains it. Bummer.

Here's the full damage, along with the oddly purple stem that most of the Charlies are displaying


Just blasted them with a neem oil spray, mixed in a couple drops of organic lavender soap and eucalyptus oil. Got a cup of chopped lavender flowers and rosemary soaking in 1 litre of water to use as a follow-up foliar. Not too concerned about overcoming the bugs, but disappointed in myself for not paying closer attention and noticing their damage sooner.

Does anyone think the dying-off on the lower leaves of the DGS could be something other than whiteflies? Probably going to do a neem soil soak just in case.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Nice thread bonsai!

You really know your tech stuff. DIY or die! :smoke:

Nice start to your plants shame bout the whitefly. You have finished em off?

Not sure about the leaf prob. You got pellets under the mulch? Maybe the soil is a touch too 'hot' for that particular strain?


Cheers mate! :)

Whitefly and leaf wilt came from the same place I reckon... When I up-potted these I wanted to save half of the best soil mix for the first round of cuttings that I will flower (I'd initially intended to flower from seed, but delays happened).

The soil I mixed it with contained mushroom compost, and the mushroom compost contained whitefly. Also hadn't been left to sit for long enough, plus is waaaay too hot.
I won't be using mushy compost in potting mixes again, I'll just chalk that one up as a learning experience.

Mother plants are coming along nicely. Preflowers look like majority female. Best of all my new arduino arrived and I've resumed final testing and refactoring of the software.

mad librettist

Active member
heya, nice gear!

I am toying around with LED morning and evening with an HPS day. So far surprised to see LED type growth at HPS rates.


sso, mad lib: thanks! :)

unthing: I've been busy with my real garden (heading into spring here).

Plants have been vegging nicely under LED only. Dumped a couple of males, got 6 cuttings happening as well.

Made an external carbon filter tonight that I'll be blowing through for improved sound and smell stealth. 40cm tall, 1.1sq ft internal surface area and just over 2kg of carbon. The carbon bed in the cab will be used for humidity absorption material as a pre-filter.

Going to be out of town a lot in October, so the plan is finish off the wiring and then drop at least 6 (preferably 10) plants into flower near the end of October for a early new-year harvest.


:thank you:

Check out this page regarding wavelength selection: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/biology/ligabs.html

Or for the Executive Summary version...


Deep red and deep blue are the peak requirements, as you can see. I'm using these LEDs for veg and as accompaniment my HPS in flower. If you want to see what can be done with the Cree XPE diodes alone on a larger scale, check out "Walking in the Garden" in the Grow Diaries forum.

If I was only using the LED as accompaniment to the HPS and never on their own, I probably would have used a combination of cool white and royal blue alone, but that's not the case. I'm very much a beginner in LED technology, but I'll do my best to answer any questions or at least point you in a better direction if I can't answer. :wave:

You do know your LEDs. You still might benefit from some good white bins. Cool and/or Neutral XPG or XML. They are the most efficient and have the most output, so the extra irradiance and penetration would benefit some.

I'm currently running Crees along with a 250W HPS and like playing around with different spectra. Next to the HPS are cool white and deep blue. On the edges of the cab are full spectrum arrays. The buds on the outsides under the LEDs are the nicest looking and more dense. The LED helps fill in where the HPS is shadowed for sure.

Lookin good on the setup. 50W should give you something. Here is one of my arrays. Pretty much the same setup with a few whites added.


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    New Light.jpg
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You're totally right T_B_M, I should have used some white. My plants are suffering as a result. The bagseed strain has all gone a deeeeep purple, except for the runt I moved outside a few weeks back, which has now returned to green. I honestly think the limited spectra has played a significant role in this problem. I'm going to replace one blue per bar with a white.

Sorry to all for creating this thread and then having it take MONTHS for anything to happen. I had time to finish the build in August, but then spent the entire month waiting for a replacement microcontroller. Now I finally have the µC, but am struggling to find time to complete the build. Arggggh!

External filter:

Oversized much? :D

Looking for some confirmation on the sex of these preflowers...



And for a laugh, here's the runt bagseed that I stuck outside with the intention of letting the slugs eat it:

As you can see it's revealed itself to be a miniature sativa! This thing is tiny, with no efforts to reduce its size on my part. I think I'll have to flower it now just to see how it goes.




Got the last 3 hours of programming done over the last couple of days and I'm very pleased to announce the control and monitoring system is feature-complete and has no known bugs. Finally!

Grow box is insulated, sealed and 90% wired up. I'll plug the control board into all the lights, fans, power supply control, and heater then drop in the over-vegged plants next Wednesday when i ghet back from an out of town trip. Back on track!


All I can say iz Wowzer !!! This grow, is really getting accuratcy with all the controls.. Im grabbing the chair and chillen with you for a bit. Im lovin the tech that you have going.


Thanks trichogg :)

Update Tiiiiiime!


Had some annoying hardware conflict issues, but everything's sorted now. One of the LEDs isn't lighting, I think it's just a loose wire to the driver. Couple light leaks to plug, then i can flip the 7 plants into flower. I've also got ~22 clones cut for later.